News From Out West (1/9/25)On Saturday, Dec. 28 I had my Christmas with my family. Those who were able to attend were Doug and Shelly Mandry and daughters, Faith and Skylar, from Mayfield, Ky., Mark and Heather Hudson and son, Cooper, from Advance, and Matt Hudson and children Hunter, Adysyn, Aden and Harley of Doniphan...
News From Out West (1/3/25)As 2024 draws to a close, communities are encouraged to reflect on the past year and set intentions for 2025. This period of transition is often marked by resolutions, many of which remain unfulfilled. However, the message this year is one of spiritual and personal growth, urging individuals to reconnect with their faith, family, and community...
News From Out West (12/27/24)One of the hardest things to face during the holidays is loss of those we love, not to be able to have those around us that we love and miss. It is very hard for young children who don’t understand why they are gone. Children especially get angry because they don’t understand...
News From Out West (12/19/24)In the last few weeks, we have had several family and friends who have passed away. It seems like it happens close to major holidays. It’s hard to lose someone you love and always depended on them to be there, but when it is close to Christmas, those memories will linger in our mind longer. ...
News From Out West (12/13/24)As the holiday season unfolds in Doniphan, residents are reminded of the true essence of Christmas—love, family, and community. While the town is adorned with festive decorations, the focus shifts from material gifts to the invaluable gift of time spent with loved ones...
News From Out West (11/26/24)It is officially deer season. I live out 160 West and see so many campers coming in to set up. It is hard to believe that deer season is here and then Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I saw my heart doctor on Tuesday. First, I am very thankful to Roy Marsh who also had an appointment the same day and we rode over together...
News From Out West (11/18/24)Now that the elections are over, maybe we can be a little nicer to each other and stop putting each other down. Let us allow those elected to office to do their jobs and stop with the hateful remarks. It is time to really start treating each other with respect, kindness, and even a little love for one another...
News From Out West (10/11/24)I wuld like to send out many prayers for all who are trying to recover from the hurricane in southern states. So many have lost everything. Praying they find those who are still missing and take care of those who are getting ready to face even more loss from the next hurricane that is getting ready to hit them again. ...
News From Out West (10/3/24)It is hard to believe that it is officially fall. The night and mornings seem to be cooler, and afternoons get a lot warmer. I guess spring and fall seem to be more my favorite seasons. I love all the colors of spring and fall, although not fond of all the allergies that come with spring and fall...
News From Out West (9/11/24)I know I have said a big “thank you,” to all who have kept me in their prayers from my stay in the hospital. I am still a long way from where I need to be with my health scare. I am working still at getting better and trying to be my old self again. ...
News From Out West (9/3/24)It is official we now say goodbye to summer and hello to fall. Just think, in about three months we will celebrate Christmas. I don’t know about you but time sure does fly by faster when you get older. There was a time you couldn’t wait until you were 16 so you could get your driver’s licenses. ...
News From Out West (8/28/24)This has been a hard past week, as I mentioned last week that I was admitted into the hospital and was there almost five days. I am still not all the way I need to be but, with so many prayers I know I soon will be. Not enough words to express how blessed I have been since my health scare. ...
Out and About (8/21/24)I would like to say Thank You to all who have kept me in their prayers. I have been in the hospital since Monday. Several things that are going on. I have a very dear friend, Patty Bradshaw, who sent me some beautiful yellow roses. Many have been checking on me. I had wonderful people who are taking care of me at the hospital...
News From Out West (8/13/24)I had a wonderful surprise visit from my son, Mark and Heather Hudson and my grandson Cooper, from Advance, Mo. I love spending time with my sons and their families every chance I get. I also enjoyed a text message from my son, Doug Mandry, who lives in Mayfield, Ky. I was also very happy to hear that my granddaughters returned home from their trip to California...
News From Out West (8/7/24)To MODOT, I don’t know if you read this paper but I want to acknowledge your working on J Highway and the 3142 junction. I see some grading has been done to route the runoff from 3142 ditches away from Hwy. J and it’s probably sufficient for summer rains. Fall gully-washers, however, will no doubt require deeper ditches to prevent puddling and encroaching on the highway. Readers please help report problems to MODOT Customer Service 888-275-6636...
News From Out West (7/31/24)It is hard to believe that July is over. The days have begun to grow shorter. At least for a couple of days the temperature has not been too bad. I enjoyed a really wonderful visit with Dylan Bradsher-Yount on Tuesday. It had almost been a year since I had seen him and his family. ...
News From Out West (7/24/24)I enjoyed a special birthday with my granddaughter Harley Hudson as she celebrated her 5th birthday on Saturday the 13th. She will officially turned 5 on July 18. Her dad, Matt Hudson had a special day for her. With a barbecue and of course birthday cake. ...
News From Out West (7/20/24)First, I would like to apologize for several mistakes in my birthdays and anniversaries report. I am going to repost birthdays and anniversaries from the 15th forward: (17th) Veronica Taylor, Hali Adams, (18th) Braxtyn Donaldson, Harley Hudson, (20th) Tim Honeycutt, (21st) Trent Ray, (25th) Cooper Jackson, Drake Blair, (26th) Joshea Barnett, (27th) Johnathan Murdock, (28th) Rosey Pinney, (29th) Alan Pinney, (31st) Melissa Eddens, Lindell Freeman, Pam Bridges, Robert Brown, Phillip Smith, and (25th) Etna and Ken Shearon. ...
News From Out West (7/10/24)What is the old saying and old song; “Another day older and deeper in debt?” Well, on July 3, I celebrated my 73rd birthday. So this old saying kind of makes me feel this way. I have been spending time with my great-nieces Kenzie and Kara Hall. Kara decided she was going to plan me a birthday party. ...
News From Out West (7/3/24)Now that July is here the days will begin to get shorter. School will be starting before you know it. When my boys were younger and were still in school, I always loved spending the summertime with them. We always did a lot of fishing in the summer. ...
News From Out West (6/26/24)It is officially summertime. What summer events do you have planned...a wedding, family reunion, a family and friends’ barbecue or get together, or are you planning a camping trip somewhere to spend time fishing? I would really love to go fishing somewhere but worry that I might fall. Fishing is more fun when you go with someone...
News From Out West (6/22/24)The last couple of days it has been so beautiful outside. It’s nice not to have so much rain. I know so many places have been dealing with flooding. The one thing I saw on Monday was someone on the river running up and down while it was rushing with the flood water. I don’t think this is a safe time to be on the river...
News From Out West (6/12/24)It is hard to believe all that our community has gone through during the past month. Our community is still working to get back to normal, but the rain has brought all the beauty of the trees and flowers growing. We enjoyed a little rain again on Wednesday. I know everyone watches weather reports on TV and on their phone. As for me, I watch my little Brownie. She is better at reporting when it is going to rain than the weatherman. LOL I love my little Brownie...
News From Out West (6/6/24)These past few days have been some of the hardest for so many in our community, with the loss of homes and trees down everywhere, times without electricity, phones and internet. Most important was how the community came together and gave support to all who needed it...
News From Out West (5/29/24)As we say goodbye to May and hello June, Memorial Day marks the official opening of summer. School is over at least until August and those who have summer school. Can I say summer school here is nothing like what summer school was when I attended summer school. Back then we really had to study to pass summer school in many cases...
News From Out West (5/21/24)I will be glad when May is over. The first 15 days have been nonstop with activity, between graduation, Mother’s Day and (soon) Memorial Day. Three of my grandchildren graduated this month: Harley Hudson from Pre-K at Lone Star, Cooper Hudson from Kindergarten in Advance, Mo., and Skylar Mandry from Mayfield, Ky...
News From Out West (5/15/24)I hope all our mothers had a wonderful “Mother’s Day.” I pray that it was filled with wonderful memories. The fifth commandment says to honor thy mother and father. Does that mean we always agree with them? No, we don’t always agree. Still, we are to honor and respect them...
News From Out West (5/8/24)Hello, May. It’s hard to believe that you are already here. Schools will soon be letting out. This May, so many graduations are happening in our family. My granddaughter Skylar Mandry in graduating from high school in Mayfield, Ky. Granddaughter Harley Hudson is graduating from Pre-K at Lone Star School, and grandson Cooper Hudson from Pre-K in Advance, Mo...
News From Out West (5/3/24)This past weekend was a really blessed one for me. On Saturday I spent the morning with Cassie Stadler and her daughter Bridgett. I was home about 30 minutes when I saw a vehicle pull in my yard. When I went to the door, My daughter-in-law was getting out of the car. My son Doug and Michelle Mandry from Mayfield, Ky., happened to have the day off, together...
News From Out West (4/23/24)I want to say it is officially spring, or at least hopefully not too much cooler weather. At least not until blackberry winter comes. I have two hummingbirds that have showed up so far. I also saw my very first butterfly. I so enjoy watching them while sitting in my recliner taking it easy. ...
News From Out West (4/16/24)I know so many people visited Ripley County for the Eclipse. It was very cool to experience, but for me the best part was I got to spend the day with my son, Doug Mandry of Mayfield, Ky. We had a wonderful visit, something we don’t get to do very often. Only one thing would have made it even better, if my daughter-in-law Michelle and granddaughters Faith and Skylar could have been here...
News From Out West (4/9/24)I hope all have enjoyed the Eclipse and now to go onto something new. I am sure it was very exciting to those who have never seen this before. I hope many were not disappointed as it might not have been what they thought it would be like. I guess once you have seen this once it’s not a big deal. Don’t get me wrong I know it is a big event. I just wish people would get this excited about the Lord. If they did, they would see greater miracles than seeing an Eclipse...
News From Out West (4/4/24)April showers bring May flowers. Showers are one thing but I can do without that wind which came along last Monday. I thought my trailer roof was going to fly off. Sometimes I wish I had some tires on it to hold it down. On Sunday my grandson Gaige Donaldson came over and spent the night and went home on Monday. ...
News From Out West (3/27/24)Everyone is so excited about the eclipse that we will soon be enjoying. I have a thought, when they talked about the last one, it was not the eclipse itself but what took place after the eclipse. Scientists see this in a different way, “Solar eclipses are dramatic events as a rule. ...
News From Out West (3/19/24)Spring is springing up everywhere. I am enjoying the warmer temperatures and lots of warm sunshine around us. I have been talking to my Sunday School class about Genesis and how God created everything in six days and rested on the 7th. We talked about the many beautiful things for all of us to enjoy...
News From Out West (3/14/24)I can’t believe how fast the week has passed. I love to see all the white blooms on the pear trees. Things are starting to bloom everywhere. My yellow bush is beautiful, I am sure you know what I’m talking about. Just can’t spell the proper name of the plant. ...
News From Out West (3/6/24)This past week has been very busy. So much has been going on. On March 1 my twins, Mark and Matt Hudson will turn 35 years old. There are times I wish they were still my young boys. But then I wouldn’t have my grandbabies and I sure do love my family, all of them that is for sure. Like I said it has really been busy around my home...
Out West (2/26/24)I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and that everyone did something special for the loves of their life, regardless whether it was for a sweetheart, children or just for a friend. On Sunday, Vicky Eddens and I were taken out to eat for Valentine’s Day. Christine Cato took us both out and we ate at Mary’s Restaurant. This was my first time eating there. Thank you, Christine, for making us feel very special...
News From Out West (2/14/24)It is hard to believe that by the time the paper comes out, February is already half over. It is also Valentine’s Day. I hope all of you do something special for the love of your life. I hope you get lots of love from your Valentine this Valentine’s Day...
News From Out West (2/6/24)On Wednesday my granddaughter Skylar Mandry celebrated her 18th birthday. My son, Doug and Michelle and my other granddaughter live in Mayfield, Ky. Wish I would have been able to go and spend time with her celebrating her special day. It is hard to believe she is a senior this year. ...
Out and About (1/30/24)May I say, I am so glad to see snow and ice gone. I am ready to count down to spring, for it to show it’s pretty little head. I passed by a couple of creeks that were dry and are now full. Also, many ponds got a little fill up. Well, Feb. 2 is Groundhog Day. So, any thoughts to whether he will or will not see his shadow?...
News From Out West (1/24/24)I wish Mother Nature had a direct phone number to let her know she has outstayed her welcome and that it’s time for winter to be over. No, I do not like snow or cold weather. Then again, I am not crazy about the really hot temps. I would be happy if it stayed around 70 all year long. ...
News From Out West (1/16/24)Can I say that I am ready for spring? I am not looking forward to the cold weather that is coming our way. I would move somewhere warmer, but I happen to love Doniphan more. After all I was born here. We moved to St. Louis when I was five and ready to start school...
News From Out West (1/9/24)Happy New Year to all. It just doesn’t really seem like January. I at least ate my hog jowl and black-eyed peas this year. No, I don’t believe in the superstitions that you are to eat them on New Years Day. There are so many old folklores. I have thought about writing a book of all the ones that I know, and I am sure there are many more that I have never heard...
News From Out West (1/2/24)Goodbye 2023 and hello 2024. What is your New Year’s resolution for 2024? We all seem to make them, and for some they might even come true. I think, to set little goals for yourself each month would be better to do. Then, set yourself up with rewards when you accomplish that goal for the month. ...
News From Out West (12/26/23)HOHO, Merry Christmas to one and all. I guess I should be saying Happy New Year. I will really be glad when all the holidays are over. Right now, I am so confused to what day of the week it is or what is today’s date. You realize just how much more the world is concerned with worldly things. They worry about how many gifts are under the tree. We spend more than we can afford and go in debt for Christmas. I did the same thing. I have always wanted to give my family all I could...
News From Out West (12/19/23)It’a hard to believe that December is already half over. Forgive me, but I really am looking forward to things slowing down a little. Christmas will soon be over. I love Christmas. Don’t get me wrong. The problem is people have forgotten what Christmas is really all about. ...
News From Out West (12/13/23)Recently I was talking to a friend about driving through “Lady of the Snow,” in Cahokia, Ill. It was one of the most beautiful places to visit at Christmas. My uncle Pal Hastings would invite us over and then drive us around the property. They had such beautiful Christian scenes to enjoy. As many lights that they used I am sure a plane had no problem coming into St. Louis. The displays were so wonderful and spiritual to enjoy...
News From Out West (12/5/23)I got my house decorated for Christmas. I just put up a tree this year. I made sure I have all my poinsettia decorations out. My favorite flowers are poinsettias, next would-be yellow roses. I only like red roses on rose bushes in the yard. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. ...
News From Out West (11/29/23)I have seen more deer in backs of trucks and hanging in trees to be skinned than I have seen in a long time. I’m proud for each one of you that had a good season and hopefully you may have even killed that trophy deer. Hang it up on your wall for show...
News From Out West (11/21/23)I guess I will rant a little. My internet went out from Windstream. From what they are telling me it may be as much as two weeks before it is restored. Also, I was told that three states lost internet the last few days. Really, they need to get something done because so many depend on their service. I hope to find somewhere to use my laptop that has internet service...
News From Out West (11/15/23)Lately we have been sadly losing wonderful people in our community. We send out our prayers and love to the family of Cecile Watson. Cecile was one of the first people we met when we moved back here in 1987 from St. Louis. My mom always said, you can tell she walks in the spirit of the Lord. She always looked for good in all...
Out West (11/7/23)I want to apologize first of all for my rants. As you know I live out 160, west past the Current River Bridge. We have different trash services that drive out our way. It is so sad to see bags of trash along the highway. Either they have fallen out of the back of the trucks, or the bags missed going into the trucks...
News From Out West (11/1/23)It is hard to believe that October is over, and we now say hello to November. Do you realize that Christmas is just two months away? I am not going to be ready for Christmas this year, I’m afraid. I need to find a couple of part-time jobs that I can do from my home. I love to do paperwork and bookkeeping. I have always liked working with numbers. If not, maybe I could sell more Tupperware. LOL It is so much harder for senior citizens to make ends meet...
News From Out West (10/25/23)Can I say it feels like the days of the week just fly by? It just seems like it is Sunday and before you know it we are already to Sunday the following week. When I was very young, man I thought I was never going to reach things like turning 13, then 16 so I could drive, and of course turning 21. Now I wish I was younger in so many ways. Not sure if I would change all things but there are a lot of things I would for sure change...
News From Out West (10/17/23)Did you ever have one of those days? I went to finish my article for this week and somehow I deleted everything I had written. So now, I am trying to quickly retype everything so I can get it in on time. Then again, I think it has been one of those kinds of weeks...
Out West (10/11/23)You know someone comes along and they will always leave a lasting impression on you. This is true of Karen Broyles. She overcame so many things over the last few years, including a liver transplant. God blessed us with Karen’s wonderful spirit and her love of the Lord...
News From Out West (10/4/23)I am sitting here thinking about things that use to be, when my boys were the age of Cub and Boy Scouts. It has been many years since they were. I saw an event where Girl Scouts are selling candy starting Oct. 4, I believe. Made me wonder if Boy Scouts still sell popcorn. I have not been around any boys who are Boy Scouts or even Girl Scouts really. I felt that was a really awesome program for them to be a part of...
News From Out West (9/26/23)I would like to share a little with you this week, and this is about me basically. A month ago they gave me a heart monitor to wear. I was having some small problem with my heart (just needed it checked out). After the month they found a few little problems with my heart. ...
News From Out West (9/20/23)It seems a lot has been happening over the past week. You can tell that fall is just around the corner now. They have already started putting out Christmas decorations for sale. Doesn’t seem possible for the season to already be changing. I know many people are very excited about winter and maybe a lot of snow this year. I am not really crazy about severe hot or cold weather. I would be happy if temperatures would stay in the 70’s all year. Again, that is just me and how I feel...
News From Out West (9/6/23)You can tell everyone is getting ready for Halloween, fall and Christmas. They have already brought out Christmas decorations. I am not ready for Christmas, that’s for sure, although, I have started to bring out some of my fall decorations. If the old saying about fogs is true, I have counted at least eight of them. ...
News From Out West (8/30/23)We will be saying goodbye to August and hello September. Schools have pretty much started back up. Before you know it, Halloween, then Thanksgiving and low and behold it will be Christmas. I must say I hope we do not have as much snow as the fogs are saying we will. ...
News From Out West (8/29/23)This has been a hard week in many ways. My cousin Judy (Hastings) Dilbeck passed away. To all of the family my prayers and love are with you. I know it will not be the same without her always there for her family. Growing up, when we would come down from St. ...
News From Out West (8/15/23)This past week on Friday evening three little girls decided to have a pajama party at Aunt Sharon’s house. It had been a long time since kids spent the night at my house. The girls were Bridgett Barton and Kaylee and Kenzie Labryer. Although Bridgett was not feeling the best and had to go home, Kaylee and Kenzie stayed. ...
News From Out West (8/9/23)I want to also say a big thank you to Susie Crenshaw for riding and going with me to Cape to see my doctor. Now to rant just a little. What he said to me could have been said on the phone and I could have saved on my gas. Yes, we did go to Sam’s and Walmart. I bought groceries, that I very much needed. By the time I got home I was totally worn out and going to bed early...
News From Out West (8/2/23)Time to say, “Goodbye” to July and “Hello August,” and for the Ripley County Fair. I loved going to the fair and working in the Boy Scout booth. Yes, that was many years ago that the scouts had a booth. We sold ears of corn at the fair. Then there was the truck pull. Seeing all the entries: pictures to quilts, canning entries, and so much more...
News From Out West (7/26/23)I was thinking back about all the years I have written “Out West” community news. I took over after Betty Murdock wrote the Ponder-Gatewood News. Then when I moved over on 160 West it was changed to “Out West.’ So, it would cover everything west of Doniphan. I wish more people would send me news of events in our out west community. You may call me at 573-996-7726, Facebook (Sharon Hastings) or email me at sharonlee62@windstream.net...
News from Out West (7/19/23)t is hard to believe that July is halfway over. I know many in our “Out West” area, which includes Highway 142 West and Highway 160 West community, have family get-togethers planned. I would love to hear from you. Tell us about your events, whether they are reunions, vacations, weddings, birthdays, whatever the event is. I hope you will share these events with us. I’m sure others would love to hear what the events are. You can call me at 573-996-7726, email me at sharon...
News From Out West (7/12/23)Hello July. This past week I celebrated my 72nd birthday on the 3rd. I would like to say “thank you,” to all that called, messaged me on Facebook, came by and sent cards. I greatly appreciate all of you for helping me celebrate my birthday. The song “Another Day Older And Deeper In Debt” came to my mind. ...
News From Out West (6/28/23)The past week has been a pretty good week overall. On Sunday, went to my son Matt Hudson after a really wonderful service at Faith Life Christian Church. The spirit of our Lord was so warmly and wonderfully felt. I encourage all that might be looking for a church to attend, I would invite you to come visit us. ...
News From Out West (6/20/23)Even though it did rain today, it was nice to see, just not long enough or enough of it. Right now, everything is beautiful, but if we do not get more soon things will be turning brown. As dry as it is, people should not be burning right now. They are saying possibly more over the weekend. At least we can hope and pray for it...
News From Out West (6/7/23)Goodbye May and hello June. There are a lot of people getting married this month. Plus several are taking vacations this month. I wonder if I could start a go-fund so I could go on a vacation. I have not been anywhere in about nine years. Plus, I want to go someplace and go fishing. I love to go fishing and it has been several years since I did...
News from Out West (5/31/23)We will soon say goodbye to May and “Hello June.” Father’s Day is just around the corner. When driving around you can also tell it is summer for everyone is out barbecuing. You can smell the wonderful fragrance of their work. I love to barbecue, but just don’t like to do that much work for just one person...
News from Out West (5/23/23)I hope all moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I had a good one even though I spent it by myself. I went to church, and we had a wonderful Sunday School and morning services at Faith Life Christian Church on Highway 160E. It’s wonderful to see our numbers are growing. ...
News From Out West (5/16/23)This has been a really busy week it seems. My grandson Hunter Hudson graduated from Lone Star School and will be a freshman next school year. Then my grandson Aden Hudson graduated from kindergarten. It just doesn’t seem possible how much they have grown and so fast. My granddaughter Skylar Mandry will be a senior this year in Mayfield, Ky. It is times like these that make you feel like you are getting old really fast...
News From Out West (5/10/23)Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mom’s and those who fill in as mother’s and grandmothers. A mother may be many people who fill the role of mom. Regardless, one of the 10 commandments is honor thy father and mother. We may not always agree with our parents, regardless we need to honor them. ...
News From Out West (5/2/23)As we say goodbye to April and hello May, soon it will be Mother’s Day, graduation for our schools and then Memorial Day. Memorial Day is the kickoff to summer events and activities. I am ready for some barbecue and ready to go fishing. Went down to see all the damage that beavers are doing to my pond with Roy and Johnathan Marsh. ...
News From Out West (4/25/23)April showers bring May flowers. Lately we have been having a lot of rain so we should have lots of flowers. I even noticed that May Apples are popping up everywhere. I even saw my first Box Turtle this year. I can remember when I was younger, we would go over to Wells Creek to look for morels and then fish in the creek. Days I wish I could do now. I loved wading through the creeks and fishing. Then having a big fish fry from what we caught and found of the morels...
News From Out West (4/19/23)I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. My son Matt Hudson of Doniphan, Mark and Heather Hudson and grandson Cooper of Advance, Mo. came for lunch. For a change I didn’t over cook and have a lot of food after our meal together. My cousin Kim Kizer and Linda Crow brought me carpet for my house that I really needed. ...
News From Out West (4/11/23)I pray that everyone was safe during the severe weather that we have had the last couple of weeks. I think we have had enough of the rain and storms for awhile. Looking forward to several days of nicer weather. Can I say I am so ready for spring to come and stay? May we keep all in prayers that have lost loved ones and their homes during the tornadoes over the last few weeks. Lord, give them strength to get through the days ahead. May we keep them all in our prayers...
News From Out West (4/4/23)What is the old saying, April showers will bring May flowers. With as much rain that we have already had along with areas still under water, I think we have had enough rain at least until this summer when we will need it more. Lord, thank you for what we have gotten. Everything is greening out so much, I love watching my tree in my yard bloom out. Every day it blooms out more and more...
News From Out West (3/28/23)Did you ever hear the old saying if it were not for bad luck, I would have no luck at all. Last few weeks seems like every time I turn around something seems to be going wrong. Regardless of all that has been going on, I still praise the Lord, he is always with me and is my strength in all things. ...
News From Out West (3/21/23)Seems like if you live in the area of 160W, people are having some problems with dogs attacking. One such incident is the mauling of a mini horse, who was blind and could not protect itself. Another incident is mauling of small calves. They know that it is not coyotes, people have pictures on their cams of the attacks. ...
News From Out West (3/14/23)I am so ready for Mother Nature to make up it’s mind. I am so ready for it to get warmer and stay warmer for a little while. I am ready to go fishing and it has got to get a little warmer for me to want to go fishing. At least it is staying lighter longer, with time changing on the 12th and then it will be lighter even longer...
News From Out West (3/7/23)Rain, rain, go away and come back some summer day. I think we may need boats as much as there is supposed to be coming our way. I am really enjoying all the white blooms on the trees around my house. That is one thing about spring is seeing everything blooming. ...
News From Out West (2/28/23)Rain, rain go away and come again some summer day. I have one pond down behind my house, but with all this rain I have small ones in my front yard. I am in need of someone to do some grading on the little road that runs on my place. Then I need a couple of good loads of gravel to fill in the road after grading and in my front yard where I park my car...
News From Out West (2/21/23)Hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day. I was very surprised to receive a beautiful little flower arrangement from my best friend, Patty (sis). We have been friends for many years, we met when I first signed up to sell Tupperware, back in 1997. Also, it’s hard to believe I have been selling Tupperware for 24 years. ...
News From Out West (2/14/23)Do you know by the time The Prospect-News paper comes out February will be half over. Now let’s talk about rain. I am thankful, very thankful that it is not ice. But I not only have a pond out back, but now have a pond forming in the front yard. I hope I don’t need a boat to get to my car. ...
News From Out West (2/7/23)Round two of winter weather has hit again. February 2 was Groundhog Day, by now we know if he did or did not see his shadow. There are so many old sayings that come from our history over the years. I have often thought about writing a book with all these old sayings in it. ...
News From Out West (1/31/23)It seems most are excited at the possibility of lots of snow. I guess the younger generation is more excited than us older generation. A lot of the older generation fear falling and no one there to help us up if we do. I have put my order in for spring to come early. I guess with Ground Hog Day in just a few days he will tell us if spring is here or not. The weatherman sure is telling us a different story that is for sure...
News From Out West (1/24/23)It seems like each week we lose more people from our community. This past week we lost Bill Tillman, Bobby Shonk Jr., James Murphey and Wade Dale. We send out our love and prayers to their families and friends. May the Lord give you strength in the days ahead. Know that we are here for your support and love. All of our prayers to comfort you. Amen...
News From Out West (1/17/23)This has been a great week for spending time with my children for Christmas. On Wednesday last week spent some time with my son, Doug Mandry and granddaughter Faith from Mayfield, Ky. I love when I get to spend time with them. Don’t get to see them very often so when we do it is a wonderful blessing...
News From Out West (1/10/23)I hope all have had a Happy New Years! This year has been hard in many ways for so many. With the changing of the weather, not sure if it wants to be wintertime or changing into your shorts. No wonder children and also adults are fighting the flu bug. Just remember when children are young, they don’t know they still need to be wearing jackets...
News From Out West (1/3/23)There is nothing worse than having everything written out for your “Out West” news and then in one easy step delete everything you had already written and ready to send into the paper. When my computer crashed, I had to buy another computer, my other went back to 2016. I felt it was time for another, so I got a laptop. It is so touchy, and you have to really watch what you are doing or like I said you lose all that you had already typed, now starting over again. LOL that’s life...
News From Out West (12/27/22)You know the old saying, “if it wasn’t for bad luck, I would have no luck at all.” On Friday, my computer did a nose dive. I lost everything on my computer. I finally got it going, but it went back to the setting that was the first day I bought it in 2016. ...
News From Out West (12/20/22)This past week has been a great time for a visit with my cousin Rex and his wife Laura Griffin. They came by on their way to Springfield, Mo. to pick up their granddaughter for a visit. They used to live in St. Peters, Mo. before buying a place in Matthews, Mo. after retiring. They picked up some Christmas flower arrangements that I had made. It is so nice to have them closer, maybe we will be able to see each other more...
News From Out West (12/13/22)I can’t believe that Christmas is only a couple weeks away and 2022 is on its way out the backdoor and 2023 is coming in the front door. The two holidays that more people attend church are at Christmas and Easter. Sadly, that is the only time many attend. ...
News From Out West (12/6/22)Today is the first day of December and the start of the countdown to Christmas. I think I have gotten all of my Christmas decorating finished. The tree is up and all the decorating that I will be doing is done. Now to work on Christmas cards. I am very old fashioned and love to send out cards to friends and family. ...
News From Out West (11/29/22)It is hard to believe in less than a month we will be celebrating Christmas. We should celebrate the Lord everyday, not just at Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season. Kids today have no idea what it was like to only have two gifts under the tree. ...
News From Out West (11/22/22)As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for. We may not have an abundance of everything we want, but what we have we need to be thankful for. For many the holidays can be very hard. Many have lost loved ones, many will spend the holidays alone. I know holidays are very hard when you are alone and older. The last couple of years I know how that feels more than I used to...
News From Out West (11/16/22)So how many of you are still having problems with the time change? My sleep is so messed up right now. I need all the beauty sleep I can get, you know what I mean. I wish they would come up with something in the middle and just leave it alone. I hate looking out at 6 in the evening and seeing it is already dark outside. I know there are worse things I could complain about...
News From Out West (11/10/22)Is it really almost Thanksgiving, oh and deer season and next is Christmas. I am not ready for Christmas. There is so much I need to get done before that time comes. You would think I would be more prepared but we will see when that time is really here. I have been going to physical therapy for my back at PARC behind Patsy’s. I hope and pray that they can help me with my back. Please keep me in your prayers that things get better for me...
News From Out West (11/1/22)I enjoyed Saturday night, Oct. 22, spent some time with my family in the celebration of my Uncle Ray Joe Hastings 85th birthday. Soome cousins whom I haven’t seen in years. Listened to me a lot of good singers like my cousin Raymond Hastings. He needs to do it more and maybe even a CD. ...
News From Out West (10/26/22)I am more than likely going into an area that some are not going to be happy with me about. It is sad to see our VFD are not the way that they once were. The younger youth have no desire to volunteer as the older generation did. Folks, we are going into fire season early this year. ...
News From Out West (10/18/22)Do you realize that in about 2-1/2 months we will be celebrating Christmas? Why does spring and fall fly by so fast? The two times of the year that have the most beautiful colors in them. So far everyone is saying that the persimmon seed is showing a spoon, which means a lot of snow to shovel. ...
News From Out West (10/11/22)This past week we lost another wonderful member of our community. Homer Smith of the Gatewood area. Homer was one of the nicest guys I have ever known. He had more stories to tell and share with anyone who would listen. Always joking around with you, even if he didn’t know you. To all his family we send our prayers and love. Homer you will be missed so much by so many...
News From Out West (10/4/22)As we look around, fall is really here. Although, I am not really ready for colder weather. I don’t like it real hot but I for sure don’t like cold. Maybe, as I get older, it feels better to be warm than cold. Silly I know, but everything hurts more when it is cold, I know it is because my body is getting old. LOL...
News From Out West (9/28/22)One day we have fall weather and then back to summer. There is an old saying if you live in Missouri long enough you can go through all four seasons in one day, I am beginning to believe it can happen. From the looks of all the persimmon seeds we will be shoveling a lot of snow...
News From Out West (9/21/22)On Sept. 14, Lone Star School had breakfast for Grandparents Day. There were lots of grandparents who got to spend some quality time with their grandchildren. Plus the children entertained all the grandparents with special songs. It was an awesome time that was spent with grandparents and grandchildren...
News From Out West (9/14/22)This has been a rough couple of weeks. One of the things that I brought home from the services for my grandson Anthony Belt, was just how important family and friends are. The company my grandson worked for was Ingram’s in Paducah, Ky. They lowered their American Flag at halfmast in honor of him. Plus, most of the guys he worked with on the boat also attended his services...
News From Out West (9/7/22)This has been a bad past week, as my grandson Anthony Belt while working on the river boat was killed. I know many have since talked about how dangerous that job was. I guess I just never realized it until now. My heart hurts and goes out to his wife Sherry, mother Michelle and Doug Mandry and sisters Faith and Skylar, to his dad Chris Belt. ...
News From Out West (8/30/22)I recently received a call from The Prospect-News that I had received a letter there. Which was exciting but also a little scary, not knowing who sent it. The letter, let us call it a “Good Neighbors Love.”A gentleman who is 72 years old sent it to me. ...
News From Out West (8/23/22)It is so hard to believe that August is almost over. What happened to summer? It was here for a short time, it seems. The deer sure are moving already, (or I should say) with the little cooler temps, they are. I have seen so many young deer along 160W, just standing and feeding. ...
News From Out West (8/16/22)The last about 3 to 4 weeks have not been the greatest. I had blood clots in my left leg. Was almost put in the hospital for them. Then last week I was in a car accident. Still waiting to find out when they will fix my car for sure. Right now my car is full of glass, no side mirror and the car is scrapped all along the driver side. ...
News From Out West (8/9/22)I want to say thank you to all who have kept me in their prayers. This past week I had a test run to see if I had blood clots in my left leg again. Before I got back home my phones were ringing off the wall from my doctor’s office. When I returned the call they told me I had to get to the hospital to be admitted. ...
News From Out West (8/2/22)I am very thankful for the rain. I just wish instead of storms we could have a couple of days of slow rain. That way it would soak into the ground. Everything is so dry. I just would like some rain that would have that time to do more good. I know I should not complain and Lord forgive me for doing that...
News From Out West (7/26/22)There was a lot of excitement on Highway 142 West last week with all the little fires that arose from an 18-wheeler flat. Instead of pulling over he allowed sparks to shoot out and this started the fires. The volunteer fire departments are in need of volunteers to help with fighting fires. Many of the departments do not have up to date addresses since the addresses changed. Please take the time to notify your area fire department. Please make sure you send in your fire dues...
News from Out West (7/19/22)When I went to physical therapy on Wednesday, there was a mother and her two little girls in there. The youngest was very friendly and we kind of struck up a little interaction. I believe she was 3 or 4. I told her I thought I might have something in my purse I could give her and her sisters. ...
News From Out West (7/13/22)I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend. On Friday, 1st day of July, I spent the day baking my cakes and decorated a three-tier cake for my daughter, DeeDee and Rick Sparks‘ 25th. It has been many years since I made any wedding cakes. ...
News From Ellsinore (7/7/22)Hearing and seeing some early fireworks. Enjoy that, especially the shooting ones that explode with showers of color that fall a few minutes after the explosion. Bill came Sunday, fixed chili and chicken which is a new dish for me, it was in the box and very tasty. ...
News From Out West (7/7/22)The year is officially half over. I don’t know about you or maybe as you get older, it just seems like time sure moves a lot faster than it used to. School will be starting in just a little over a month from now. I hope everyone had a safe and productive 4th of July. I still miss the canoe races that used to be on the Current River. I told someone the other day that I can remember when I was way younger, as I just turned 71 so I am talking about 60 plus years ago...
News From Out West (6/29/22)I love to hear from those who tell me they liked something I put in our “Out West” news. As it was when I got a call from Ronnie Hubbard. It was good to hear from him. He said he is doing somewhat better, but would enjoy anyone who wants to visit or give him a call. ...
News From Out West (6/22/22)The last few days have been very much filled with blessings. My son, Matt Hudson, has bought his new house in Doniphan. I am so happy to have him back over here in Doniphan and not living in the Bluff anymore. Then on Tuesday my cousin Mary Van Dyke (Mom) of St. Louis, Mo. came with her daughter Pam Bridges of Doniphan for a visit and looking through old pictures...
News From Out West (6/14/22)I am going to vent just a little, hope you will be understanding. When dad, Prientus Hastings, was 16-years-old he was shot in the back while out with a friend. It was an accident, but the bullet went through his back and out just above the belly button. ...
News From Out West (6/7/22)Well hello June! I had a good week, my son Mark and Heather Hudson and grandson Cooper, from Advance, Mo. were here and visited with me on Sunday and Monday along with spending time with other family members. Spent some time on the phone with my son Matt Hudson of Poplar Bluff, Mo...
News From Out West (5/31/22)Hello June and good bye May. Now I am ready for days without rain all the time, I could really use some sunshine. I also need to find someone who likes to fish and go fishing somewhere with me. Deepest sympathy and prayers for the Jesse Redus family. May we keep all the family and friends in our prayers...
News From Out West (5/17/22)You know you are from Missouri when you go from the middle of winter temperatures to middle of summer temps in a week’s time. Now I have got to rearrange things in my living room so I can get my air conditioner ready to turn on. I really hoped I would have got one more month in with the electric bill going down some. I am blessed regardless and I need to stop complaining. I thank the Lord for all he does for me...
News From Out West (5/11/22)I am so tired of all the rain. If it doesn’t stop soon I will be surrounded by ponds in my front yard. I feel for those who have creeks and the water keeps you from getting out. I was looking at all the old pictures of when the water was up over the bridge. I pray we don’t have that again...
News From Out West (5/4/22)It seems to be a sad week for our community. First the loss of Danelle Gettings. Danelle was active in so many ways, in the community and will be greatly missed. To her husband David and their children all our prayers and love. Lord give them the strength they need in the days ahead...
News From Out West (4/26/22)Our Lone Star School community was very saddened to hear of our former principal and coach, Ligie and Kim Waddell lost their son Derek in a car accident. Derek was just 31, I watched him from the time he was young and growing up along with his brother Ryan. Derek had a smile that would draw you to him and share in his kindness for anyone who was around. To family, his friends and those he worked with we send our prayers and all our love...
News From Out West (4/20/22)I know we always have lots of rain in April. I am just wondering if we may need to purchase boats to get around. At least we can save on the gas needed for the boats. Save even more if we use oars. Sometimes you just have to take everything with a little smile and a grain of salt. The rain will be greatly needed more once gardens get put in and then wishing it was raining...
News From Out West (4/12/22)
News From Out West (4/5/22)When March began it came in like a lamb but it sure is going out like a lion. As April comes in and April showers bring May flowers. I love old sayings like if March comes in like a lamb it will go out like a lion, if it comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb. Funny how those old sayings come true so often. Hopefully, April showers don’t flood us away or we may need to get around in boats instead of our cars. At least we will save on gas...
News From Out West (3/29/22)The beautiful Forsythia’s and the Bradford Pears are beautiful this year, a sure sign that spring is here. Although, why do they call them pear trees when there are no pears on them. At least none that are edible. I know they are having the city wide clean up, but why not make it a Ripley County wide clean up. ...
News From Out West (3/22/22)May I say this for the records, I hate time change. Why can they not just leave it alone and one time for all year. If nothing else, just change the time by 30 minutes and then leave it at that time and do away with time changing. By the time we get used to the time change, it is time to change it again. ...
News From Out West (3/16/22)I wonder how many of you forgot to spring forward an hour on Saturday, before going to bed. Only to wake up lost at what time it really was and wonder what was going on. What are your plans to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? For me I will just spend the day the same way I do every day regardless if it is a special event or not. ...
News From Out West (3/8/22)I would say March has come in like a lamb and will go out like a lion. I have heard that old saying as far back as I can remember. You know I love all the old sayings like this that I grew up hearing from my grandmother Virgie Nickell. Another example; “if your nose itches, company is coming with a hole in the britches or April showers bring May flowers.” I often thought about writing a humorous little book with all the ones I know, there are many. Maybe one of these days I will...
News From Out West (3/1/22)Prayers go to the family of Jerry Kelly; to his children and grandchildren I know you have a great hole to fill in your life. Jerry was one of a kind that is for sure and such a character to be around. Jerry was a lifelong member in our Out West Community. Not only was he a member but he also worked in our community, he was a bus driver for Ripley County R-IV School and drove log trucks for Beckwith Sawmill. Jerry, you will be greatly missed by so many. Prayers and love to all of his family...
News From Out West (2/17/22)The past three weeks, I have dealt with pneumonia and upper respiratory tract infection. To everyone who is going through health issues my heart feels for you. It has been a long time since I have felt this bad. I am still very weak and have not got my strength back...
News From Out West (2/8/22)As we prepare for winter weather for the next few days. I think I would rather have snow and not ice. I also pray that people slow down and not fly through all of the rain, ice or snow. You know it is better to leave a little earlier and watch the speed. You may not think about yourself but please think about others on the roads...
News From Out West (2/1/22)If you live out 142 West or 160 West areas, if there are any events happening or if you are having a family event you might want to share in our “Out West” Community News, please contact me. There are several ways you might be able to do that. You may email me at sharon...
News From Out West (1/26/22)I love when people come to visit me. On Tuesday the 18th, I totally enjoyed my time visiting with Toni Burch, along with Susie Crenshaw. We laughed and caught up on each other. It was a very awesome afternoon. I have been going through things at my house and trying to get rid of things I don’t need anymore. While going through things, I found an old Oct. 1, 1975 Ozark Graphic paper. It was a very popular and loved newspaper here in Ripley County...
News From Out West (1/18/22)If you take the time to look around you, you will see so many are fighting so many things right now in their life. People seem not to want to work, let’s face it. There are so many jobs available right now. People could go out and get a good job and still stay safe where they work and go...
News From Out West (1/11/22)I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year. It still doesn’t seem right to be writing 2022 instead of 2021. About the time we get used to writing it, it will seem like it is time to move on 2023. Now that 2021 is over, we need to let it go and call it our past. We have a new year of new beginnings, a clean slate to start over. More important things than thinking only about 2021, let it stay in the rear view mirror. There are bigger and better things ahead. Just focus on what is in front of you. ...
News From Out West (1/4/22)This has been one of the best Christmases I have had in a few years. On Christmas day I spent it with my adopted daughter DeeDee and Rick Sparks, along with their children Megan, Cherokee, Ricky and children. I have to really get back on my diet from eating all the wonderful food. The time I spent with them meant so much to me...
News From Out West (12/28/21)It is hard to believe that 2021 is almost over. I am so looking forward to 2022 and maybe a new beginning to many things. Prayers that all that has happened in 2021 will stay in the rear view mirror of things, focus on a new year of wonderful blessings. A new year 2022 and new everything to look forward to...
News From Out West (12/22/21)Our community lost another wonderful person. All our prayers and love to the family of Dewaine Bagwill. I worked several years at Lone Star School as a teachers aide. I was able to work with both Dewaine and his late wife Wanda Bagwill. It was an honor to work with this great family. ...
News From Out West (12/16/21)In 1986, my parents, Corinne and Prientus Hastings, bought what was then Frye’s Grocery on Highway 160W. The original store was built by my grandparents Hazel and Joe Hastings. Dad always wanted to come back to Doniphan, having lived in St. Louis for 33 years. ...
News From Out West (12/7/21)It seems we are losing too many in our community. To the families of Mike Ryan, Joe Seay, Joe Dalton and all the others. Prayers and our deepest sympathy for your loss. We send prayers to all your family and friends. May the Lord give the strength that you need for the days ahead...
News From Out West (12/1/21)On Sunday, I went to my cousin Pam and Dale Bridges’ home and enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch with my family. Those attending were Pam’s mom Mary Hastings VanDyke, her sisters Kim and Bill Kizer and their son Victor and family, Linda and Bill Crow, Pam and Dale’s son Michael and his children Zack and Brittany and her boyfriend, plus grandson Josh Todd and his family...
News From Out West (11/23/21)On Wednesday, I guess everyone got very excited about Doniphan having a 4.0 earthquake. At least for a little while Facebook was talking about this and everything else was being put on the back burner. Hopefully all are safe and no real damage. Prayers are needed for many in our “Out West” community. ...
News From Out West (11/16/21)Saw this on Facebook and it really sounded like a cool thing for Christmas and a different way to share some good recipes. For Christmas, I would love to receive Christmas cards from you. I want your favorite recipe written inside the card. Even if we hardly talk...
News From Out West (11/3/21)Don’t forget that time will be changing on Nov. 7, so be sure to go back an hour on your clocks. That means you will get an extra hour of sleep. I am beginning to feel like my living room is becoming a workshop rather than my living room. I wish I had a little building to put in my front yard and make it into a workshop. I love to do wood crafts and make clocks, do flower arrangements or anything using my hands. I have always appreciated things that people made and gave to me...
News From Out West (10/26/21)Hope that everyone had a wonderful week. It was a good time to go out and enjoy the much cooler weather and enjoy the colors of fall. I am just sad that it was another summer that I didn’t get to go fishing. I love to fish, just not into going by myself and I love having a good mess of catfish or perch...
News From Out West (10/19/21)On Oct. 10 in celebration of National Pastor Appreciation Day Faith Life Christian Church had a special dinner for their pastor, Bro. Alan and Sis. Kathy Wilson and Associate Pastor, Bro. Jody and Sis. Robin Wilson and family. We are blessed to have them as our pastors and their family...
News From Out West (10/12/21)I really had a great weekend and visit on Oct. 2 with my son Mark and Heather Hudson and grandson Cooper. They live in Advance, Mo., and came to Doniphan to visit with not only me, but with Jerald Hudson and Roy Marsh. Cooper will be 5 in December and Saturday for the first time Cooper let me really play with him, he kind of loves mom and dad more. ...
News From Out West (10/5/21)You can really say that fall is in the air, as the colors of fall are showing their beautiful colors. Although the temps have gone up a little again. It is nice to have cooler weather and soon it will be time to look for those mushrooms. Next, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and I forgot deer season...
News From Out West (9/29/21)It was a sad week for our family. My cousin, Marie (Atchison) Munson, received her angel wings after her short battle with cancer. She was the daughter of Elsie (Hastings) Munson and Cecil Atchinson. To all her children, family, and friends we send our prayers and love. ...
News From Out West (9/21/21)On Sept. 16 my parents Corinne and Prientus Hastings would have been married 71 years, happy anniversary mom and dad in heaven. One of the things my parents did when they bought their mobile home was to purchase fire alarms. They had not been checked, lets just say I don’t remember them ever being checked, they have been in this trailer over 25 years. ...
News From Out West (9/14/21)I am very proud that they put the new Dollar Store in at the junction of 160W and 142W. Now I wish they would put a 3 way or 4 way stop in. In recent weeks I have seen several, very close calls to accidents happening. It is hard to believe we are already into the second week of September. ...
News From Out West (9/7/21)It is hard to believe that it is already September. Although I am looking forward to some cooler weather, I am not ready for summer to be over. There has been a little excitement at my house, I have two dogs, Pumpkin is 8-years-old and her daughter Brownie is 3-years-old. ...
News From Out West (8/31/21)The Lord brings people into your life for a reason. One of those reasons is to show you what a real Christian should be like. One of those wonderful people was William Cato. He fought cancer for a long time, but his faith, his wife Christina and their family never stopped believing in the power of the Lord Jesus. ...
News From Out West (8/24/21)I have been canning again, this time bread and butter pickles. I was asked by a friend, since it is just me by myself, why do I can so much. Growing up around my grandmother Virgie Nickell, who taught me to can and cook along with my mother Corinne Hastings. Also how to sew and make quilts. I was very blessed to be able to be around my grandma. So when I am canning, it kind of helps me to remember those wonderful times that I had with them. ...
News From Out West (8/17/21)Now that school will be back in session, please watch for children standing along the roads, streets and highways waiting for the buses. Also remember that buses and trucks need more space to make their turns. You can not be right on top of them when they make those turns...
News From Out West (8/10/21)There seems to be so much sadness in the last few weeks. Several years ago I had the honor of doing a special piece for The Prospect-News about David Siegler, a wonderful man. He served during the Vietnam War, Panama and Desert Storm and was also awarded the Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, National Defense Service Medal and Vietnam Campaign Medal, among other awards and recognitions. He also served in the Army National Guard...
News From Out West (8/3/21)It seems the year is now half over. I am almost afraid to go into the store, for fear of seeing Halloween and Christmas stuff being displayed already. I love fall and winter seasons both. Just not really ready for the seasons to change yet. Although I have watched a lot of Hallmark’s Christmas in July shows, I could also enjoy a little less heat outside, the one part of fall that I really love is the cooler temp. ...
News From Out West (7/27/21)We are so blessed everyday with so many wonderful things from the Lord. One gift for me is watching the Hummingbirds and other birds like the Doves, the Cardinals and the Indigo. I would say there are between 50 to 100 Hummingbirds feeding on the two feeders that I have on my front porch. ...
News From Out West (7/20/21)Last week when the tornado went through Dexter my son Mark and his wife Heather Hudson and my grandson Cooper were caught in the tornado. It blew out the window of their SUV, the only window that was not was the one where my grandson was sitting. Mark and Heather were cut up pretty good from the glass, Cooper was also, but the Lord had his arm around my grandson and kept him from being cut up worse. ...
News From Out West (7/14/21)I hope that everyone enjoyed their 4th of July. I know my doggies are so glad for the fireworks to stop. On Saturday, July 3 my sons, Mark and Matt Hudson and my grandchildren Hunter, Adysyn, Aden, Harley and Cooper spent the day with me. Mark barbecued and we had more food than we knew what to do with. I love the time that I got to spend with my family and wish I had more time with them. When you get older it seems like time with family is so much less, mainly because they have busy lives. ...
News From Out West (7/7/21)This past weekend was the 4th of July activities, along with several birthdays. One of which was a 70’s celebration for Brenda Dickson, Billie Smith, Rick Broyles and myself. Maybe we should start a club for us. By the way we all turn 70 on July 1 and July 3. My body tells me I am 90, but my mind keeps trying to tell me I am 40. I am just thankful to be able to celebrate whatever the Lord gives to me and thankful that he is giving me so many blessings...
News From Out West (6/30/21)It is official, the year is half over. Time to celebrate the 4th of July, also a time to give praises to all of our military people who have worked so hard to keep so much away from the land of the free. Fighting in other countries away from their families so that we stay safe...
News From Out West (6/23/21)I live on 160W and can’t get over all the boats and campers going by. I remember when we lived in St. Louis we would plan our vacation for the first two weeks of July. We always camped out the whole time fishing, swimming and we always went to watch the canoe races. My uncle, Ray Joe Hastings was always in the race. I sure miss those old times and also watching fireworks...
News From Out West (6/15/21)This past Monday, June 7 to Wednesday, June 9, Faith Life Christian Church had their Vacation Bible School. It was such an awesome feeling to watch the children as they learned and wanted to learn about the Lord. This week they learned of the miracles of Jesus and what it means to be a Good Samaritan. Then on Wednesday night everyone enjoyed our closing program and then had a fun night of games, hot dogs and snacks for the parents and the children...
News From Out West (6/8/21)I would like to send out my prayers and love to Jeff Anderson’s family. I was very saddened to hear of his passing. I have known Jeff since he was a young lad and his wife Connie. So to Connie and their families and friends, I pray that the Lord will give you strength and peace in the days ahead. Amen...
News From Out West (6/1/21)I hope that everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. If you were able to spend time with family, enjoy that time, it is very special in so many ways. My prayers and love to the family and friends of Sue Bell. Especially my daughter-in-law Heather Hudson, her dad Roy Marsh and Uncle Lindle Marsh are brothers to Sue. May the Lord give you strength and know you are all loved. May your days ahead be easy and know you have so many who send their prayers and love to you all...
News From Out West (5/25/21)I know we are all overwhelmed by all the rain. Good news it should start falling off after Memorial weekend. Then we will have hot weather and we will wish we had some of the rain again. For some reason we are just not happy with the weather at any time here in Missouri. Just think we could still be having frozen weather like this past winter...
News From Out West (5/18/21)I hope everyone has enjoyed a few days without rain. I have totally enjoyed watching the birds around the feeders and my hummingbirds. Come join the Treasure of the Lord at Vacation Bible School at Faith Life Christian Church on 160 East across from His Church and Wright Park. Time and days will be June 7-9, 6-8 p.m., ages three and up...
News From Out West (5/12/21)On Sunday, I had a slight scare. Went to church, during Sunday School I was having light chest pains, then after church, talked to another sis about VBS, getting ready for it to come up soon. Told Sis. Vicky I thought I would go home, wasn’t really feeling good. Then by the time I walked out of church and got in my car, noticed my face drawing some, eyes were a little, and noticed my lip was swollen...
News From Out West (5/5/21)Time for our May birthdays and anniversaries: (4th) Dennis Wilson, (6th) Ashley Hudson, (7th) Tammy Raderstorf, (13th) Teresa LaBryer, (14th) Darrell Gettings, (15th) Jonathan Shedd, (17th) Kaylee Engelton, (22nd) Kimberly Brown, (24th) Randy Whiteside, (26th) Josh Anderson, (27th) Dan Murdock, Megan Raderstorf, (28th) Kaylee Eddens, Trinity Wilson, Otis Shedd, (31st) Pat Adams, (13th) Becky and Dan Hill. ...
News From Out West (4/27/21)Pine-Bardley Volunteer Fire Department fire dues for the district are due. This year they are $30 next year they will be raised to $35. If you would like to mail your payment, make them to PBVDS, mail them to Sue Knautz, 11555 Hwy. 160 East, Fairdealing, MO 63939. ...
News From Out West (4/20/21)On Wednesday I got to spend a wonderful day with my cousins Mary Hastings VanDyke of St. Louis, her daughter Pam Bridges and Pam’s granddaughter Brittany Bridges. We went to Koshkonong to the ETC store. We came home with a car load let me tell you. If you have never been to ETC, this would be a good trip to take on a Saturday, you will not be sorry. Afterwards we ate and then shopped...
News From Out West (4/14/21)It was such a blessing to be able to be back in church on Sunday. I don’t know but I think the children have multiplied. It was such a wonderful site to see people that I haven’t seen in almost a year. Faith Life Christian Church services are Sunday School at 10 and morning service is 11. If you have thought about attending church, I would like to invite you to come join us. We are located on Hwy. 160 East across from Wright Park...
News From Out West (4/6/21)It is hard to believe we have gone through January, February and now March. Why is it, that as we get older time really flies by fast? Who can remember being so excited that you were finally turning 16 so you could legally drive? Then the next step of the ladder you are turning, can’t wait to be 21. Before you know it you turn 40, 50 and like me who will be 70 in July...
News From Out West (3/30/21)Bunco for the month will be April 29 at 6 p.m. at the Ponder Community Center on Highway 142 West toward Gatewood. Don’t forget to bring a snack, finger food or a covered dish. Come on out and enjoy the fellowship and fun of playing Bunco. Don’t forget about the Poynor Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser April 3 at the Ponder Community Building on 142W starting at 5 p.m. ...
News From Out West (3/23/21)Everyone is excited over getting their stimulus checks. Their thoughts are what I can buy that I couldn’t before. Instead you need to put it towards maybe paying ahead on bills or better yet get caught up on bills. Don’t waste the money you are receiving on foolish things. But that is just my thoughts...
News From Out West (3/16/21)I am very blessed by so many wonderful people in my life. We have so many wonderful people in our community who have wonderful hearts and are blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, thank you for bringing these people into my life. I also have a couple who call and check up on me like my cousin, Pam Bridges...
News From Out West (3/9/21)It is so hard to believe one week pipes are freezing and not able to stay warm. Now beautiful 50-70 degree weather, grass is growing, bright green grass poking its head up. Flowers are trying to poke through the mud and dirt. I have always heard if you live in Missouri you can almost have all four seasons in just a matter of days. Guess it is true and thank you Lord for the warmer temp...
News From Out West (3/2/21)There is an old remark that if you live in Missouri you can go through spring, summer, fall and winter all in one day or week. I truly believe we have done that in the last two or three weeks. Last week just trying to stay warm to this week’s opening windows and letting the air in and enjoying the sun. I know it was very hard for me last week and very thankful for my son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Ashley Hudson and grandbabies, Hunter, Adysyn, Aden, and Harley...
News From Out West (2/9/21)Plan now to attend the Poynor Volunteeer Fire Department chili dinner on April 3. For those who don’t know we have eight volunteeer fire departments that I know of and they are Current River, Logan Creek, K Highway, Pine-Bardley, Gatewood, Poynor, Purman and Oxly. ...
News From Out West (2/3/21)Okay, we now have had our snow and now it is time for spring to show itself. Snow is beautiful at first and fun to play in. Then it starts to melt and it is not as pretty anymore. Like I said it has finally given the kids a snow and time to play in the snow, now let the sunshine come and take it away. Sorry, just not really fond of snow. LOL...
News From Out West (1/26/21)I have talked to several people, and I am not the only one who has noticed that Robins are showing up. Hopefully that means spring is in the near future. I am ready to see some sunshine and warmer weather. I have never been fond of winter and cold weather. I do know Robins from what I have read can stand the cold weather. Still I want to believe that spring will come early...
News From Out West (1/19/21)With all the new cases of Covid-19, I often check the Edwards Funeral Home website. I was saddened to see the passing of Rev. Leslie Buckner. When we first moved back to Doniphan in June 1987 we got to know him. He and his wife had beautiful voices for singing. ...
News From Out West (1/5/21)Happy 2021, Lord please bless this year. Take away all the sickness, I pray that the anger in our country will go away. Let us learn to be kinder and more understanding in the New Year. On Dec. 26 we had our family Christmas. Those who attended were my boys, Doug Mandry and daughter Faith and Skylar of Mayfield, Ky.; Mark and Heather Hudson and son Cooper from Advance, Mo.; Matt and Ashley Hudson and children, Hunter, Adysyn, Aden and Harley of Doniphan and Aaron Grace of Poplar Bluff. ...
News From Out West (12/29/20)It is hard to believe we are now saying goodbye to 2020 and hello 2021. So much has happened this past year. Almost makes you afraid to wonder what 2021 has in store for all of us. Yet we should be thankful and blessed regardless. As we know as the old saying goes it could be worse or get worse. I have reflected a lot lately over all that has happened in the past year...
News From Out West (12/22/20)This week I would like to dedicate Out West to all the memories of those who are no longer with us to celebrate Christmas. Christmas was a time that was all about spending time with our family, friends and some times even just folks needing a home cooked meal. My grandma Virgie Nickell and my mom Corinne Nickell Hastings, like many other grandma’s and mom’s were some of the best cooks, and they showed me how. I was so blessed to have them in my life to show me...
News From Out West (12/14/20)Have you thought about the old days at Christmas when everyone would mail out Christmas cards. I always looked forward and enjoyed going to the mail to see who sent me a card. Hearing from friends and family, even if it was just a small note to let me know how they were doing. I know it is easier to send a text message or something over Facebook. I would love to see the mail get bombarded with tons and tons of cards and notes for Christmas...
News From Out West (12/8/20)I hope all had a good Thanksgiving filled with many blessings and quality time with family and friends. Since I have not been able to go or do a whole lot since my surgery on Oct. 29 I have not left my house for anything except one doctor’s appointment on Nov. 11. So I don’t see hardly anyone. I do talk to several on the phone, but do not go anywhere...
News From Out West (12/1/20)It is hard to believe we are going into the last month of this year 2020. Because of all that this year has brought upon us, why not turn December into a month of giving and believe in the miracles of Christmas? For the next days of Christmas, instead of an Advent Calendar, do a reversal of the calendar, do something for someone without them knowing who has caused a little miracle to happen in someone’s life. ...
News From Out West (11/24/20)It is hard to believe that three weeks ago I had to go through another surgery. In November 2019 I had my first surgery because of infection from a hernia mesh. Then the second surgery on Oct. 29 of this year. Because of the surgery last year I was not able to do Thanksgiving and Christmas like I wanted to. ...
News From Out West (11/17/20)It seems like so much has happened in the last two weeks. I finally had my surgery and I am slowly coming along. The surgery itself was six hours and was very hard. On Wednesday Betty Shonk and her daughter Pam drove me to Cape. I am so thankful for wonderful people who are here for me and taking care of me. ...