ReligionJanuary 17, 2025

Genesis 3:21 reveals God's grace as He clothes Adam and Eve with animal skins after their sin, symbolizing salvation through sacrifice. This act foreshadows Christ's ultimate redemption for humanity.

Pastor Will Barnett
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“And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.” - Genesis 3:21

The significance of this verse can only be recognized when we take account of its biblical setting. It comes immediately after God pronounces a curse upon man, woman, and the serpent as judgment for sin.

Adam and Eve were created by God in righteousness and holiness with true ability to obey and keep God’s Law. Instead, they submitted to the temptation of the serpent who casted doubt upon God’s goodness. They chose to eat the forbidden fruit in the belief that it would bring them blessing that God was withholding from them.

Instead, it brought exactly what God promised; the curse of death. However, they did not immediately die. As tragic and serious as this event was, the gospel is on display in the fact that instead of smiting Adam and Eve with instant death, he clothed them.

Genesis 2:25 says that when Adam and Eve were made, they were both naked and unashamed. But once they sinned, they became aware of their nakedness, aware of their exposure, which was an experience that served as an illustration of their sinfulness. They tried to cover themselves with leaves, but it proved to be quite inadequate.

So God made coverings for Adam and Eve from animal skins. While they deserved death right then and there, God used the death of another in their place to cover their nakedness. Instead of the true judgment deserved, God gave grace. And this display of grace further confirmed the promise he had made a few verses prior to bring salvation from sin through an offspring of the woman (Genesis 3:15).

While there is a lot of symbolism in this account from Genesis, it is completely historical. It tells the real story of how sin entered the world and death through sin. It highlights the great need of salvation for mankind and the manner in which that salvation comes.

From Genesis 3 onward, God was working in the midst of a sinful people to bring salvation to his people. This work is revealed throughout the Old Testament and was made fully manifest in the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Unlike the animals, Jesus was fully qualified to stand in the place of sinful mankind as a sacrifice on their behalf. He was qualified to represent us because he is fully man. He was qualified to atone for our sins because he is perfectly righteous. He was sufficient to atone for our sins because he is fully God.

And that is exactly what he did. Hebrews 9:12 describes Jesus’ work on the cross by saying that he “entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” His blood covers the sins of all who receive and rest upon him by faith. Amen.
