submittedFebruary 7, 2025

Oak Grove Church invites the public to join its "Fit For The King" wellness program, aiming for 200 aerobic points in four months through various activities. Track progress and access tips via their Facebook page.

Oak Grove Church is hosting an independent wellness program which began in January.

Through participation in an aerobic point system, everyone is invited to attempt to log 200 points in four months.

This averages to 10-15 points per week, or 50 points each month.

You can earn aerobic miles (points) from any activity and track it using distance completed or time spent in that activity.

Earn aerobic miles for each of the following activities:

One mile of walking or 15 minutes of brisk walking = 1 point.

One mile of jogging or 10 minutes of jogging = 1 point.

Five miles of biking or 30 minutes of biking = 1 point.

One-fourth of a mile of swimming or 10 minutes of swimming = 1 point.

A total of 30-60 minutes of weight training = 1 point.

A total of 40-60 minutes of yoga = 1 point.

Thirty minutes of any vigorous activity (skiing, tennis, splitting wood, raking, pushing a lawn mower, aerobic dance classes, etc.) = 1 point

This program, Fit For The King, comes from the book 10-20-30 Wellness by Colonel Doug Pearson.

The wellness program has been used successfully in other group situations.

Fit For The King, has a Facebook site that has aerobic tips, scriptures, strategies, healthy eating tips, ideas for healthier living, and supportive thought.

The goal is for those who participate to be better fit with spiritual help to better serve others.

Call or message Jane Stilwell if you have any questions.
