As I sit here and write these words, I am reflecting over this day. This morning I brewed coffee. I sat down to breakfast with my husband of 47 years this May 13, and we prayed.
Before this election, we reminded ourselves daily, during this solemn time, just WHO was in control. After he left for work, I sat down and in the stillness of our home, listened to President Trump’s address to Congress in its entirety. The division our country has suffered these past many years saddens me, but I am hopeful. Hope is something that does not rely on a man or a political party, but hope is synonymous with Jesus Christ.
My day did not go exactly the way I planned it would. I didn’t swim in the pool today, but I DID get some exercise in that is good for the body as well as the soul. On a whim, I stopped by to see if I could get a good price on some gloves for next winter. I’d decided I wasn’t going to buy ahead, not until we had a place to distribute warmth for those of us who are cold. But I bought them anyway. River helped me count them as we put them in my cart, and Jayden rang up my purchase. I absolutely am lifted up when I see “my” kids (and make no mistake, once you ride my bus, you are “my” kids forever). I love to see them working, paying their way and love to catch up on their lives.
I was somewhat floating on air as I pulled into the church parking lot. It was humbling to be a part of the Ash Wednesday service which begins the season of Lent. The Methodist and Christian churches came together. Pastor John Harwell, and Rev. Kent Wilfong are two of my favorite people, especially when they co-pastor. It was a time to be reminded to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. From dust we came, and to dust we will return.
When the service concluded, Sue told me she had been buying food for the Blessing Box when a man handed her money, so she could buy more. I thanked her for sharing the story and her proclamation “It was a blessing!”
This day did not proceed as I planned; but it turned out to be exactly what this old heart needed.