It’s understood that parents think their children are tops in many ways, that grandparents think their grandkids can’t be topped in any way, and that cat owners believe their felines are the finest. Cats are certainly exemplary role models. Consider this.
*Mine know what they like in favorite nooks and perches but they don’t judge the favorites of their pals. They are open-minded, willing to give the others’ faves a try when temporarily vacated, to gain a bit of insight.
*When it comes to food preferences, favorites are appreciated but new dishes are not ignored, for too long. It shows good manners to eat what is served without too much complaining. They enjoy having fun while dining. Musical bowls tops the list of frivolities at meal time.
*My empowered purry pals exhibit wisdom, realizing they can choose reactions to the unexpected, unexplainable or undesirable. They utilize keen observation skills, then ponder before making decisions. Even some new toys understand that lack of immediate motion doesn’t mean rejection.
*Balance is key to their admirable dispositions. They exhibit skill in discerning appropriate moments to be the center of attention. They know best when to disappear and rest after periods of pleasant predatory play.
*Of prime importance to my four are their mindful moments. To fully comprehend the benefits, I pulled up a chair and joined them at their favorite window, where they sit immovable for long stretches.
Here’s what I learned from peering out the window, with cats relaxed on the sill and cat tree. (If you don’t have a cat, I’m sorry for you, but you can pretend.) The gray day didn’t stay that way. Tints changed, clouds formed and disappeared, the sun popped out briefly highlighting the blues and creating shadows. Birds of all sizes traveled by. The azalea bush attracted small birds. I saw a few green leaves, no, more than a few, along with some scattered tiny brave buds! Rain runoff still flowed in the ditch and muddy deer footprints just beyond the flowerbed held tiny puddles. I counted on one hand the vehicles that went by. Several birds sang their favorite tunes. I spied two squirrels playing a game of tag and listened to their chatter. *I saw a daffodil peeking out, then I saw more and more!
When my attention focused on the need for Windex, the sterling spell was broken, but for those picture window moments I wasn’t thinking about morning headlines, foreboding wintry forecasts, writing conundrums and the need to see a dentist. What a welcome escape!
Don’t forget that cats remain the utmost curious of creatures. We humans should be, too. Curiosity is a grand antidote to worry. After my catnap, I’m going to look up what there is to know about parchment paper and try to figure out how come I discovered its cooking uses so late in life. What seemingly insignificant aspect of your daily life has crossed your mind lately? Look it up!