Circuit Thoughts
Believe it or not, this coming Sunday (Nov. 21) is Christ the King Sunday. For some of you, that may not mean much, but for those who follow a liturgical calendar, it means it is the last Sunday of the church year.
That’s right, the last Sunday of the church year. You see, we start the year off with Advent, which is usually the Sunday after thanksgiving or the Sunday that is four weeks before Christmas. Many churches will celebrate this coming Sunday as the last Sunday of the year (kind of like Dec. 31).
We celebrate this day to remind us that Christ is the King of Creation. He has paid the price for our sin and offers us salvation. Paul tells us in Romans 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (King) and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” So, part of the celebration, in my opinion, is to proclaim that Jesus is Lord.
What better way can you think of than to end the year with a celebration of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Since November of last year, the world has been in constant struggle and change. God’s grace through Jesus Christ has brought us through and is preparing us for another year. Whether we want to admit it or not, we have much to celebrate.
November 1-2 were All Saints Day and All Souls Day, respectively. They are days set aside to remind us of the champions of our faith and our loved ones who have gone on to Christ. Now, this coming Sunday, we are called to celebrate the one who has made salvation not only possible, but available to all of us, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
While we say good-bye to a tumultuous church year, we must be thankful for God pulling us through. I for one believe that God has something planned for us, and we have something to look forward to.
So here is how I would recommend you celebrate this wonderful day. Get to church. Yes, your church is part of the body of Christ. It is there we can learn, grow, appreciate, and praise God for all he is doing in our lives. But don’t just go to church, start getting involved. The church needs hands and feet to do the work of God. It needs your time and talents to share the Good News of Christ. So, get involved in the Sunday School, or Bible Studies. Prepare for missions both at home and abroad. Help prepare the church for the challenges that this winter season always brings. Show up and fulfill the commandments of Loving God and Loving Neighbor.
Truly celebrate Christ the King Sunday by being the Kings subject. The world needs to know who its King is, and we are called to tell them.
So, Happy Christ the King Sunday and I will…
See you in church.