As sometimes is the case, I THOUGHT I had the subject of my “blurb” all thought out.
Then I saw it.
When I saw it, all kinds of thoughts came to mind. It’s been over two years since I picked up a young man with everything he owned in the world lashed to his body.
As luck, no GOD, would have it, I had just picked up a load of cold weather gloves, hats and socks from our church. I was taking them to Sue’s house as she was, at that time, putting together sacks of backpackable food for those on the street. So when I picked him up, he happened to need gloves and socks. (No coincidences: remember, only Godwinks). Had I never picked him up…
I wouldn’t have known unsheltered folks existed in our so called “Mayberry” type of town.
I’d never have known names instead of faces.
I’d never have made new friends from those names.
I’d never have received notes of gratitude and also notes of desperation. I still have all those notes. They were left in the Blessing Box and while it was there, the River Blessing Box.
I’d never have developed a little bit of saavy to go with my “rose colored glasses” outlook. There are usually three sides to every story. Somewhere within those three sides lies the truth.
I’d never made a new friend. There was one note that was signed.
We’ve gotten to know each other in the two years since I received that note. She told me in school, they always wrote her off as being “stupid” because she couldn’t sit still. I wish “they” could see her now, as she has navigated government bureaucracy successfully. She has a roof over her head after living in a tent on the river for three years. We laugh whenever we’re together. We’re good friends now. And I’ve learned so much from her. She wants to volunteer her time at a warming shelter.
I wrote down every name of the folks I’ve met. Give me a second and I’ll look them up. S., A., C., C., T., B., M., L., J., C., E., G., S., S., A., D., J., D., J., H., T., T., L ., C., B., M., G.
But, back to the second line of this blurb. “Then I saw it.” What I saw was a half smoked cigarette lying on the ground and I immediately thought of one of the above who would have picked it up and smoked it.
Who would think that would have stayed with me? But it has.