Watching the news is rough right now. North Carolina is still in recovery mode from the storms, while California is battling fires around and in the urban areas. In both places people have lost their homes and many have lost their lives. What a way to start the new year.
I’m sure the question is being asked by some “not quite” believers.
“If God is a god of love, why is all of this happening?”
This question is asked every time we are confronted by disaster, death, war, child abuse and poverty, etc.
In fact, it seems every time something bad happens, God is asked why He allowed it. But we must consider this, none of this is God’s fault.
The Bible points out that God is good; James 1:17 reads, “Every good and perfect gift is from above…”, Jeremiah 29:11 - ”For I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper you…”, John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world…” all these verses and more point to the goodness of God. God is good.
So how do we confront fires that destroy the homes of hundreds of thousands?
How do we face the aftermath of natural disasters?
How do we come to terms with a shooter in a school?
It is here that God’s goodness comes forth.
God does not institute evil, but He does help and guide us in facing the evils of the world.
There is always a serpent in the garden. Life is not perfect, yet. I don’t believe nature is evil, but the results of some of its actions do cause harm.
Humanity, now there is a mess.
We, as created beings, choose what we are going to do, but also how we are going to deal with it.
Yes, there are wars, but we have the power through Christ to stop them.
Yes, evil men and women will do harm to the weak and helpless, but we, through Christ can stand against that evil.
In the face of death and destruction, Christ calls us to be builders and healers.
I know that your prayers join mine for those who have lost so much all over the world.
So many people are hurt, some by natural occurrences, and others by human ego and hatred.
We need to realize that we are called to do more. We are called to aid in answering the prayers of those who are hurting and who have lost so much.
As followers of Christ, we have the privilege and duty to not ask “Why God?”, but to ask, “Where do you need me, and what do I need to do?”
We will always have bad stuff happen in the world.
There is always a storm, or fire or hatred or accidents.
But, as Christians, we can assure the world that because of Christ, there will always be someone to help.
That is who we are in Christ.
Just a thought
Shalom My Friends and I hope to see you in church.