On Jan. 31 an officer was dispatched to Lafayette Street to take a report from a 16-year-old female juvenile who alleges she is being threatened through snap chat by a 20-year-old woman.
The young girl told officers this situation has existed for several years now. She was provided with a statement form to fill out, and she and her guardians were advised as to how to apply for an ex parte.
Attempts to make contact with the accused have been unsuccessful, stated the report.
An officer was dispatched to the Southern Bank parking lot Feb. 5 to speak with a woman in regarding incidents of shoplifting at Ruby’s, a local store.
The woman stated that while she was at the laundry mat she recognized two male subjects, one of which had been captured on video footage during the theft.
She told the officer she confronted the subjects and asked for their names. At this point the subject who had stolen from her store ran toward the storage units behind the bank.
The other male left and started walking down the street, she said.
The woman said she then got into her vehicle and followed the two subjects, while phoning the police department. However, while she was still speaking with Doniphan Dispatch she watched as a red Monte Carlo (driven by a woman she also recognized) picked both the males up and sped off.
The reporting party told the officer that she has camera footage of that same woman and her kids shopping in her store. The clip shows the woman looking on while the male subject and another female were stealing items.
She stated that she was going to put the footage on Facebook, but wasn’t certain if the male is a minor or not, and she didn’t want to get in trouble.
However, the reporting party requested that an officer make contact with the subjects and tell them that they need to pay for the stolen items, or she will prosecute.
The following day an officer was dispatched to Ruby’s where he made contact with the owner, who was standing behind the front counter.
Also present were three individuals, two of which had been observed on video footage, stealing items from the store valued at $70.
The owner asked that the $70 be paid back to avoid having a criminal record, as both are underage juveniles.
The parent of one of the juveniles was informed about the incident and paid the $70.
All of the individuals who took part in or observed the theft were advised they are not allowed back in the store or they will be prosecuted.
An officer was dispatched to the lobby of the police department Feb. 6 to speak with a woman in reference to a motor vehicle accident which she said occurred Jan. 30.
The woman said as she was leaving Harp’s Grocery she was struck by another vehicle traveling with no headlights on.
She said she agreed with the other party not to call the police and the other woman said she would pay for damages to her vehicle. They exchanged information and the other driver left.
However, the woman reported she didn’t make it very far before she realized that her vehicle shouldn’t be driven. She stopped and called her husband and a tow truck for her vehicle.
The other driver was afterward refusing to pay for the damages that she agreed to take care of.
The officer advised that since there is no motor vehicle accident report, this is now a civil dispute.
She can notify her insurance company that she had an accident and then provide them with the information she got from the other driver. However, some insurance companies require notification within 24 hours of an accident.
The woman was advised she may need to hire an attorney and file a small claims suit against the other driver.
An officer was dispatched to Feb. 10 to a residence at Summit Terrace to take a report of harassment.
A female caller identified a male subject whom she alleged had been getting drunk and “barking at her, following her around the apartment complex and constantly making vulgar statements toward her,” while also making obscene facial gestures.
She stated he also was harassing a group under the pavilion, the previous night, and “barked at them like a dog.”
The woman stated she has no relationship with this subject and doesn’t want to be harassed.
The subject defended his actions of the previous night by stating he had just moved into the apartment and was just trying to be neighborly with everyone.
He also stated people have been sneaking into his apartment and stealing his electricity and food when he isn’t looking. The man was advised not to go around the reporting party any more and he stated he understood.
She indicated she was going to file an ex parte.