As Danny was going out the door this morning, he posed an earthshaking question to me. “What’s your GOAL today?” Wow. I’m sure my first reaction was shock!
Then I mustered a silly answer like “Whatever I can get done.” Goals. Those tyrants!
The first goal I thought of after he left was: Getting through the day without eating chocolate. I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately.
Suddenly chocolate fixes everything. I’m okay unless I take the first bite.
Another goal I have is to get my teeth brushed and then take the other set out of the cup, brush and insert prior to meeting Teresa for coffee at 8:30 at Joyful Beans.
I knew I needed to sit down and write this lest this idea be washed away with my shower.
So therefore, I now have ANOTHER goal, to arrive at Joyful Beans at 8:30-ish.
A lofty goal I have, but rarely accomplish, is having all my laundry done, folded and put away by bedtime.
I love to open my drawer and have my choice of pajamas, instead of digging out a mismatched pair from the clean clothes hamper.
I usually operate with two clean clothes hampers. Danny has been taught to recognize that the clean clothes hamper is placed high up on the folding table, dirty clothes hamper below, if I have one.
My room is an ever-present goal. Since my ultimate goal is a maintenance-free home, I tend to stash all the uncategorized stuff in here and delay the tortuous job of sorting and putting away my “stuff”.
So, I guess, to answer Danny’s question, I DO have goals. Right now, the goal is finishing this blurb, and getting to coffee talk and laughter by 8:30-ish. So I’ll sign off for now. May you achieve your goals on this fine day!
“If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans.”
~ Woody Allen