CommunityFebruary 18, 2025

Beyond the Journey

By Ollie Mae Kirby

As we look back on the journey we have traveled (from cradle to the grave) what really stands out are the crossroads.

I can only relate to my wonderful family who surrounded me––seven siblings, a mom and dad who were always there for us eight kids, and the unshakable faith that God would be there to see us through. He is everywhere!!

Each of us eight kids’ lives took different paths.

Bob was the brilliant mind who guided us through the financial problems––how to pay for the mess of dealing with the expenses of our parents’ demise. The kids who couldn’t help right then made pledges to Bob to “pay their fair share” when they could!

The craziest thing happened.

The oldest sister who was the most “financially secure” would not pay a dime !! That taught me a lesson I would never forget. Money isn’t all that important. You can’t take it with you, in spite of Jack Benny’s proclamation. “No, but my wife will bring it with her when she comes!!” She couldn’t.

Greed is the root of so much evil. We may plan and plan, but God is in control of this universe.

And, in spite of modern technology, no computer can replace the human brain. A computer can’t reason and guide us to choices which would direct us to the path which God would have us follow.

God is universal. He is nondenominational. He is in control, and the sooner we accept that the happier we will be.

It is human nature to want to be in control. We cannot.

I think my greatest prayer is, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”

No matter who you are or what you call yourself––pledge for peace.

God Bless You!
