If you haven’t had the pleasure of passing on a favor (an act of kindness beyond the usual or what is due) you should, at your next opportunity, whether to a friend or a complete stranger.
As I was out and about this past week, it seemed that the same topic kept coming up.
(One instance was not of significate importance, just a tug at the heart strings: a friendly, handwritten note that brightened someone’s day).
The first was significant because it was actually a party favor: the thoughtfulness to pick out something that the birthday girl held dear to her heart by gifting a beautiful card and pen to each who attended.
Thinking of others and sharing the beauty by providing tools to give a thought of consideration.
The second good deed happened at a downtown business, when a handwritten note of thanks was given on the receipt for the backyard meal. “Thank you for all that you do to support our community and local business,” it read.
I truly appreciate the personalization of host and waiting staff when they sign their name on the bill; however, this was an act of kindness and support beyond what was expected.
The third encounter came when a payment for a subscription was received, with a piece of copy paper that read, “Thank you,” followed by a signature.
These things may not have a positive connotation to you (it is possible that this was just a week of coincidences).
Today global digital communication is used approximately by more than 67 percent of the population. It was just nice to know that there are still those who take the time to truly consider someone’s kindness and respond by truly making it personal.
To brighten someone’s day, do me a favor and pass on a favor.
By Julie Stone