CommunityMarch 9, 2025

Naylor celebrated the opening of its new Nutrition Center with a ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Hazel Slusher. The community looks forward to future projects, emphasizing collaboration over individual desires.

By Ollie Mae Kirby

The “past” in HISTORY. It cannot be changed. But the PRESENT can be changed by unforeseen events which often shape our future.

Tuesday, Feb. 25 was a day that will never be forgotten. It was the grand ceremonial ribbon cutting for the beautiful new Naylor Nutrition Center. The weather couldn’t have been better, and the big new sign out front was a welcoming sight.

Hazel Slusher had the honor of cutting the ceremonial ribbon while Julie Stone, staff writer for The Prospect-News took photographs of this euphoric event.

It would be impossible to name all of the Naylor people who have worked so hard to make this event a reality - people in all occupations, ages, and cultures. Even Hazel wouldn’t be able to name them all.

Speaking of skills, Naylor’s Senior Citizens have so much talent. I was amazed to find out we even have a retired court reporter in our ranks.

Now if we can keep that momentum going there is no limit to what we can accomplish. For example, Naylor badly needs a community center big enough for all ages. That is missing. But for that to ever become a reality people of all age groups need to get together in person and communicate! But nothing is going to happen until everybody starts thinking “we want” instead of “I want.”

The monthly “Coffee and Books” group met at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26 at the Naylor Library. Linda Jo (librarian) had prepared a very clever quiz for all 12 attendees. It was lots of fun and none of us had any trouble communicating!!

So long until next week,

