Circuit Thoughts

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Have you heard of the Shema? If not, here is what it is. It is Deuteronomy 6:4-5. It starts off with “Hear O Israel; The Lord is our God, the Lord alone, you shall love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” This was what Christ quoted when asked what the greatest commandment was.

What follows as you read the rest of the chapter is an admonition to study scripture. Verses 6-9 instruct the readers to keep the words, recite the words to the children and talk about them all the time. Many Jewish households have little cubby holes in their door posts that hold the Shema. Some even wear a carrier on their person that holds the Shema.

The point is to uphold and learn the greatest commandment of God. Christ also pointed out that the second was like it; Love your neighbor as yourself.

What I found interesting was the importance of reciting it to the children, and as I think about this, I realize this is a command for our children to know Scripture.

When I was growing up, my parents enrolled me in a Bible memory program. I would memorize a verse on a weekly basis. After so many weeks, I would receive a prize. I got my first Bible that way. I think it is time to reinstate that practice. But on a bit wider scale.

I know that many of your churches already have some sort of program in place. We do not, and I think its time to start one. I can hear you asking why. Well, because right now, Biblical literacy is at an all time low. More and more the Bible, in America, is becoming a foreign language. Thanks to social media and quick access to spurious information, people are not getting the full scope of biblical teaching. In fact, there are many lies being spread about the Bible, and folks just haven’t read enough to refute the lies.

Memorization for children lays a groundwork of learning that helps set up moral codes. By learning the teaching of Christ, children can know right from wrong and how to love and be loved. To memorize scripture is to put the word of God in your heart. Also, memorization helps in over all education. It has been shown that a child who memorizes scripture does better in school. Something to think about.

For adults, (yes, I said adults) memorization has been proven to improve cognitive health and even overcome some types of dementia. It gives you an understanding of God’s love that cannot be taken away. It also helps you discern quotes from Ben Franklin and the writers of the Gospel.

Ignorance is merely the lack of information. But evil forces use ignorance to control. By not knowing what the Bible teaches, the world can control the narrative and take over our hearts. So why not start memorizing? It might take some work, but if you and I could just memorize one verse a week, within a year we would have 52 verses memorized. That isn’t too bad. Couple that with a study of that scripture and your biblical knowledge will soon rival your pastors. As the poet once said; A congregation that scripture knows, keeps the pastors on their toes.

Shalom my friends.

See you in church.

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