CommunityFebruary 28, 2025

Reflecting on the value of expanding social circles, this article shares personal insights and quotes on friendship, emphasizing the joy and nostalgia of reconnecting with old friends at a class reunion.

By Becky Hill

One of the most valuable pieces of advice I was ever given was from my friend Ann.

She challenged me “to enlarge my circle of acquaintances.” I have shared her advice with others over the years, for I’ve found it amazing and true.

I didn’t know friends that I have now even a few years ago. I can no longer say with honesty, “Oh, I don’t know anybody, I’m not from here.”

I remember bemoaning to a friend regarding so many moves she’s made over the years, to which she replied, “But I’d never have met the friends I have now!”

Now I know exactly what she meant.

I told my friend Anna she is the last childhood friend I keep in touch with and we’re not getting, any younger.

So I was surprised and pleased when my best friend from childhood reached out to ask me if I was going to our 50th class reunion (“We are sexy, we are alive! We are the class of ’75!).

I never dreamed of going and had no interest until we shared our memories of all the fun and adventures we had.

We were more like sisters than friends, and her Mom was my second Mom. I don’t think I would have reacted with such enthusiasm save for my recent comment to Anna.

Fifty years is a long time. I was never part of the popular crowd, but I had a circle of friends who stuck by me through thick and thin. I hope I see some of those friends at the reunion.

I looked up quotes about friendship and I loved more than one of them.

In closing, I’ll share and maybe give you some food for thought.

“It takes a long time to grow an old friend.” ~ John Leonard.

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words”. ~ C.S. Lewis

“There are friends, there are family and then there are friends who become family.”~ Unknown

Make new friends, but keep the old’

Those are silver, these are gold.

New-made friendships, like new wine,

Age will mellow and refine.

Friendships that have stood the test-

Time and change-are surely best.

Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,

Friendships never know decay.

For ‘mid old friends, tried and true,

Once more we our youth renew.

But old friends, alas! May die,

New friends must their place supply.

Cherish friendship in your breast—

New is good, but old is best;

Make new friends, but keep the old

Those are silver, these are gold. ~ Joseph Parry.
