Circuit Thoughts
My Goodness! Is it August already? This summer has been flying by faster than a fox with it’s tail on fire. (That’s actually biblical, see Judges Chapter 15). But, in all of that, are you ready for the season of busyness that is coming up? In other words, do you have your priorities set?
When I say priorities, I’m talking about your spiritual priorities, not your physical ones. I am also suggesting that your spiritual priorities take precedence over your physical ones. Yes, as we go into the hectic times of job/school schedules, sporting events, holiday preparation, harvest, and all other things, we need to make sure our priorities are straight.
This means, putting God first in all things. Yes, in EVERYTHING you do, God needs to be first. This is what discipling is all about, and we are all called to be disciples…right? It is possible to make God a priority in all things, whether you work a secular job, or you work in the church, God needs to be first. It is no mistake that the greatest commandment is, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength”.
I know what you may be thinking, (because I thought this myself) “If I put God first and foremost in my life, I won’t have time for other things. My job or family may suffer because God is first.” Well to that way of thinking I say “Fooey”. The beauty of making God first is that you have plenty of time for all things that are important and necessary. In my own life, I feared the church would take me away from my family and friends. I feared the demands of ministry would drive a wedge between my children and myself. Yet, when I made God (not the church) my priority, everything fell into place. I found that I had time for my family and for my vocation. My children had access to me that they would not have had if I had focused on a career or making money.
You see, prioritizing God first will let everything fall into place. It will also release some burdens you may have. Following God is the only true way to be free of the pitfalls and dangers of the world. It helps gain new perspectives and new insights. The problems you had when you were alone, are now faced with God in your corner. I’m not saying life gets easier, but it certainly gets more manageable, simply because God becomes the manager.
In Luke 12:29-31, Jesus tells the boys to stop striving for what to eat or drink, and to stop worrying. He tells them to strive for the Kingdom of God, and these things will be given to you.
So, as you start developing your schedule for the coming months, be sure to put God first and then fill up the calendar after that. Sunday morning services, Bible Study and Sunday School should be the top priority, followed by mission/discipling opportunities. Then fill in the blanks with activities and such. Put God first, and everything else will fall into place.
See you in church.