CommunityMarch 13, 2025

News from Naylor

By Ollie Mae Kirby

What A Difference

A Week Makes

My son in California finally received his copy of my first article in The Prospect-News (via the postal service). He went ballistic when he saw that I had included my new address in the article. I made the mistake of saying, “What is the big deal about that?!”

Then I had to listen to a lecture about elderly women living alone - scams, crime, etc, etc.

I finally said, “You have always lived in big cities. I live in a very small town, I have security cameras all around my house and by now I’m sure everybody knows where I live.”

On the positive side of having my address published, I received a letter from Susie Lackey Givens, one of my 1952 graduation classmates. She lives in Lexington, Ky. (state of beautiful horses and fast women.)

Susie subscribes to The Prospect-News and in the past had written articles for the paper. She asked if I was still writing books. I told her I was starting on my fourth book.

I also got in touch with another well-known classmate, Jack Hammon. He and I have always exchanged Christmas cards, but his had gone to my California address. He still lives in Arlington, Texas.

So it is really a small world we live in. I have a cousin, Monte Philips, who lives in Doniphan (much younger than me.) And another cousin, Bud Philips (if he is still alive) who lives in Poplar Bluff. Bud was also in my graduating class of 1952. Their mother (Aunt Ann) was my mother’s baby sister.

Back to Naylor current events.

Our beautiful new nutrition center is still in need of a cook. Please contact Hazel if you know of anyone who might be interested.

I ran into Ron Hasnini, owner of the One-Stop late Monday afternoon (as I was leaving.) and we stopped to talk. He was making his rounds of some of his stores. I asked him when he was going to start carrying The Prospect-News at the One-Stop. He looked at me in surprise and said “I thought we already did.” As usual he was late for his appointment at his next store. Skye, the manager at the Naylor store, wasn’t there. I pointed my cane at the broken tile in the floor. He laughed! Trust an old lady with a cane to point out a tripping hazard.

Planning for future events.

In the Past, even in the old Naylor Nutrition Center, the evening Fish Fry Fundraisers have been well attended. Planning for such a fundraiser in the near future is underway. Stay tuned for future announcements on this important event.

Naylor Library activities.

The Naylor Library offers great weekly and monthly activities for all ages. Naylor Library Storytime takes place every Tuesday at 11 a.m. and Teen Night happens Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. The Naylor Library reading group ‘Coffee and Books’ is every Third Wednesday at 1 p.m. and Retired Teachers meet every second Monday of the month at 11 a.m.
