A citizen’s request several months ago to be permitted to keep a coup in her yard was discussed, and ultimately brought before the city zoning and planning commission.
Attorney Christopher Miller told the council the commission “couldn’t make a recommendation that they thought would be appropriate.”
During the Nov. 14 meeting of the city council Miller presented an ordinance amendment which had been prepared for the council’s consideration.
The ordinance might have been a first step in lifting the current ban, but ultimately the ordinance and motions made by two aldermen also did not pass due to lack of support by the council as a whole.
Ultimately, the concept of lifting the ban seemed to present the potential for unforeseen problems, and the safest course was to keep things as they are.
City Clerk Marti Porter presented evaluations which scored three insurance brokers who submitted bids. The council opted to go with HIC, Agency, Inc. which had the highest score of 596.
Several other items of new business were discussed by the council, which also recognized several guests that were present, two of which asked for a closing of State Street to accommodate special Christmas activities.
Ashley Thompson, who is coordinating “Christmas Comes to Doniphan” was approved by the council to close down State Street on Nov. 30 from 3 to 7 p.m., which is the kick-off event for a host of activities which will take place Dec. 1-14, and conclude with the annual Christmas Parade of Lights in Doniphan.
Thompson also requested the council’s consent to host an after dark hayride. This was approved with the stipulation that the trailer used for the hayride is sufficiently lighted as to be easily seen.
Faith Schrimsher requested permission on behalf of several downtown Doniphan businesses, to close down State Street Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., for a Christmas food and craft fair. Vendors will be set up along State Street, and the downtown businesses will be open to customers that day.
Rickie Maples, of POP’s event planning, spoke about the possibility of her company coordinating a concert and/or festival in Doniphan.
Council members expressed their interest in the proposal, and Maples said she would come back before the council with a presentation at a future meeting.
Heather Jones attended the meeting to voice concerns regarding dangerous driving which she said she has observed on Summit Street.
The issues she has witnesses are particularly concerning during school drop-off and pick-up times, and Jones said she would like to see an increase in patrol in that area. She also suggested the city should consider adding more stop signs, speed bumps and/or speed warning signs.
City Police Chief Mark Rodgers suggested that Jones contact the department and report any major concerns.
During open discussions Chief Rodgers stated that UTV drivers seeking operator’s permits go through his department for verification, and then take their paperwork to the collector’s office. The collector gets an updated copy of the drivers’ insurance, collects a $15 fee and issues a receipt.
Utilities Director Jarret Ficke advised the council that due to the recent flooding there is a need to replace some of the playground mulch at the Riverfront Park. The material will need to be hauled in, and he is researching what needs to be done.
The council will next meet at 6 p.m., Dec. 3.