RecordsFebruary 27, 2025

Reports For Feb. 11-15

An officer was dispatched Feb. 11 to Summit Street in reference to a stolen vehicle.

The reporting party stated he sold his green 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix for $500 on Facebook Marketplace. He said the paperwork was completed and the buyer, Justin Mason, 26, of Dexter, paid on Cash App. However, he left with the vehicle before the seller realized that the transaction did not go through.

The man told the officer he then contacted Mason over Facebook about the error, and Mason said he would go to the A.T.M. and return with cash.

The man alleges Mason never returned with the money, although during questioning Mason claimed to have made contact with the buyer and paid for the vehicle.

The report stated details in Mason’s story were inconsistent and the evidence as presented seemed to dispute his version of the events.

Mason was arrested on suspicion of a Class D felony of tampering with a motor vehicle and a Class D felony of stealing $750 or more. A tow truck was called to recover the vehicle, which Mason said had broken down and was parked in the lot of a local business.


An officer took a complaint Feb. 12 in reference to elder abuse.

An 81-year-old woman reported that over the last couple months she was allowing a man to stay in her home rent free, and in return he agreed to repair a moldy wall in her laundry room.

After the man made the repair, he asked to be paid $10 and when the woman received her credit card statement, she noticed he ran up the bill to $6,000, and had purchased items other than what he needed for the remodeling job.

The woman said she cancelled her credit card and informed the man, who began yelling at her and threatening her. The woman said she felt she might be in danger.

She told him to leave, which he finally did, but only after staying a couple more days, she said.

The officer took the report and advised the woman on how to get an order of protection.


An officer was dispatched Feb. 13 to the area of 809 Pine Street in reference to a suspicious vehicle.

Upon arrival the officer made contact with the driver and two passengers in the car and asked if everything was all right.

The driver advised the three of them were waiting on a fourth person so that they could go to work, explaining they take turns driving and all ride together to save money.


An officer was dispatched Feb. 13 to a residence on Highway Street in reference to harassment.

Upon arrival the caller alleged that people were “watching” him and “harassing” him.

When asked who was doing this, the caller said “the FBI.”

The report stated the officer asked what he could do to help, and the subject stated that he just wanted a report on file so he had proof that the FBI was watching and listening to him.

The officer advised the man that there would be a report made in case he needed it later.


Two officers were dispatched Feb. 13 to 24/7 gas station in reference to a male that was extremely intoxicated.

One the officers called a request to dispatch for EMS as he spoke to a man sitting on the bench inside. The man’s speech was reportedly extremely slurred and incoherent.

He was asked for an ID and pointed at his shirt pocket, stated the report. When asked if his ID was in his shirt, he said, “No,” then pointed to his pants pocket.

He was asked by one of the officers to retrieve it, but after several minutes he was unable to do so, and just laid his head back on the bench.

EMS arrived and determined after a patient safety assessment, to transport the man to the hospital.

He was taken by EMS to a facility for treatment and the store was advised to put his abandoned bag of possessions into safekeeping until such time as he could return and collect it.


An officer was dispatched Feb. 14 to Highway St. to speak with a man who said people were threatening him through his TV speaker and through his phone speakers.

Upon arrival the man presented the officer with two pieces of notebook paper with handwritten notes. He alleged that the voices of his brother and mother have come through his speakers, threatening him, and he wants them to stop.

The officer asked if the man wanted to fill out a statement form and he responded, “No, this should be good enough to get them to stop.”

He then stated, “If they don’t stop, I’m going to take matters into my own hands.”

He also stated that he can hear the voices through his neighbors’ cameras, when he goes out to the store and everywhere.

A few days prior to this an officer was called to the same residence over the same thing and handwritten notes were given to him at that time as well. A 96-hour commitment order was filed and further action is pending review by the judge.


In an ongoing investigation dating back to Aug. 21 an officer reported he was advised of a bad check being cashed at Southern Bank by an individual. At that time she said that her employer, identified as Golden Angels Home Healthcare, LLC., issued the check.

However, a staff member with Golden Angels Healthcare stated that she reissued the check for $190.20, which had been reported missing from Aug. 13, attaching an additional handling charge of $10.00. She said the person who cashed the check was aware the second check was invalid but cashed it anyway, along with the check she claimed to have lost.

Attempts by authorities to make contact by phone and in person with the woman passing the bad check have thus far been unsuccessful, stated the report.

The investigation is continuing.


An officer was dispatched Feb. 15 to the area of 302 Vine Street in reference to two dogs running loose.

The reporting party stated that a brown and white dog and a black dog, both without collars, chased her into her house then tried to attack her dog, chained up in the back yard.

She stated that the stray dogs overturned her pet’s doghouse while trying to attack her, before finally leaving her yard. One of the dogs went toward the Catholic Church and the other bounded off toward East Locust Street.

The officer tried to locate either of the dogs but was not successful.

Nothing further at this time.
