I don’t know about you, but I felt like my roof was going to come off with all the hard winds on Tuesday night. I know I had one dog Brownie that shook so bad and was not happy either.
The weather calmed down a lot on Wednesday, but I will be glad when it gets warm again. I am so done with winter and very much ready to see spring.
I hope things change and the states leave us at at one time exchange, which is much easier than going back and forth. Just when we get used to it one way, it changes back.
I enjoyed spending time with my son Matthew Hudson on Saturday, March 1, when we celebrated his and his twin brother Mark’s birthday. It is hard to believe they are 36 years old. How time flies. Then, at other times you wish it would hurry and fly by.
Birthday wishes for the week go out to Alan Wilson, Jacob Elston, Kelsey Holmes, and Chloe Jackson. May the Lord bless your birthday or anniversary. May you be blessed with many more.
Bunco for March will be on the 27th at the Ponder Community Center on Highway 142 W towards Gatewood. Bring a snack, finger food or a covered dish and come out enjoy the fellowship of playing Bunco.
The congregation at Briar Church invites the public to attend a dinner at their church on Saturday, March 29 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Come and enjoy some good food and great Christian fellowship.
The Lord’s blessing be on you for coming and joining in.
Lord’s healing those that need your mighty touch of healing. Give strength to those who have struggles in their life, thankful we have a Lord to hold us up in all we do. Remember God loves you and so do I.