Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson, Janet Arnold, Sherrie Newman and Tammy Cosgrove.
The warrants were signed and work report was given.
Old Business:
COVID 19 Update: There have been two cases this month. There have been 293 cases this year.
OuickBooks: QuickBooks has been updated and direct deposit is up and running.
Holiday: The health center will be closed on Nov. 27 and 28 for Thanksgiving.
New Business:
Environmental Monthly Report: Tammy Cosgrove presented the board with Jennifer Miller’s Environmental report. The board reviewed the report.
Holiday Schedule: Tammy Cosgrove presented the holiday calendar for FY25 for review. Mark Thompson made motion to accept the holiday calendar and Sherrie Newman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously to accept the holiday schedule.
Health Insurance: Tammy Cosgrove presented the board with a bid for insurance. The board reviewed the bid. Sherrie Newman made a motion to accept the bid for insurance. Janet Arnold seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously to accept the insurance bid as presented.
April Election: The health center has four openings for board positions. Registration begins Dec. 10.
Budget Amendment: Tammy Cosgrove presented the board a budget amendment letter due to remodeling, grants and purchasing CD’s. Mark Thompson made a motion to accept the budget amendment and Janet Arnold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously to approve the amendment as presented.
Tammy Cosgrove will send in the amendment.
Personnel: Sherrie Newman made a motion to go into closed session. Sheila Featherston seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
After returning to regular session:
There will not be a December board meeting.
The Christmas Celebration has been set.
The next board meeting will be the budget board meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 4:30 p.m. We must have a quorum.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.