Circuit Thoughts (1/3/25)It’s hard to believe another year has come to an end and another has begun. Over this past year we have had many ups and downs. My hope is that you have had more ups than downs. Challenges have been put before us and hopes have been offered. We have had to say goodbye to friends, and hello to new friends. For us at the Doniphan UMC, we are dealing with the loss of our building and the closing of our sister church in Neelyville...
Circuit Thoughts (12/26/24)“Do not be afraid, for I am bringing you good news of great joy!” Never in all my life have I ever been greeted like that. Usually greetings start with a hello, or introduction, or even a question. Never have I ever heard anyone start off with Do not be afraid for I have some good news...
Circuit Thoughts (12/19/24)I have often wondered what Gabriel, and the other Arch angels looked like. I know we have descriptions in the Old Testaments, and they are definitely unique in appearance. But, I can’t help but wonder how truly awesome they may have looked. Did you know that between the books of Matthew and Luke, the angel says, “Do Not be Afraid” at least four times. ...
Circuit Thoughts (12/13/24)Now that we are in the throws of the Holy Day Season, let’s talk about the big fat fellow dressed in red. Yes, I want to talk about Santa Claus, St. Nicholas. The real St. Nicholas was born on March 15, 270 A.D. and died on December 6, 343 A.D. His feast day in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox church is December 6. He was a real person who was the Bishop of Myra. He is also a person who has many legends surrounding him...
Circuit Thoughts (11/15/24)It’s raining. Mind you I’m not complaining---much. I know we need it; the ground was getting quite dry. I know it is a necessary part of nature. It cleans the land and gets the trees ready for winter. I realize that rain is not a bad thing. But rain also helps to show holes in roofs, walls and raincoats...
Circuit Thoughts (11/1/24)Old age is catching up with me. I realize that I am a young 60, but quite frankly my bones tend to remind me that my warranty is up. In fact, I just finished my physical therapy for my shoulder. I did not injure it; I just have arthritis and bone spurs. Arthritis is like that relative that comes to visit and then never moves out...
Circuit Thoughts (10/11/24)I find it amusing that we often equate difficulty with legitimacy. What I am talking about is the idea that unless a person has struggled with (fill in the blank), they have no legitimate claim to share. Alright, let’s look in the Bible at 2 Kings 5, the story of Naaman. Naaman was a great general for Syria who contracted leprosy. A servant girl suggested he go to Israel and ask to be healed. Naaman goes and takes with him millions of dollars’ worth of gifts and bling...
Circuit Thoughts (10/3/24)“Be there the firstest with the mostest” was the motto of General Nathan Forrest of the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Actually, I think what he said was get there with the most men before the enemy does. But the common statement made the point...
Circuit Thoughts (9/29/24)The building does not make a church. The circuit riders of the past often met in barns, bars, and tents. Sometimes there was no place to meet, so they just found a clearing in the woods. Many a church building has been built because of a brush arbor down by the river. Ripley County has a few of those churches. It is nice to be in a building that allows one to focus on Christ and not our discomfort. There are many modern amenities that enhance the experience of worship. But we must remember, the building is not the Church, we are.
Circuit Thoughts (9/11/24)Mark 4:24-27 has a very interesting story. To paraphrase, Jesus is teaching and a foreign woman, (not Jewish) begs for help with her daughter. It seems her daughter is possessed by a demon and is doing her harm. Jesus is hesitant to help. He informs the woman that He was sent to focus on the Jews, not everyone else. ...
Circuit Thoughts (9/4/24)Before Moses died, he stood before the entire nation and reminded them of what God had done for them. For forty years, God fed, clothed and protected the Israelites until they finally came to the promised land. The book of Deuteronomy is basically the final speech of Moses...
Circuit Thoughts (8/28/24)Now that school is back in session, what are your educational plans? I know, for some of us going back to school is not an option we want to entertain, but the reality is we should be in some sort of learning mode. This is particularly true if you are walking in the footsteps of our Savior...
Circuit Thoughts (8/21/24)School is officially back in session. The children of the summer are now the students of the fall and winter. This summer has come and gone like a rocket sled on rails. It just went too fast, (at least from my perspective). We have seen changes in weather, society and even in ourselves. In fact, the one thing that seems to be constant is change. There is always change...
Circuit Thoughts (8/13/24)I like to use devotionals in the morning during my prayer time. It helps to have another perspective on scripture and prayer. This morning, I was reading a devotional on Reflecting Christ’s Character, from “Our Daily Bread”. The scripture was from Romans 12:9-18. The key verse that struck me in this reading was the 18th verse. “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, (emphasis mine) live at peace with everyone”...
Circuit Thoughts (8/7/24)It is hard to believe that summer is almost over. It seems like it just got here. Parents are getting the school supplies together. Kids are trying to avoid thinking about the start of school. Many of the athletes have already started checking in for the fall sports. Teachers are already in their classrooms preparing for the coming learning experience...
Circuit Thoughts (7/31/24)Today, as I write, we are getting ready for Vacation Bible School. As far as I know, our church has been doing Bible School for a very long time. In fact, most of the churches in our towns have some sort of Bible School, Bible Camp, Church Camp or other such activities...
Circuit Thoughts (7/24/24)Mark 6 is a pretty dark chapter in the ministry of Jesus. John is in prison. (Keep in mind John is the cousin of Jesus. He also baptized the Christ). John is in prison for upsetting the wife of Herod. Well, it was a little more than that. You see, Herodias was married to Philip, the brother of Herod. ...
Circuit Thoughts: Practice What You Preach (7/20/24)“Practice what you preach”, is a statement many believers don’t want to hear. The reason being is that it is often an accusation. When someone says it to us, there is a pretty good chance we have acted less than ideal in their eyes. But, I often wonder how the accusers think followers of Christ are supposed to act...
Circuit Thoughts (7/10/24)Matthew 25:31-46 has an interesting parable. I hope you read it. It is the parable of the sheep and the goats. Verses 31-40 are powerful. When the sheep are praised for all their good works, they ask “When did we do this?” That is a telling statement of the life these folks lead...
Circuit Thoughts (7/3/24)Okay, what is it with “what if’s”? You know what I’m talking about. Those questions that come up when we make plans or get some questionable news. Going on a trip? “What if” you run out of gas? Looking for a job? “What if” I don’t get hired? Have a sniffle? “What if” it is pneumonia or worse, allergies? “What if” I’m allergic to my spouse or my kids?...
Circuit Thoughts (6/26/24)Why do we wait? I know, this is an interesting way to start a column. But, think about it, why do we wait? How many of us wait until the little light comes on next to the E before we put gas in the car? How many wait until the absolute last day to pay a bill? How many of us as kids waited until five minutes before Mom got back home before we started cleaning? (I also wonder how many of you grinned at that reference.)...
Circuit Thoughts (6/22/24)There is an interesting statement that Jesus makes when the boys awaken him during a storm at sea. In Mark 4:35-41 we read of the incident. To summarize; Jesus had been teaching and preaching all day and he was exhausted. He and the 12 got into a fishing boat and headed across Lake Galilee. ...
Circuit Thoughts (6/12/24)John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” In my experience this is probably the most quoted verse in the Bible. When I ask the youth to come up with a scripture to memorize, it is often this one, (or Genesis 1:1). ...
Circuit Thoughts (6/6/24)John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” In my experience this is probably the most quoted verse in the Bible. When I ask the youth to come up with a scripture to memorize, it is often this one, (or Genesis 1:1). ...
Circuit Thoughts (5/29/24)“School’s out, School’s out, teacher let the mules out; One jumped in, and one jumped out, and one jumped in the sauerkraut”. I remember singing that as a youngster while riding the bus home on the last day of school before summer break. I remember thinking about all the things I was going to do and all the fun I was going to have. For the most part, summers were fun...
Circuit Thoughts (5/21/24)Can we talk? I know that is a strange way to open an article, but I truly want to discuss something with you. It’s about your salvation. This is not a subject many will want to have or read about, but it is a subject that lies at the heart of Christianity. The first question is, are you saved...
Circuit Thoughts (5/15/24)“What is truth?” This is the question that Pontius Pilate asked Jesus when Jesus proclaimed himself as the giver of truth. But today we have so many truths. How do we know which one is the real truth? I mean, we have the “truth” as told to us by those in power. We have the “truth” proclaimed by those who want to be in power. We have political truths and religious truths. Quite frankly you can probably find a truth that fits your needs if you look hard enough...
Circuit Thoughts (5/8/24)On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at approximately 4 a.m. +/- we had a huge loss. The Doniphan United Methodist Church at 305 Plum Street caught fire. It was a one hundred- and thirty-six-year-old, landmark. It was the oldest religious building in town having been built in 1888. It was a religious hub, a community center, a meeting place and…...
Circuit Thoughts (5/3/24)I just came across an interesting quote by William Sloan Coffin. It goes like this; “God’s love doesn’t seek value, it creates it. It is not because we have value that we are loved, but because we are loved that we have value.” There seems to be too many people who are willing to do so much to be loved. I have observed some bad relationships where one person is giving love so they can receive love. Too many people bank on the idea that to receive love you must give love...
Circuit Thoughts (4/23/24)Many times, as a pastor, I have been asked what a person needs to do to follow Christ. I find it rather interesting that when I am asked that question, the person that is asking already knows. In fact, we all know how we can make a difference, what we need to do to bring about change in our world. ...
Circuit Thoughts (4/16/24)This past week has been a wonder. I am now a grandfather again. Our daughter just had her first child and that makes two grandchildren for my wife and me. Susan and I raised three wonderful children and yet I still am in awe and wonder at the birth of a child. The absolute miracle of this newborn baby just solidifies my faith in our creator God...
Circuit Thoughts (4/10/24)Easter has passed. We continue to rejoice in the Risen Savior. The weather is warming, and the days are getting longer. Rain has been falling and planting is going. Times are changing. Some of our children are now going into the world. Some of our adults are no longer with us. Times are changing...
Circuit Thoughts (4/4/24)He Is RISEN. Not has risen or was risen. Christ is RISEN indeed. This is present tense, which means He is still RISEN. He hasn’t gone back to the tomb; He didn’t jump up alive and then die again. NO, He continues to be RISEN. I mean, have you ever thought about that? The implications are enormous. ...
Circuit Thoughts (3/27/24)He was past the point of no return. There was no turning back. He asked two of his followers to procure a donkey’s colt. He rode it into the city, while crowds laid their cloaks, coats, and palm branches on the ground in front of it. There was no turning back...
Circuit Thoughts (3/20/24)Spring Training has started. All the would be Major League Baseball players are in the field striving for a place in the “Big Show”. Some will be cut, and others will go on to fame. The interesting thing about sports heroes is how quickly the fans can turn on a player...
Circuit Thoughts – Simple (3/14/24)Is it that simple? I mean really, is it that simple? John 3:16 tells us that, “God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life.” Honestly, shouldn’t it be a bit more complicated than that?...
Circuit Thoughts (3/6/24)Christians are supposed to be in the forgiving business. When we read Matthew 6:14-15, we get a pretty strong indication of how important forgiveness is. Keep in mind, this passage is directly after the Lord’s Prayer, “For if you forgive people their wrongdoing, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But, if you don’t forgive people, your Father will not forgive your wrongdoing. “That is pretty much on point...
Circuit Thoughts (3/2/24)When was the last time you considered the awesomeness of God? Psalm 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were born, before You gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity, you are God.” The Psalmist in this passage is proclaiming the greatness of God our refuge and creator. But the truly awesome thing about God is that even though He is creator and caretaker of the universe, He is also our friend and protector...
Circuit Thoughts (2/24/24)And Another Thing! Old Man winter is at it again. It wouldn’t be right for us to enjoy some gradual warming into Springtime, which is only a month away. No, winter had to come back and try to muck up the roads and yards with more snow and cold. As I write this, there is a snow forecast for later this evening. It’s almost like winter comes back into our lives with, “And another thing”...
Circuit Thoughts – WOW! (2/14/24)I’m looking out of my office window, and it really looks pretty odd. I don’t know what the deal is, but there is this pretty blue color all around and in the middle of it is the big bright yellow glowing thing. The trees seem to have, I think they are called, shadows on the opposite side. I mean, WOW, it sure is bright out there...
Circuit Thoughts (2/6/24)On Things to come. Have you ever thought about what your soul is worth? I know that is an interesting way to start a conversation. But seriously, what do you think your soul is worth? For many, a soul isn’t worth much. Going to church, Sunday school, Bible study, or even prayer group is not a priority. I know that some people have scheduling conflicts, but for many it becomes a choice as to what they truly want to do...
Circuit Thoughts — Are You Inviting Or Chasing? (1/30/24)Paul faces an interesting dilemma with the church in Corinth. In fact, he had quite a few interesting issues with the church in Corinth. The one I am alluding to has to do with Chapter 8 of 1st Corinthians. The issue at hand is the eating of meat. Not the type of meat, mind you, but the way it was cooked...
Circuit Thoughts - Pointing (1/24/24)Winter finally hit us. As I sit here in my office, (after an interesting journey through biting cold and snow) I’m watching melt come off the roof. There is some melting on the streets. While it is encouraging, I know that this melt will become ice when it freezes again later this evening. ...
Circuit Thoughts – Isaiah 58 (1/16/24)Winter is coming full blown upon us. For the next few weeks, according to some experts, we can expect cold, maybe snow, and wintery weather. There may be school closures and even postponements. Winter in Southeast Missouri is often unpredictable. Isaiah 58 has a very interesting passage. ...
Circuit Thoughts – What Did You Find? (1/9/24)The biggest mistake we make around Christmas is we think that after the decorations are put away and all the toys are broken, it’s over (until next December). We often forget that Christmas is really the beginning, not the end. Matthew 2 is the only place where we learn of the Magi. These were sky observers, and they noticed something...
Circuit Thoughts – Christmas (1/2/24)Here it is Christmas day, and I’m in my office reflecting on the events of the past few weeks. Ever since the beginning of Advent, I feel like I have been on a dead run, and I am tired. But it is a good tired. My family has opened all the presents. And since they are adults, they have gone back to their respective homes. ...
Circuit Thoughts - Advent 4 Christmas Eve (12/26/23)This Fourth Sunday of Advent is rather unique this year in that it is also Christmas Eve. The Candle we light this week represents love. We are reminded of the absolute Agape love that came down that night in Bethlehem. One interesting fact you may not have realized is this; Because of the way time is considered in Jewish settings, the new day starts at sundown. This means when we go to an evening Christmas eve service, by Jewish reckoning, we are celebrating on Christmas day...
Circuit Thoughts - Advent 3 (12/19/23)It’s about Choice. The 3rd Week of Advent is about Joy. In fact, it is so special, we even light a different color candle. Most of the candles on the Advent wreath are purple, but the Joy one is pink. This is a time of rejoicing; it is a time to look to God as the fulfiller of promises and giver of the one true gift, His only Son...
Circuit Thoughts ~ Advent 2 (12/13/23)I know that I am going to stir up some controversy in what I am about to say, so here goes. I think NHRA drag racing is better than NASCAR. (I can hear the collective inhale of breath as you read this.) I realize these may be fighting words, but quite frankly, I was raised around dragsters. When my uncles and my dad tuned engines, they were tuned for the hole shot, not the left turn...
Circuit Thoughts – Advent 1 (12/5/23)Advent means “The arrival of a notable person, thing or event”. As of Dec. 3, we are fully in Advent. Advent also marks the beginning of the Church Callendar. It consists of the four weeks before Christmas. Now this is not to be confused with the 12 days of Christmas. That starts on Dec. 26 and ends Jan. 6 or Epiphany, (we’ll talk more about that later.) Now, we are either approaching or in the first week of Advent. We are looking forward to all three, the arrival of a person, thing, and event...
Circuit Thoughts (11/29/23)Angel’s Among us. In June 1942 a child was born. The child had many, many health issues and according to the doctors, he needed to be institutionalized. He wasn’t going to live long, and the young couple needed to concentrate on building a strong family...
Circuit Thoughts (11/21/23)It’s alright. There is a beautiful story in the book of Luke. In Chapter 10 verses 38-42 we have a scene set in Bethany. Jesus and the boys have stopped by to visit a good friend, Lazarus, and his sisters Martha and Mary. As Martha gets supper ready, Mary sits and listens to Jesus with the rest of the guests. Martha becomes a bit irate and asks Jesus to send Mary in to help. Really, it’s a big job to get a nice meal together for 13 extra people on short notice...
Circuit Thoughts (11/15/23)Which is Right? It was a stormy July 2, 1505. Martin Luther was on his horse during a thunderstorm. As he sought shelter under a large tree, the tree was struck by lightning. The fact that he survived led him to go from being a lawyer to being a monk. He felt that God had saved him for something, and that was his “Come to Jesus Moment”...
Circuit Thoughts (11/7/23)Cost Counting Early in my journey through ministry, I had the privilege of organizing our youth to go on a mission trip. We were to go to Alabama and help with hurricane clean-up. The kids and parents were all excited until I shared what the cost would be. I had planned for a few fundraisers to make the trip. The response I received was, “You really expect me to pay so I can work?” As an inexperienced pastor, I was at a bit of a loss on how to answer that. Now it isn’t much of a problem...
Circuit Thoughts (11/1/23)Fix It! I asked a fellow amateur radio operator which radio brand he thought was the best. There are so many to choose from and I was sure his expertise would guide me in getting that “perfect” radio. His response to me was this, “The best radio is the one you have.”...
Circuit Thoughts (10/25/23)What’s First Matthew 6:25-34 is a great passage to go to when you are anxious or worrying. Verse 33 is of particular significance to me; “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” As I reflected on this passage in my morning devotionals, I looked at what my priorities are when it comes to the Kingdom of God. ...
Circuit Thoughts (10/18/23)It’s Real As I write this today, Israel is in a multi-front war. Terrorists have infiltrated its borders and went on a killing spree. The Israeli death toll has reached over one thousand, including United States Citizens. We haven’t much of an idea of the toll on the citizens in Gaza, or the number of terrorists that have been killed. ...
Circuit Thoughts (10/11/23)Let’s talk Kingdom talk. Matthew 20:1-16 is a rather lengthy parable that I believe is the best description of what to expect in the Kingdom of God. It is the parable of the vineyard workers. In it the vineyard owner hires helpers for the harvest. He goes out at different times during the day and brings in more help. ...
Circuit Thoughts (10/4/23)Privilege, really? Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, and others, was written while in prison at Rome. He was waiting for an audience with Nero, then emperor of Rome. It evidently was quite a wait, but while waiting Paul put his time to good use...
Circuit Thoughts (9/26/23)On things to come… This past week, my wife and I received some hard news. A very dear friend suffered a heart attack and passed away. I have no doubt of her destination, but still, it is sad for her family and her friends. Notice I used the words “passed away”. ...
Circuit Thoughts (9/20/23)What’s on your list? When we turn on our respective entertainment devices, we run the gamut of advertising paraphernalia. The ads just don’t stop. They each vie to be the first and foremost on your mind. Whether it’s a new mower or a juicy hamburger, advertisers want you to think of them first. Even churches advertise to let you know they can out do, or out preach another church...
Circuit Thoughts (9/12/23)If I may, I wish to address the elephant in the room. These past couple of weeks have been difficult for our communities. Labor Day weekend and the week leading up to it led to more than a few casualties. This in turn led to funerals and the inevitable question of “Why”? Questions like, “Why did God let this happen?”, or “Why does God allow suffering in the world?” It seems in trying to seek comfort, we seek reason behind the actions of our world...
Circuit Thoughts (9/6/23)Early in my career as a pastor, I was confronted with a hurtful situation. It seems a misunderstanding came up, and a couple of members wanted to call a staff parish meeting. Now, for those of you who don’t know what a staff parish committee is, this is the group responsible for the employment of the pastor...
Circuit Thoughts (8/30/23)Well, it’s becoming that time of year. School has started and now it is time to get into our Fall/Winter routines. This means attending school functions, getting ready for the plethora of celebrations, and focusing on going to church. (Did you really think I would leave that out?)...
Circuit Thoughts (8/26/23)You’re walking along with your friends and all of the sudden, out of nowhere it happens. This crazed person whom you have never seen immediately comes to you and begs for your help. This is exactly what happened to Christ as he was walking to Tyre and Sidon. Not only did he not know this person, but this person was also a woman and not Jewish...
Circuit Thoughts (8/15/23)In each of the Gospels there is a story of the feeding of the multitude. This is the history of Jesus feeding 5,000 men plus their families and friends. This was done at the spur of the moment and with no forethought. Just to sum up, it was late, the people were hungry, and Jesus told the disciples to feed the people rather than send them away. ...
Circuit Thoughts (8/9/23)When you get a chance, I would like to suggest that you peruse (read) the book of James. Throughout the New Testament we are told what to believe and why to believe. James seems dedicated to telling us how to make our faith work. I call James the “Rubber to the Road” book...
Circuit Thoughts (8/2/23)Jesus taught in parables. One he shared was about yeast. “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened.” Now, many scholars and thinkers have differing ideas of what this parable means, so I would like to share my idea. ...
Circuit Thoughts (7/26/23)The dog days have set upon us. We alternate between thunderstorms and record setting heat. Sometimes your breath gets taken away just stepping out of the door. It gets hot this time of year. This also is kind of a slow down time for the summer. We are in that in between time of going on vacation and getting ready for school...
Circuit Thoughts (7/19/23)Like almost every church in our area, we at DUMC have Vacation Bible School. Currently we are preparing the church for little ones to come and learn about Christ. It takes a lot of extra work for many people to prepare for VBS. Then we need the volunteers to work during VBS. ...
Circuit Thoughts (7/12/23)The celebrations have passed, the fireworks are being put away. The nation’s 247th birthday is now history. You know, building up to this past week we have heard a lot of noise. As soon as the fireworks vendors opened shop, the bangs and booms started happening. Our pets became terrified, and in some areas, it was hard to get to bed early because of all the fireworks going off. This all culminated into one great big blast on the 4th of July...
Circuit Thoughts (7/3/23)When my children were just starting to talk as preschoolers, the major question that came up all the time was, “Why”. “Why do I need to pick up my toys” or “Why can’t I eat my ice cream first”. Sometimes it was just, “Why”. As an adult I wanted to explain the need to keep the room uncluttered, or the need to eat healthily, but it was beyond a 4-year old’s understanding. I eventually would say, “Because I said so”, and often that would be enough...
Circuit Thoughts (6/28/23)In Matthew 9:9, Jesus walks up to the tax collector booth, looks and sees Matthew. He then says, “Follow me.” The verse ends with only the act of Matthew getting up and following Jesus out of the door. I can’t help but wonder what else might have been said. ...
Circuit Thoughts (6/20/23)Have you heard of the Shema? If not, here is what it is. It is Deuteronomy 6:4-5. It starts off with “Hear O Israel; The Lord is our God, the Lord alone, you shall love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” This was what Christ quoted when asked what the greatest commandment was...
Circuit Thoughts (6/14/23)Your church needs you. Let me repeat that; your church needs you. Okay, I know that summer is upon us. I realize that this is the time for family fun and time in the sun. I realize your weekends are going to be filled with times of travel, floating, camping and just regular good times. But summer also means a decline in attendance at church and struggles to maintain ministries for our communities...
Circuit Thoughts (6/7/23)I have just returned from vacation. This trip was on mine and Susan’s bucket list. (Just to clear things up, Susan is my wife of 36 years.) We traveled to Alaska. We took a lot of pictures; it was absolutely stunning and breathtaking. But there was more than the scenery going on there. As I was looking at the majestic mountains and the awesome power of the sea, I realized that before my eyes, Luke 19:40 was being fulfilled...
Circuit Thoughts (6/4/23)Pentecost, the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ. The day that changed everything, again. Think about it. Christ’s resurrection put the world in a tailspin. The dead are not supposed to live again. Jesus changed all of that. Then 40 days later, He ascends into heaven giving the boys instructions to make disciples and to wait until the comforter comes...
Circuit Thoughts (5/24/23)Wed-nesday, May 24, is an auspicious day for the Wesleyan movement. In 1738, John Wesley, the cofounder of the Methodist movement, had an experience in which he said, “I felt my heart strangely warmed”. It was on this day that he received, shall we say, confirmation of his New Birth...
Circuit Thoughts (5/16/23)This coming Thursday will be exactly 40 days after Easter. For many of our churches, this will be celebrated as Ascension of the Lord Day. This is the day we remember as the day Christ went back up to heaven and made a promise that His comforter would soon come. You can read all about it in Acts 1:1-11...
Circuit Thoughts (5/10/23)Good morning my friends. The sun is shining, the birds are singing. Spring is in the air. I love these sunny cool days. It’s the kind of day where you wear a long sleave shirt as a light jacket, not as an extra layer. It is a beautiful and wonderful time to be serving God...
Circuit Thoughts (5/2/23)As I was preparing for my upcoming sermon, a question arose in my brain, (yes, I have one). The question was “Why do people run away from church”. Interestingly enough, Jesus gives us an answer to that. John 10:1-10 is Jesus’ discourse on the sheepfold gate. He talks about anyone who does not go by way of the gate, is a thief. But He also talks about the sheep not following a stranger, in fact they will run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers...
Circuit Thoughts (4/25/23)John 20:19-31 tells us a very human story. This is the story of Thomas (also known as Didymus or the Twin). Thomas was the one who made the comment about dying in Jerusalem when they were headed to see Lazarus, “Lets us go so that we may die with him”. (John 11:16). Thomas was a wholehearted believer in Christ to the point that he was willing to give his life...
Circuit Thoughts (4/19/23)Okay, we are now on the other side of Easter. Many of you may be making plans for Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and all the vacations that may be coming. Some of you may be planting and preparing your gardens in hopes of fresh vegetables and fruit. I know the kids are looking forward to warm days and no school...
Circuit Thoughts (4/11/23)I once had someone ask me what it took to answer the call to be a minister. Of course this person knew the basic stuff, i.e. Accept Jesus as your savior, believe He was raised from the dead, Confess him as your Lord, etc. My response was just one phrase, “Get rid of plan B.”...
Circuit Thoughts (4/4/23)Depending on which paper you are reading this article from (by the way, Thank you), Holy week is either about to begin, or you are neck deep into it. For those who are wondering, Holy Week is the time frame between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. In the story of Christ, this is where the Passion begins and ends. From Sunday to Friday, we follow Christ as he teaches his final lessons and does his final miracles before being arrested for heresy and blasphemy...
Circuit Thoughts (3/28/23)Back in the day, (almost a lifetime ago), I was an insurance agent. I found out that actuaries have figured out the monetary value of the human body. Now, granted it has been over 23 years since I have had to work with any of that, but I still often wonder what my value is...
Circuit Thoughts (3/21/23)I remember going to Marvel Cave in Branson when I was young. Believe it or not there wasn’t much there at the time. I was about 8 at the time, so that was somewhere around 50 years ago. What really impressed me was when we went into an inner chamber and the guide turned off the lights. It was so dark you could not see your hand in front of your face. That was the blackest black I have ever seen...
Circuit Thoughts (3/14/23)As many of you may suspect, I like to read. Currently I am reading a book about sacrificial parenting. If you don’t mind, I’d like to share it with you. The book starts out with the birth of this parents’ child. A healthy baby with a very bright future ahead is born. The parent showers this child with love and all the best things that the world can provide. But as you probably suspect, this baby gets sick...
Circuit Thoughts (3/7/23)The sun is out, the birds are singing, the tree frogs are raising their hymn of joy. Spring is not far away, and as I sit at this desk, typing away, nature offers such a tantalizing view of what is to come. Spring brings hope and the promise of better times and brighter days. Soon we will change our clocks as the days get longer. It is something to look forward to...
Circuit Thoughts (2/28/23)Today for me is Ash Wednesday. Lent has started and we are 40 +/- days away from Easter. If you want to do some scriptural exploration that helps out understanding lent then look to Joel 3:1-2, 12-17, 2nd Corinthians 5:20-6:10, and Matthew 6:1-21. These scriptures will help in understanding Lent and Ash Wednesday...
Circuit Thoughts (2/21/23)As I sit here in my office, I have a live feed playing from Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky. This school is a private university and seminary and something extraordinary is happening. A revival service that started on Feb. 8, has been going 24/7 ever since, with no indication of slowing down. ...
Circuit Thoughts (2/14/23)As I look out my window, the rain is saturating the ground. It isn’t warm spring rain, but a cold winter rain. We are going from the awesome white snow, through the obnoxious slipperiness of ice to the depressing drip of winter rain. Grey is the color of the world, for now...
Circuit Thoughts (2/7/23)Last week, I mentioned the 500-pound gorilla in the room. Being the pastor of two United Methodist Churches, I can tell you we probably need to open a zoo. Not only do we have a 500-pound gorilla, we have an elephant and a couple of giraffes and two or three penguins waddling around. We got issues folks...
Circuit Thoughts (2/1/23)Okay, let’s address the 500-pound gorilla that is in the room. This past month we have seen an unprecedented increase in “mass” gun violence. Now, I’m not going to spout out the pros and cons of the second amendment nor am I going to advocate for or argue against the NRA...
Circuit Thoughts (1/24/23)I just read that worldwide persecution of the church has risen 30 percent this past year. I’m not sure how accurate that number is, but it doesn’t surprise me. The fact that over this past year, we have seen the numbers of Christian believers in America fall to a minority, and the increase of violence to Christians across the world should have indicated this...
Circuit Thoughts (1/17/23)So, how’s your ministry going? Before you answer that, let me explain what I just asked. I did not ask what your church was doing to make disciples of Jesus Christ. I did not ask what your preacher preached on last Sunday, nor how your latest Bible study went. I asked how YOUR ministry is going...
Circuit Thoughts (1/10/23)There is a difference between a prophet and a fortune teller. Prophets do not predict the future; they just tell you what you need to know. A fortune teller tells you what you want to hear. Isaiah and Jeremiah did not ever tell their listeners they were going to meet a handsome stranger. Neither did they hold back the truth God wanted told to His children...
Circuit Thoughts (1/3/23)As I look back at the Christmas season, I realize my wife and I have a tradition. For her it is to watch Hallmark Christmas movies. I find the Hallmark movies to be all the same movie with different episodes telling the same story. For me, it is watching the movie “A Christmas Carol”. I prefer the one with George C. Scott as Scrooge...
Circuit Thoughts (12/27/22)The gifts have been unwrapped while the leftovers are wrap-ped. Hopefully, many of you went to service this past Sunday morning even though it was Christmas Day. (I also hope you all make the next Sunday, even if you stayed up to watch the ball drop.) So how do we finish a years’ worth of articles? By going back to the beginning...
Circuit Thoughts (12/20/22)Four candles have been lit. Hope, Peace, Joy and Love are all illuminating the circular ring of the Advent Wreath. Almost like a halo, but with one caveat. The middle is empty. We have worked around the circle, but to what end. You know, life is kind of like that. ...
Circuit Thoughts (12/13/22)So far two purple and one pink candle have been lit. One purple candle stands unlit, almost new. The meaning of this candle has been so cheapened over the years that I doubt we can truly understand its significance. This is the Love candle. Maybe that is not the term we should use. Perhaps it needs to be the Agape candle. Let me explain...
Circuit Thoughts (12/6/22)As I look over our Advent wreath, I see that the next candle to be lit is the pink one. Not all observers of Advent have the pink candle, but we do. This pink one represents joy. However, I am hesitant to light it. This time of year is supposed to be joyous. ...
Circuit Thoughts (11/30/22)Okay, last time we talked about the first Sunday of Advent, which this year is Nov. 27. That is the Sunday of Hope, and we light a candle accordingly. December 4 is the second Sunday of Advent. The candle that we light for this Sunday represents Peace...
Circuit Thoughts (11/22/22)If you don’t mind, I would like to focus the next few columns on Advent. Advent is the first season of the Christian Year. To put it simply, it is a preparation time for the coming of a newborn King. Many churches will be celebrating Advent through the next four weeks. ...
Circuit Thoughts (11/16/22)“When some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God, he (Jesus) said,” As for these things that you see, the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another… (Luke 21:5-7a). What an interesting statement from Jesus...
Circuit Thoughts (11/10/22)So, did you make it to church on Sunday? Did you get there too early? Did you go back home and just not make it in? If that is what happened, you were probably not alone. I’m sure there were many who did just that and forgot about the switch to Central Standard Time...
Circuit Thoughts (11/2/22)Election day will soon be upon us. If I may, let me give you a few reminders from the Pastor Kent guide to voting. The first thing to remember, we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. A democracy is about the rule of the majority, aka mob rule. ...
Circuit Thoughts (10/26/22)In the book of Luke Chapter 18 verses 1-8, Jesus tells us an interesting parable. It seems there is this widow who needs justice. There is a judge who fears neither man nor God and has supposedly withheld justice for this poor woman. The widow goes to the door every day, probably every hour, pleading, begging for justice. Eventually, the judge has had enough, and to quiet the woman, he provides the justice she pleaded for...
Circuit Thoughts (10/18/22)In the devotional I read this morning, a question came up. Will you still love me, even if I mess up? Now, I remember as a child being in complete fear of my parents because I messed up. It might have been something I broke, or bad grades, or bad report from school or a neighbor. The fact was, I was convinced that my parents love was conditional on my behavior...
Circuit Thoughts (10/11/22)When did church become a participation trophy? Do I have your attention? I suppose a better way to ask is; When did going to church stop being a privilege? It’s almost like we have forgotten how special church is supposed to be. We forget that in most of the world, and I mean MOST of the world, Psalm 122:1 means something...
Circuit Thoughts (10/4/22)How much faith does a person need? That was a question that came about in many forms during Christ’s ministry on the earth. In fact, it was the subject of my sermon this past Sunday, well sort of. But have you heard people say that they just don’t have enough faith. I don’t really think that is a thing. Luke 17: 5-10 tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed will move trees. However, many of us don’t want to move trees...
Circuit Thoughts (9/28/22)Did you know that you will fail 100 percent of the activities you do not try. That’s right, you cannot succeed, if you don’t do what you are attempting. I know, “Thank you Captain Obvious”. But there is a reason for this. We live in a world today that needs some changes. ...
Circuit Thoughts (9/21/22)You know, we in America seem to have a very low opinion of grace and discipleship. Now, before you throw this paper away, I would like to explain myself. I have been reading a couple of books that have gotten me to thinking about my own approach to disciple making and being a disciple. ...
Circuit Thoughts (9/14/22)Have you ever read the pastoral letters of Paul to Timothy? I really think you should. These are letters of encouragement from a mentor and father figure to a young preacher. The church was in a metropolitan city and Christianity was a new thing. Paul had started this church and Timothy was there to continue the ministry. Many of the older members were having a problem with a younger preacher, and it was wearing on Timothy...
Circuit Thoughts (9/6/22)I grew up in a singing church and family. In fact, my grandfather at one time was a singing teacher. He and his brother taught folks how to sing without instruments (a cappella). He did this because of his love for music. Because of his and his brothers work, churches in the area had music for their services. For awhile they even had a gospel quartet that would sing at special events...
Circuit Thoughts (8/30/22)WWJD: To me those are the most obnoxious letters ever put together. They stand for “What would Jesus do”. The reason I don’t care for them is this, we don’t need to wonder what Jesus would do, we need to repeat what Jesus did and taught. For instance: Luke 14:12-14 has Jesus suggesting that when we give a luncheon party we shouldn’t invite friends, but we should invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind...
Circuit Thoughts (8/24/22)By the time you read this, School will have started in your area. So, let’s take a collective breath and try to relax. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, or guardian, busy times are ahead. Scheduling will be a premium and time will be fleeting. The stress level will be rising and there is a good bet that your blood pressure will rise with it...
Circuit Thoughts (8/16/22)Have you checked on your pastor lately? How is he/she doing? Have you offered to pray with them or just listen to them? Have you asked how their family is doing? How are his/her spouse, kids or even the grandkids doing? How is their health? Pastors have the unique vocation of serving God by taking care of God’s children. ...
Circuit Thoughts (8/10/22)Did you know that there is a mental condition called Chronophobia? It’s true. Chronophobia is a fear of the future or the passing of time. Anticipatory Anxiety is basically worrying about the future (this is why you lie awake at night before an important event or meeting) whereas Chronophobia is down right fear of the future...
Circuit Thoughts (8/2/22)My Goodness! Is it August already? This summer has been flying by faster than a fox with it’s tail on fire. (That’s actually biblical, see Judges Chapter 15). But, in all of that, are you ready for the season of busyness that is coming up? In other words, do you have your priorities set?...
Circuit Thoughts (7/26/22)This past week I was privileged to accompany some area youths to our nation’s capital. Washington D.C. is a city that will take your breath away, literally. According to my pedometer we averaged about 12 miles a day walking. You walk everywhere, so I was out of breath quite a bit...
Circuit Thoughts (7/23/22)Luke 10:38-42 has a wonderful story about two sisters. Mary and Martha live in the same house, they are the sisters of Lazarus. (Yes, THAT Lazarus) Anyway, Jesus has come to visit, and Martha is trying to get snacks and other things ready, Mary is just sitting at Jesus’ feet listening, and Martha is a tad upset...
Circuit Thoughts (7/20/22)Luke 10:38-42 has a wonderful story about two sisters. Mary and Martha live in the same house, they are the sisters of Lazarus. (Yes, THAT Lazarus) Anyway, Jesus has come to visit, and Martha is trying to get snacks and other things ready, Mary is just sitting at Jesus’ feet listening, and Martha is a tad upset...
Circuit Thoughts (7/13/22)The “dog-days” are here. High heat and high humidity during July and August are what we call the “dog-days.” I’m not sure why these days are particularly attributed to dogs. Perhaps it has to do with the dog seeking a cool spot to lie down and pant. Actually, that’s kind of what I do on days like these. The point about the “dog-days” is this; It is HOT...
Circuit Thoughts (7/7/22)Second Kings 5:1-14 has one of the coolest stories in the Old Testament (in my humble opinion). It is a story about a man named Naaman. This guy was a powerful general of the armies of Aram/Damascus. He was a pretty big thing. Anyhow, he contracted a disease called leprosy. This was an incurable skin infection that basically destroyed your body. Did I mention it was incurable?...
Circuit Thoughts (6/29/22)In Luke chapter 9 we have a real interesting exchange going on between Jesus and some wannabe disciples. The exchange starts on verse 57. The first person just wants to go wherever Jesus goes. The second wants to follow, but only after his father dies. The third wants to go and say goodbye to his family and then follow Jesus...
Circuit Thoughts (6/22/22)Let’s talk about good things. Yeah, you read it right. There is so much negativity on the air waves and in the social media, maybe we should talk about good things. Personally, I am tired of the angst and anger that has been driving wedges between people. I’m tired of turning on the news and hearing about how one person or group is worse than another. I’m tired of being told that if I disagree with someone, I am the enemy...
Circuit Thoughts (6/14/22)Okay, for all you fans of traditional practices, (yes, I am talking to both of you), let’s talk about the TRINITY. As a matter of fact, this past Sunday was celebrated in many churches as Trinity Sunday. I know, for some this is a made-up word and is not found in the Bible. For others it is a point of argument that has been around since Pentecost Sunday 33a.d. +/-...
Circuit Thoughts (6/7/22)This past Sunday was celebrated in many churches as Pentecost Sunday. This is looked upon as the birthday of the church. We get a real good understanding of what happened that day if we read Acts 2:1-21. The result of that day brought over 3000 believers to Christ. The church took off like a raging firestorm, and it hasn’t stopped even after almost 2,000 years...
Circuit Thoughts (5/31/22)The words of John 17:25 seem to keep coming back to haunt the American church. Last week we saw tragedy and heartache. We have witnessed death and sorrow. As we look to the future, we hear these words, “Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know that you have sent me.”...
Circuit Thoughts (5/24/22)During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, “Come and help us.” Acts 16:9 Wouldn’t it be nice if every time God called us to ministry it would come in a vision? The Bible is full of visions given to people to fulfill God’s plan. ...
Circuit Thoughts (5/17/22)It’s late, dinner has been served, feet have been washed. One of the attendees has left the room, and only Jesus knows why. Now Jesus talks to the rest. ...” I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13: 34-35)...
Circuit Thoughts (5/11/22)When I first started as a pastor at my previous charge, I was approached by my congregation about a Bible Study. The desire of the group was to do an in-depth study of the book of “The Revelation to John.” I told them no, and even today I am hesitant to do a popular study of that particular book, and here is why...
Circuit Thoughts (5/4/22)This past week, many churches talked about Thomas, (the gospel of John calls him Didymus, but we often call him doubting). Sometimes we read John 20:19-31 with a bit disappointment in Thomas, but we often forget the Thomas of Chapter 11, verse 16. In Chapter 11:16 Thomas is willing to follow Christ to death when the group heads to Bethany to attend to Lazarus. ...
Circuit Thoughts (4/26/22)Please tell me you weren’t a C & E Christian this past week. C&E stands for Christmas and Easter. The Sunday following Easter especially is often the lowest attended Sunday of the year. For some reason we have become convinced that we only need Christian fellowship twice a year. Unfortunately, that is a lie the devil has made sound like the truth. Solitary Christianity is not a thing. We are meant to be in communion and stay in communion...
Circuit Thoughts (4/20/22)Don’t you hate it when you put something down and you go back to get it and it isn’t there? That happens to me more often than I like. I’ll tell someone to go get a tool off my workbench, and sure enough it isn’t there. It isn’t there because of one of two reasons. One reason is because I moved it. The other reason is because someone else used it and moved the tool. It gets real annoying to try to find the missing object...
Circuit Thoughts: Be The Resurrection (4/15/22)Here we are at Holy Week. This coming Sunday will be Easter Sunday. Many of us will be dressing in our fancy go-to-meetin’ clothes. (That’s a homage to the Beverly Hillbillies). There will be Easter eggs sought and many family meals shared. But, what about Monday?...
Circuit Thoughts (4/6/22)“So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him” (Luke 15:20). This is quite possibly one of the most beautiful verses in the Bible. Some of you may realize that this comes from the story of the prodigal son. This verse describes the father’s reaction to the return of that son...
Circuit Thoughts (3/29/22)A wonderful verse about living our faith is Philippians 4:4-6. Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God...
Circuit Thoughts (3/22/22)One of my favorite and more colorful characters of Christian lore is St. Patrick. Here is a guy who grew up in Romanized Britain, was kidnapped, enslaved in Ireland, escaped, and then joined a monastery to follow Christ. In a vision he was called to go back to Ireland and teach the people about Christ, and so he did. ...
Circuit Thoughts (3/16/22)Luke 13:31-35 has an interesting interaction with Christ. It starts off with the Pharisees warning Jesus about King Herod. Now, I can’t help but wonder if this was out of concern or just another political intrigue being played out, but that is for another discussion...
Circuit Thoughts (3/8/22)Don’t forget, this coming Sunday we move our clocks forward one hour into Daylight Savings time. I’m not sure why we do this, but we have done it for so long, it is now a much-questioned tradition. I know that when it started there seemed to be a good reason, now we seem to just do it...
Circuit Thoughts (3/1/22)Right now, I’m looking out my window at ice on the ground, rain coming down, and the sound of thunder in the air. “Thunder Ice” sounds like a bad B movie on Netflix, but that’s what we have. The temp has warmed to a balmy 32 degrees but will plummet to the nether regions when it gets dark. Don’t you just love February in Missouri?...
Circuit Thoughts (2/17/22)Acts 9:26-27 tells a story all to itself. In just these two verses we see the kind of man Saul wants to be and the kind of man Barnabas is. Saul is trying to meet the disciples. He has had a conversion experience that would blow their minds. The apostles however remember the guy who tried to have them arrested. Up steps Barnabas, and he brings him to the disciples and introduced him as a convert to Christianity. Barnabas even describes the way Saul had to be removed from Damascus...
Circuit Thoughts (2/11/22)Luke 6:17-26 talks about Jesus preaching on the plains. In Matthew it is known as the sermon on the mount, but in Luke it is on the plain. I find this quite interesting because if Jesus is truly the son of God, then why did he put himself at the same level as creation...
Circuit Thoughts (2/8/22)Hopefully, when you read this, the weather will be much nicer than it is today. The town seems to be in an almost standstill mode. The sleet is coming down and snow is still expected. But being Missouri, we will probably be walking in a bunch of mud by Sunday. One can never tell...
Circuit Thoughts (2/1/22)How are you doing? NO, I mean it, how are you doing? Things seem to be getting just a little too interesting for my liking. I know that many of us are watching the news and wondering what is going on. I truly am worried about you. Stress can be a good thing. ...
Circuit Thoughts (1/26/22)According to the weather, by the time you read this, the temperature will fall back to just above freezing. This is the forecast a week from the time of this writing. Now, I was told by a very experienced pilot, that a weather forecast is only good for an hour out. Predictions are not fact. In fact, they are best guesses...
Back to Normal (1/18/22)The question of the day is, “When are things getting back to normal?” I got news for you, there is no normal. The world has been and always will be in flux. What was, is no longer. That is what life is. Even the good old days weren’t as good as we remember. My grandmother used to tell me how great things were when she was a kid. It sounded great until I realized that she grew up with no plumbing or modern medicine or TV...
Circuit Thoughts (1/11/22)I’m looking out my window from home. I didn’t go into the office because we have all of this little white stuff laying all over the ground. It’s wet, slick and cold. I did attempt to leave for the office, but the conditions encouraged me to rethink my decision-making paradigms for this morning. The funny thing about this snow is that by tomorrow, much of it will be gone and it will all be washed away by the coming rains this weekend. (At least that is what the weather person says)...
Circuit Thoughts - Welcome To The New Year (1/4/22)Welcome to the New Year. I hope everyone had a great time and made some wonderful memories. I’m excited about the opportunities this coming year will present. Aren’t you? Or are you looking at 2022 with trepidation and fear? During this past holiday season, I realized something. In the moving of presents and taking of food to different places, as well as moving luggage, I realized that the more you attempt to carry, the slower you go...
Circuit Thoughts: Give The Gift Of Time (1/1/22)Alright, you made it. The presents have been opened, the food has been et and the leftovers are being sent home with the relatives. (College kids really like that part). The sweets are still hanging around and some of them have applied themselves to our bellies. Christmas is over and the New Year is approaching...
Give The Gift of Time (12/28/21)Alright, you made it. The presents have been opened, the food has been et and the leftovers are being sent home with the relatives. (College kids really like that part). The sweets are still hanging around and some of them have applied themselves to our bellies. Christmas is over and the New Year is approaching...
Circuit Thoughts (12/22/21)Here we are in the final stretch. In just a few days it will be Dec. 25, 2021. The last-minute shopping is being done. The dinner preparations are finalizing. The pastors are preparing the Christmas Eve and Christmas day sermons. Some of the children are planning an all-nighter on Christmas eve night to make sure a certain guy in a red suit will be by their house...
Circuit Thoughts: Love One Another (12/15/21)As I am preparing for my next sermon, (it will have already been delivered by the time you read this). I am impressed by John the Baptist. Not only was he an evangelist and prophet, but he had a great understanding of the human psyche. You can see what I am talking about in Luke 3:7-18...
Circuit Thoughts (12/7/21)Many of us are getting ready for a baby’s birthday party. That isn’t a bad thing. We all need a time to celebrate and just have fun as we rejoice about the birth of Christ. But with that being said, there are some who are looking forward to the return of Christ. Now, before we start looking to Christ’s return, let’s remind ourselves of Christ’s initial time on earth...
Circuit Thoughts (11/30/21)We are now in Advent. The first Sunday of Advent was just this past Sunday. Let’s get something straight right off the bat. Advent is NOT the 12 days of Christmas. The 12 days start on Dec. 26 and go to Epiphany or January 6. We will talk about that later. But just remember the 12 days come after Christmas not before...
Circuit Thoughts (11/23/21)Have you got your turkey out yet? You know it takes time to get that to thaw so you can roast it and be ready for the Thanksgiving celebration. But, after the carcass has been cleaned, and the leftovers have been placed in the fridge, or sent home with the kids, what do you do now?...
Circuit Thoughts (11/16/21)Believe it or not, this coming Sunday (Nov. 21) is Christ the King Sunday. For some of you, that may not mean much, but for those who follow a liturgical calendar, it means it is the last Sunday of the church year. That’s right, the last Sunday of the church year. ...
Circuit Thoughts (11/9/21)The first killing frost of the season hit Doniph-an this morning. Frost was on the windshield and the ground. Fall is finally here and with it the beauty and grace that comes from a world that is getting ready for a winter sleep. Every season has its own beauty and its scars. ...
Circuit Thoughts (11/3/21)This past week, I had to spend a little time in the emergency room in Poplar Bluff. It looks like I will be visiting the medical facility a few more times. Nothing too serious, but issues of (dare I say it) age and poor diet over my past 57 years. But that is not want I want to talk about. I want to talk about angels. No, I did not pass out and go to heaven, I will leave that report to others...
Circuit Thoughts (10/26/21)Are you ready for Reformation Day? I can imagine the look on your face. I don’t have the paper space to give you the whole story, so I will sum up. On Oct. 31, 1517, a monk/teacher by the name of Martin Luther, posted “The 95 Theses” on the door of the Wittenberg Church. ...
Circuit Thoughts (10/19/21)When was the last time you read the Bible through? While I read the Bible daily in one way or another, it has been a while since I have read it cover to cover. There are a few things that you may not know about the Bible, so here we go… 1: The Bible is not one book. It is a portable library of books given to us by God. There are 66 books in the protestant bible, all telling the love story of God for his creation...
Circuit Thoughts (10/13/21)It just amazes me how given enough time, things will change. They don’t always change for the better, sometimes changes can be for the worse. For instance, take the scripture in Mark 10: 17-31. This passage tells of a rich man who wants to follow Jesus and inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus tells him to fulfill the mission the rich man must sell all he owns, give the money to the poor and then follow Christ. It goes without saying, this person could not part with all he had...
Circuit Thoughts (10/5/21)Pumpkin spice lattes are on the market. In fact, pumpkin spice is all over the place. It’s in the cakes and cookies and you can smell it in every store you walk into. Not only do you smell the spice, but right next to the Halloween candy are turkey decorations and Christmas trees. Fall starts the Holiday mish mash. It’s almost as much a mess as Tim Burton’s Movie, “The Nightmare before Christmas”...
Circuit Thoughts (9/29/21)Not too long ago, I remember experiencing one of the worst pains imaginable. Now, I know that the pain of giving birth is considered the worst of pains by most, with kidney stones coming up a hard second. But let me tell you, stepping on a Lego in the middle of the night with bare feet hurts big time...
Circuit Thoughts (9/21/21)As many of you know, I serve rural churches. I have served on two circuits and preached at multiple churches on a single Sunday. Some interesting things happen when you come into the next church to get ready for sermon number two or three that day. One time I came into the church a bit early for the 11 o’clock service. ...
Circuit Thoughts (9/14/21)Let me start off this article with this statement; “God does no evil!” Okay, now that I have that out of the way, let’s talk about this. I know that life throws us some pretty terrible curve balls. I know that when we want things to work out, they seem to go the opposite direction. ...
Circuit Thoughts (9/7/21)You have probably heard this story before. I do not know the original source, but it goes something like this: A grandfather and his grandson were walking along the shore after the tide went out. All along the shore were sand dollars. These small relations to starfish were brought in by the tide but were unable to ride the tide out...
Circuit Thoughts (8/31/21)In 1964, Bob Dylan wrote and recorded a song called “Times they are a changin’”. On reading the lyrics, I found out that he was spot on. Change is a constant in life. This idea got me to thinking. The church, as we know it, has changed a bit over the last year or so. We seem to be doing more online and less in-person worship. I know, we blame it on Covid, but I wonder about that...
Circuit Thoughts (8/24/21)Well, school has started, you know what that means? It’s time for the talk. Stressful times are coming up for teachers, coaches, and students. We are not living in the days when you and I walked 10 miles up hill to school in a blizzard. We have issues of Covid, social media, cyber bullying, and lack of accountability...
Circuit Thoughts (8/17/21)I remember reading a story of a man who had traveled to Imperial China, (this was before the revolution). While he was standing on a street in Hong Kong, he noticed two men arguing quite vigorously. They were dressed as scholars and had their hand clasped together in front of them hidden by their sleeves. Their discussion got quite heated, and it looked like they would come to blows, but no punch was thrown...
Circuit Thoughts (8/10/21)I’m sitting here in my office, writing to you good folks, and I cannot believe the temperature is a pleasant 74 degrees outside. Here we are in August, the dog days of summer and the temperature is a cross between fall and spring. This is truly a blessing. I also realize that at any moment, Mother Nature will regain her senses and grace us with more of that 102 degree in the shade stuff. But until then I plan on enjoying this most pleasant of blessings...
Circuit Thoughts (8/3/21)Back in my previous life, I was an insurance agent. (Okay, okay, I get it). Anyhow, one of the things that my district sales manager told me was to get involved in my church so as to build up a customer base. Now, I was already the choir director of the church, so I didn’t need to “get involved” for that purpose...
Circuit Thoughts (7/27/21)According to Webster’s 21st Century Dictionary a fool is “a person of bad judgement”. Now, when you think about it, many of us have been fools because we have been known to exercise bad judgement, (or maybe it is just me). Psalm 14 starts off with these words, “Fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” Did you catch that? The Writer of the Psalms points out that it is bad judgement to even consider that God does not exist. ...
Circuit Thoughts (7/20/21)I realize I may have stepped on a few sensibilities last week in my article. I know that we would love to have a religion that is all about us. I understand the attraction of a vending machine god that answers every prayer. But guess what folks, that isn’t what Christianity is about. So, if I upset your vision of the church, well, I guess you will have to deal with it. Church is not about you or me...
Circuit Thoughts (7/14/21)I grew up in a small church. Reagans Chapel in Patton, Mo. was on the Old Union charge. (In Methodist circles, the preacher is a circuit rider, and the circuit is called a charge.) The charge consisted of three churches, Old Union, Pine Hill, and Reagans Chapel. I believe only Reagans Chapel is still in the Methodist fold. The pastor served every church every Sunday. Our attendance averaged about 21 or so, and our membership was 54. It was a small church, and everyone was acquainted...
Circuit Thoughts (7/7/21)Okay folks, it is time to get real. There is an elephant in the room, and it is running out of peanuts. Yes, I am talking about CHURCH ATTENDANCE. I know that every church is concerned about it. I know that every church member thinks we should do something about it. I also know that many members intend to show up, but things get in the way. Let’s face it, we have had a built-in excuse for over a year, and it is time to stop the excuses and start showing up...
Circuit Thoughts (6/30/21)I owe all of you an apology. Last week I made an erroneous statement and I wish to clear that up. It had to do with Jesus taking a nap in the fishing boat. The Bible tells us that he went to the stern of the boat. I stated that he went to the front of the boat. I have since been informed that the bow is the front of the boat, and the stern is the back of the boat. Yes, I don’t know one end of the boat from another. I apologize if that misstatement caused any hardship or suffering...
Circuit Thoughts (6/23/21)Mark 4:35-41 has a remarkably interesting story; Jesus tells the disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side of Lake Galilee, (or sea of Galilee if you prefer.) So, they get into the boat and Jesus goes to the front, sits down, gets comfortable and goes to sleep. Suddenly a storm whips up. The disciples, knowing the cruelty of the wind are afraid. Water is getting into the boat; it’s starting to swamp, and Jesus is fast asleep...
Circuit Thoughts (6/15/21)According to “Wilfong’s Southeast Missouri Dictionary of a semblance of the English Language” a parable is “a story that explains a difficult concept in a vernacular understandable to an indigenous people.” Parables help people understand things from their perspective. Jesus used parables all the time, and to those who were listening, they made sense...
Circuit Thoughts (6/8/21)One of the most powerful scriptures to me is in the book of Isaiah, chapter 6, verse 8; “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I, send me!” Isaiah had a vision and in it, God asked who would go and share his word. Isaiah answered and then was sent to the kings to share what God had told him. The response of Isaiah is legendary, Here I am, send me. But if you had that vision, would you be so gung-ho to answer it?...
Circuit Thoughts (6/1/21)I pray everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day celebration. I just want to share a few thoughts on this wonderful celebration. This holiday was originally known as Decoration Day and originated in the years following the Civil War. It started as a tribute to all those that fell during that bloody struggle. ...
Circuit Thoughts (5/25/21)Pentecost is the birthday of the church. This past Sunday we celebrated the descending of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples as they waited in an Upper Room. It was on that day that the church was born and over 3000 people converted to Christianity. You can read all about it in Acts 2:1-21. Be assured, you will not be disappointed...
Circuit Thoughts (5/18/21)This past Sunday was Ascension Sunday. Ascension Day was May 13, 10 days before Pentecost, which will be this coming Sunday. This is the day that Luke talks about in Acts 1:1-11. I’ll let you read that for yourself. It is kind of interesting, (and I think a little humorous) that verse 11 has two angels kind of chastising the disciples for standing around and looking up in the sky after Jesus was lifted into the clouds. ...
Circuit Thoughts (5/12/21)In July of 1999 I did my first sermon as a pastor in the United Methodist Church. For the past 22 years I have had one sure belief; if the spirit is right, things will fall into place according to God’s will. But what I never addressed is what is the “right spirit”. Well, this past week, I have had a conviction...
Circuit Thoughts (5/5/21)I am looking out the window, and it is wet. The forecast tells me it is going to get wetter. Being near a river, wet means a rise in the water level. Many a farmer are wanting to get into the field to plant and plow but can’t because it is so wet. This is spring in the river country of Missouri...
Circuit Thoughts (4/27/21)As I was reading from the book of John, I came across a rather enigmatic verse, “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also… (10:16). My first thought was, “Who are these other sheep?” One thing that we must consider when contemplating this passage is that according to Jesus, his message was meant for the Jewish nation. ...
Circuit Thoughts (4/20/21)It is Easter Sunday, 33 +/- a.d. (although it wasn’t called Easter yet). Reports have been given that a certain tomb in a certain town is empty. People are confused. Outside of Jerusalem on a road going towards Emmaus two friends are talking about what has been happening on this day. The women who went to the tomb have told them the body is gone...
Circuit Thoughts (4/14/21)As I was doing my morning devotional, I came across the description of the early church in Acts 2:42. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to breaking of bread and the prayers”. I know I have read this before, but it struck me as to how simple church can be...
Circuit Thoughts (4/6/21)We serve a Risen Savior. Now What? Yes, this past Sunday was Easter Sunday. For many it was a time of dressing in our Sunday go-to-meeting clothes (yes, I like the Beverly Hillbillies too), get to church and then to family dinner. There was Easter egg hunts and presents of candy and goodies for the kids. It was a wonderful day...
Circuit Thoughts (3/30/21)If my calculations are correct, when you read this article, we will be hip deep in Holy Week. For much of the worldwide church this is the weeklong journey to the empty tomb. But to get to Easter, we must pass through some pretty dark times. This article might get ugly, but here we are...
Circuit Thoughts (3/23/21)Hosanna! Blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest Heaven! We read in Mark 11:1-11 of the people shouting praise to the King of Kings who comes riding in on the back of a donkey’s colt. Jerusalem was going wild and their hopes of a King that would overcome the Roman authorities were being fulfilled, or so they thought...
Circuit Thoughts (3/16/21)I cannot believe it has been a year. A year ago, we went into nationwide shutdown due to the outbreak of Covid. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a Global Pandemic, and life began to change. In that time frame, over 560,000 people have died in the US due to Corona Virus-related issues. ...
Circuit Thoughts (3/9/21)According to the Weather Service, meteorological spring has arrived. This is not the calendar spring which arrives with the Spring Equinox. This is the change in the weather that starts warming up the soil so life can begin anew. Already the day lilies are blooming, the frogs are singing at night and there is a warmth in the air...
Circuit Thoughts (3/2/21)Easter is coming soon. In just a few weeks, four to be exact, we will be celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord. Already the candy is out, the decorations are up, the bunnies and the chicks are ready to be given as pets and winter will soon be a memory...
Circuit Thoughts (2/23/21)As many of you may or may not know, a few months ago I received my Amateur Radio License. This past week, that license came in real handy. During the storm, I was able to get an idea of road conditions by talking to fellow HAM operators that were on the road. This led to making go or no-go decisions for getting to town...
Circuit Thoughts (2/16/21)I know. I may be stating the obvious, but folks it is cold. Down in this part of the country, we look at cold a little different. We understand that it isn’t the temperature that makes it cold it is the humidity. I have friends from the Northern Lands (you know Iowa and Michigan) and when they see our temps all they can say is “Bless your hearts”. (We in the south know what that really means.)...
Circuit Thoughts (2/9/21)There are two pronouns that I have come to really dislike. The pronouns are “they” and “them”. You see, “they” are always trying to take over the world, raise the price of gas and our taxes. “They” are responsible for global warming and pollution. It is because of “them” that we have all this rioting and unrest. It’s “them” who are breaking the law and putting trackers in our vaccines. “They” started Covid and because of “them” we are in the midst of a pandemic...
Circuit Thoughts (2/3/21)The church lost its little house this past week. In the wee hours of the night, a flame was spotted coming through the roof. No one was hurt and no one was living in the little house. We did lose many things that were in storage and things we had been storing for others. I don’t know if the house is a total loss, but it will be a challenge to deal with regardless of what the insurance adjuster says...