Circuit Thoughts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Today, as I write, we are getting ready for Vacation Bible School. As far as I know, our church has been doing Bible School for a very long time. In fact, most of the churches in our towns have some sort of Bible School, Bible Camp, Church Camp or other such activities.

I once had a conversation with someone who questioned the need for such summer activities.

I mean, with so many churches putting on so many programs, was it really necessary for us, or other churches, to do a VBS. My answer was a resounding, YES, it is necessary. It is also biblical.

Matthew 19:14 “…suffer the little children to come unto me: for such is the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus said these words after the disciples tried to chase the children away from Jesus. Jesus was a kid person. He loved children, and he wanted the children to learn.

We often forget that the future of the church is in the hands of the very children that are coming to Bible School and Sunday School. The next generation is going to pick up the Gospel and share it. If we chase them off, who will go to church? Who will share the Good News? Who will share the stories?

No one ministry is more important than the other, but no ministry needs to be considered less important. Every church should have some kind of children’s ministry, whether it is a daily after school ministry, or a weekly evening ministry, the children need to hear the Gospel.

Think about it. Our children are exposed to a world that stands against everything Biblical. Our education system doubts the significance of Biblical teaching. Children are often bullied or worse because of their spiritual leanings.

Children are exposed to worldly values more than 18 hours a day. We expect them to face the world with less than one hour a week in church. That isn’t realistic, folks. Our children need to be prepared to face a world that is against Christ. One hour a week isn’t going to cut it.

So yes, Virginia, Vacation Bible School is important. The church is responsible for the spiritual education of the children, and VBS is one of the many ways they can learn.

And now for you, parents.

Travel ball, summer practice, vacation trips, all are fun and great activities. Family time especially is important when it comes to our children and youth. Please do not neglect church and church education.

The devil doesn’t take the summers off, and neither should we. Please make church and the educational opportunities offered a priority for your whole family. Yes, children need VBS, but then it doesn’t hurt if the adults have VBS also.

The bottom line is, we have an opportunity to reach children and youth, and we need to take it. VBS should be happening every week of summer, and there should be an afterschool program every day of the week somewhere. Our children’s souls are at stake.

Just a thought.

Shalom my friends. See you in church.

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