EducationMarch 5, 2025

The Ripley County R-IV School Board approved the 2025-2026 school calendar and discussed key events, including sports and Jr. Beta Club Nationals, during their January 27 meeting.

The Ripley County R-IV School Board convened on Jan. 27 at 6 p.m. in the school library, led by Vice-President Dennis Meyers.

The meeting saw the attendance of board members Justin Beckwith, Vera Dickson, John Krumenacker, Travis Lowery, Dennis Meyers, and Kimber Thomas, with Raymond Dickson absent.

Key staff included Carly Carter, the administrator, and Karen Johnson, the board secretary. Visitors included teachers Krystale Ray, Jessica Halley, Heather Summers, Megan Vickers, maintenance staff Buck Ray, and aide Shelbie Johnson.

Agenda and Approvals

The board unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, which included the approval of minutes from Dec. 6 and Dec. 17, 2024, financial reports, and January bills. The consent agenda was moved by Director Travis Lowery and seconded by Director John Krumenacker, with a unanimous vote of 6-0.


Report, Calendar


Superintendent Carly Carter presented a report covering recent and upcoming events, including the Christmas and snow breaks, the first basketball game of the season, an upcoming basketball tournament, Valentine’s Day, and the Jr. Beta Club’s participation in Nationals.

Following the report, the board approved the 2025-2026 school calendar, with a motion by Director John Krumenacker and seconded by Director Justin Beckwith, passing unanimously.

For more information on the Ripley County R-IV School Board meetings, visit the “Ripley County R-IV Board of Education Met Jan. 18.”
