A Good Word (1/9/25)Today I’m visiting my big sister Judy, who lives in Kansas. I’ve always called her my big sister, mainly because she’s 10 years older than I am. I’ve always been known as her little sister. When I was born into the family, Judy was 10, and soon assumed the role of my second mother...
A Good Word (12/27/24)As I write this, I’m looking forward to Christmas eve at the cabin, and all the family gatherings that will occur in the coming week. I’ll probably eat too much, laugh a LOT, and definitely make some memories that will be treasured and re lived. But in the quiet moments, may we all pause and remember a tiny babe whose birthday we celebrate as we gather. He truly is the reason for the season. May you all enjoy a blessed Christmas!...
A Good Word (12/13/24)The Intruders I had some welcome intruders as I cooked for Thanksgiving at church and at the cabin. My mom was there with me as I put the olives and sweet pickles in the handy divided Rubbermaid tray I received with a recent purchase. Absent was the peanut butter stuffed celery, along with its counterpart, cream cheese stuffed celery. Some years, pimento cheese was used as well. I still remember the crystal divided tray these delicacies were served on...
A Good Word (11/26/24)When I was wondering what to send to the newspaper today, I came upon a famous prayer. It seems so appropriate as we pray for peace and unity as a nation. The words are so wise and so true, and especially, for such a time as this. Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace:...
HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS! (10/11/24)Today, Oct. 1, is the day three dear friends celebrate their birthdays. Becky Webb is celebrating in Heaven and Cheryl Zimny is celebrating at a stroke rehab center. Stacie is celebrating a new life in Michigan and has grandchildren. I always think of all three the first day of October. ...
A Good Word (10/3/24)The revelation has come slowly, yet thankfully it HAS come. I can soooo identify when Aunt Bea told Andy, after a doctor told HER, “You’re no spring chicken.” NOW I get that. My pace has slowed, there’s no arguing or denying that. How I ever got myself up at 4 a.m., for devotions, a shower, breakfast, and, by all means, COFFEE is beyond me. ...
Gone Fishin', Instead Of Just A Wishin' (9/28/24)All of my siblings love to fish. It’s been a lifelong pleasure. Through the years, we’ve discovered that all worries and cares of this world disappear while fishing. At one point in my life, our family owned a boat rental and concession stand on a state lake where I grew up in Kansas. I remember taking a motorboat to one end of the lake and drifting down the length of the lake, lying down in the seat, watching the clouds but especially my line, while cruising for crappie!...
Truisms (9/11/24)If you see an owl sitting on a fence post during the day, the ground will be covered with snow or ice in 24 hours. If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything. Clothes stay newer longer if washed inside out, in cold water, and line dried. Empty the gas out of your lawn mower before storing it for the winter...
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends (9/3/24)I received an unexpected phone call this morning. Joyce and I worked together as LPNs at a nursing home in my “other” life. I could write a book about the shenanigans we pulled or had pulled on us at the nursing home. Today she called with a question. ...
A Good Word (8/28/24)“I No Longer Pray For Peace” On the edge of war, one foot already in, I no longer pray for peace: I pray for miracles. I pray that stone hearts will turn to tenderheartedness, and evil intentions will turn to mercifulness, and all the soldiers already deployed will be snatched out of harm’s way,...
Life’s Too Short To Fold Your Underwear (8/13/24)The other day I visited the Doniphan-Ripley County Public Library. I saw a book responsible for the title of my blurb, written by Patricia Lorenz. I noted other interesting titles. One was “Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever” by Judge Judy Sheindlin. A quote just came to mind regarding duct tape but I’ll keep that one to myself...
A Good Word (8/7/24)YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND I was thumbing through my old address book yesterday. I needed to send a sympathy card to a high school friend. As I scanned the pages, I scanned my life. It really is true that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, for I’ve been blessed with all three kinds of friends...
In Recovery (7/31/24)Today I’m recovering from yesterday. It turned out to be a STD. No, not THAT kind of STD. I was caught up, most unexpectedly, in a “Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Day”. Even though I’d like to kick them to the curb forever, they still catch me off guard occasionally. I mentioned this to a friend, who reminded me to “Quit Taking It Personally” or QTIP for short. She carries a Q-tip in her pocket as a reminder...
A Good Word (7/24/24)We were excited last weekend as our son and family were coming to visit. DID I TELL YOU OUR GRANDDAUGHTERS WERE COMING? We decided to have a big family wing ding at the cabin and ended up having a family bunch numbering thirteen. You may or may not remember that this gal is from the flatlands of Kansas, and as such, did not include the birthright of southern women. ...
A Good Word (7/20/24)She thought she could do it. Yet, in the back of her mind, there was a hint of doubt. She was older now, and not as spry as in the days of her youth. Still, the new and untried tempted and beckoned her, beyond, what she was to find she could endure. ...
Full Circle (7/10/24)Our weekend trip brought unexpected surprises. We were heading for a family reunion in Kansas. Suffice it to say that nothing went as planned, but unexpected and unplanned turned out to be perfect. Since my sister Judy couldn’t go to the reunion, the reunion came to her, amidst familiar surroundings including her birds, garden and beautiful flowers...
A GOOD WORD (7/3/24)What I received on my 67th birthday this year… I was surprised when my husband presented me with a Happy 6th Birthday card. He had added “7” to the six. Just as I opened my mouth to say, “You didn’t write anything in it!” he produced another in which he had written. ...
Lessons In Love (6/26/24)This question was posed by a professional panel to a group of 4-to-8 year olds: “When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” Rebecca - age 8...
A Good Word - Just When You Think… (6/22/24)JUST WHEN YOU THINK you’ve grown used to His beauty, one of your double begonias blooms and comes alive with vibrant color. On the way home, one evening, the blue clear sky contains fluffy white clouds which promise to transform into a glorious sunset...
A Good Word (5/29/24)Peace I wandered off up Kansas way last week. I knew I had to see my sister. When you’re as close as my sister and I, you just KNOW. I’d not visited with her in person since Halloween. As is usual for me, way too often, I had imagined the worst. In fact, if you happened to read my blurb a few weeks back, I was mourning the fact that we’d never share coffee on the porch again, and that dementia was stealing my sister away from me. ...
Speak Life! (5/21/24)Speak Life! I was folding my laundry this morning when I came upon a pair of Danny’s socks. Always, always, always, as I’m turning his socks right side out, I remember some wise advice my friend Anna once gave me. She said, “I always turn Keith’s socks right side out. As hard as he works for us earning a living, I think it’s the least I can do!”...
A Good Word (5/15/24)New Beginnings We recently returned from a “jaunt” to Tampa, Florida to help our very first granddaughter, Lillian Josephine, or “Lily Jo” as we used to call her in her younger days, celebrate graduation from high school. The sky’s the limit for the graduates of 2024...
A Good Word (5/8/24)MY FRIEND I have a Friend who waits for me, And never tires of my company. I know He’ll never leave me be, I have a Friend who waits for me. I have a Friend who bids me stay, Within His presence, day by day. Especially when I’ve lost my way, I have a Friend who bids me stay...
Sisters (4/23/24)I had my first cry this morning. I was sitting on the deck, drinking coffee and enjoying watching the birds and seeing blooming purple iris. Then it happened. I remembered all the years that first my mom, sis and I would do just the same thing in mom’s yard or on Judy’s porch. Then, after mom was gone, it would be just Judy and me...
A Good Word (4/16/24)LOAVES AND FISHES I got this message recently: “I’m taking food to the respite center. Ladies from church are also filling our spot so we are sharing the work. This really makes me happy, of course God is doing the blessing and blessing us too to see Him at work. I will take my stuff to church on Sunday and put it with the other things.”...
Priorities (4/9/24)Yesterday morning started much the same as many mornings. Danny said the blessing, we shared breakfast, and then I sent him off to work with coffee to go, lunch and a kiss. Since this was an “every other Tuesday” I had coffee with Teresa, a true friend and confidante. ...
A GOOD WORD (4/4/24)I wanted to share this favorite poem of mine. I’ve seen many, many sermons over the years, the most recent one yesterday. If you think about it, I’m sure you have as well. If you haven’t, watch for them! Sermons We See by Edgar A. Guest I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way...
Worth The Wait (3/27/24)Today I ran into my friend who lived on the river yesterday and is moving into her new residence today. It was a Godwink we happened to run into each other. Our meeting evoked tears from me as I left, and I cried all the way to my senior exercise class. I also heard “I’m on it” as I was driving there. He just wanted me to know. Here are the two devotions I “happened” to read this morning. Coincidence? Nope, no such thing. Godcidence? Yep!...
The Encouragers (3/19/24)I am greeted each morning via text, with an adorable photo and wishes to have a great day. He doesn’t know any homeless folks but he DOES know Jim, Angie, Mark, Patty, June and Joe.She takes a portion of her Social Security check and buys food for the hungry. She’s been known to include little inspirational notes in each bag of food she creates...
A Good Word (3/14/24)I wasn’t worried about the inspiration I would need to write my blurb today. Yesterday, I enjoyed one of the most beautiful days I’ve experienced in a long time. Well, since last Spring! I was gifted with a day where nothing was on my agenda. Even though I’ve been retired for about four years this spring (is that even possible?) my days seem to fill up quickly. ...
A Good Word (3/6/24)“We Pray for Children” by Ina Hughes We pray for children Who put chocolate fingers everywhere, Who like to be tickled, Who stomp in puddles and ruin their new pants, Who sneak Popsicles before supper, Who erase holes in math workbooks, Who can never find their shoes...
A Good Word (2/26/24)I’m writing this on Valentine’s Day. Today is a day to remember love, pure and simple. There is such a sublime power in this thing called love. The multitude of ways that love is expressed always amazes me. I received a phone call this last week from a lady who “wanted me to stop by and pick up something”...
A GOOD WORD (2/14/24)I was visiting Dollar Tree the other day and didn’t expect to leave with more than I’d purchased. I dare say none of the folks waiting in line, or the staff, expected to leave with more than their “stuff”. At the front of the line was a little girl of perhaps five who was in the company of her grandma and grandpa. ...
A GOOD WORD (2/6/24)I was given a gift this morning. The gift of a second chance. It was unexpected; it brought tears. I thought I wouldn’t be seeing them again; and the last words they heard from me were impatient and harsh. But this morning, there they were! It seems the most Christ-like people are the ones who listen carefully, say little, but when they DO speak, the words uplift, encourage and speak truth. ...
Just For Today (1/30/24)When someone compliments you, don’t argue with them. Just say thank you. Listen to a friend, with ALL of your attention. If a shoulder is needed, lend it. Allow your heart to be vulnerable. If tears spill out a bit, so be it. Tears are a sign of a pure heart...
A GOOD WORD (1/24/24)The winter weather today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, is horrific. Single digit temperatures and negative digit windchills and snow-covered roads make travel treacherous and navigating slick surfaces not an option. Today I’m so thankful! For city employees who came out on a Sunday, with snow falling and frigid temperatures, to unclog the sewer. Life is so much sweeter when you can flush the toilets, and don’t have to use a bucket, adding kitty litter and a lid...
A Good God Day (1/16/24)My friend messaged me Sunday, asking if I’d like to ride to Jonesboro for a doctor appointment on Monday. When I arrived, her husband asked me, “So what are you doing here?” I replied, “I came to ride to the doctor with Anna.” He said the appointment was Tuesday, not Monday. ...
The Cheerleader In The Front Row (1/9/24)It was an evening, about 22 years ago. As she walked up the courtroom steps that bitterly cold January evening in 2002, she knew this was an important night. It was imperative that much information needed to be distributed and questions needed to be answered, for it [the topic] was about protecting children...
Anticipating The New Year (1/2/24)I’ve been dwelling too much on things that have been. But oh, the people that have graced my life, enriched my life and even saved my life. A lot of the time I can be pretty much a mess. He loves me anyway. Maybe He loves me BECAUSE I’m a mess. Maybe He figures someone has to love me that way. Oh to love like He does!...
It Takes A Village (It Really Does!) (12/26/23)Danny and I experienced a bump in the road recently. This was a serious one. What started as Influenza Type A wound up being a scary and severe case of pneumonia. At some point, nasty bacteria entered Danny’s body and our life came screeching to a halt as he was hospitalized for almost a week, having been ill almost a week prior to this. ...
A Good Word (12/13/23)Angels Almong Us I’m kind of a Grinch about Christmas. I tend to dread the commercialism assault on my life through the media blitz of gift ideas. What is THE present to buy this year? Then there’s the desperate look, evident in the faces of last minute shoppers. ...
A Good Word (12/5/23)Recently I had an epiphany. I came upon a couple sleeping deeply in the warmth and safety of the Methodist Church warming center. I had feelings of appreciation for the availability of a warm place for them to sleep, and sadness that they had no other shelter. ...
A Good Word (11/29/23)Then there was this one day last week… A friend of mine recently had cataract surgery after years of being so blind that he could only distinguish light or dark and people as outlines. Wow! What a difference! I recently accompanied him to a grocery store in Poplar Bluff. ...
A Good Word (11/15/23)There are times the words don’t come easily, when I sit down to write my “blurb” for the week. However, today is NOT one of those times. I just read a Max Lucado devotion that touched me deeply. “You want to know God’s will for your life? Then answer the question: what ignites your heart? Forgotten orphans? Untouched nations? The inner city? What is the fire that consumes you? Mark it down. ...
A Good Word (11/7/23)My dad and I had a special bond. We always could confide in each other. He filled our lives with magic and poetry, writing each of his children poems throughout the years while we were growing up. He loved his family fiercely and would stand up to any one he thought would try to hurt us in any way. ...
A Good Word (11/1/23)Oh, the places a child’s outstretched hand can take us…to baby bunnies, newly hatched chicks, newborn “kids” and their nanny. To water’s edge and beyond; to tadpoles, crawdads, fish and frogs. A child’s hands bring us…beautiful bouquets of dandelions, weeds, goldenrod, daffodils or zinnias, leaves, and a few brightly colored bird feathers. ...
George Carlin’s Views On Aging (10/25/23)Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we’re kids? If you’re less than 10 years old, you’re so excited about aging that you think in fractions. “How old are you?” “I’m four and a half!” You’re never 36 and a half. You’re four and a half, going on five! That’s the key...
A Good Word (10/17/23)This morning brought a realization that life isn’t always what we had planned. I had to smile at that last sentence. The reality is we’ve never REALLY been in charge of what was planned. There are hills and valleys. There are dark, desperate times and episodes in our lives filled with abundant joy...
Revisiting Gratitude (10/11/23)I’ve humbly been reminded of gratitude lately. Folks I know and some I haven’t yet met have come forward to help our homeless folks. I was so moved and encouraged by a note and a check I received in the mail this summer. I read the note over and over, adding it to my sentimental hoard...
A Good Word (10/4/23)Without a doubt, it takes some inspiration for me to drag out my old cookbooks. I wasn’t born a southern cook and it shows. However, a local speaker provided inspiration with a program entitled “What Can Our Cookbooks Tell Us”. Robin Harwell is a licensed dietician, and a friend to all who are fortunate enough to know and love her. ...
Five Desperate Women (9/26/23)I opened my address book to find an address, so I could send an old friend a sympathy card upon hearing about the loss of her dad. As I addressed the card, memories flooded back. I wasn’t a member of the “cool kids” in school, but I DID have four good friends, two of which I still stay in close contact...
A Good Word (9/20/23)We are a little over a year from the presidential election. I’m at a loss on how to handle the onslaught of division, intolerance and hatred simmering amongst the voters of our nation. I don’t like to admit to myself that I struggle with these shortcomings as well. I know in years past, I’ve had friends and family who I’ve disagreed with, but we didn’t hate each other over our decisions. When did we stop agreeing that we WILL disagree?...
A Good Word (9/12/23)There are two phrases that when forgotten, render me useless. When remembered, they save and center me. “Empty me of self. Fill me with thee”. I had them taped to my old computer monitor, but I’ve failed to put them on my new one. Along with those words are a few others, courtesy of one of my favorite writers, Holley Gerth. ...
A Good Word (9/6/23)Today, I was reminded of how powerless I am. I was catapulted back to the reality, lest I ever forget, of children in limbo. With the wave of a magic wand, we want to make the hurt and pain disappear. We cry and we rage and make no difference. We look at the big picture, and feel overwhelmed. ...
A Good Word (8/30/23)There is a meeting in Doniphan that I wanted to make sure my readers are aware of. Overeaters Anonymous meeting is held on Tuesday nights from 6-7 p.m. Do I eat when I’m not hungry, or not eat when my body needs nourishment? Do my eating behaviors make me or others unhappy? Do I have feelings of guilt, shame, or embarrassment about my weight or the way I eat? Do I eat sensibly in front of others and then make up for it when I’m alone? Do I fast or severely restrict my food intake to control my weight? Is my eating affecting my health or the way I live my life?. ...
Phenomenon (8/29/23)Merriam-Webster defines the word phenomenon as a rare or significant event; an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing or occurrence. Just such a “phenom” happened to me several months ago, and in fact is STILL happening. When I’m not working at my computer, a random slideshow parades across the screen. ...
A Good Word (8/15/23)This will certainly make you stop and think. You never know what a kind word, a phone call, or an impromptu visit will do for someone else. It was a cold winter’s day that Sunday. The parking lot to the church was filling up quickly. I noticed as I got out of my car that fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked to the church. ...
A Good Word (8/2/23)During different episodes in my life, I’ve experienced the pain of being ignored. Those memories still remain, occasionally resurfacing for whatever reason. It is in those moments; we may truly come to doubt our self-worth or question our existence at all...
Who Knew? (7/26/23)Have I ever mentioned I love to write? I probably have. It’s one of my passions. I can still remember the first time someone mentioned my blurb. I was so shocked that anyone even read what I wrote! I ALWAYS tell them, I have to be inspired. When the words flow, I know there is another set of Hands on the keyboard...
A Good Word (7/19/23)I once heard that a good way to greet the morning is “Good morning, Father. Surprise me today!” Unplanned surprises are so often precious gifts. While shopping yesterday, I looked at the display of fresh cut flowers and thought of Emily. It’s been years since I knocked on her door for an unannounced, but warmly welcomed, visit...
My Buddy (7/12/23)I first met this friend of mine as I was coming out of the post office, at least five years ago. I probably said “Howdy” to him. He promptly crossed the street to come over and visit with me. Ours was a long conversation that first visit. All these years later, we’re still happy to run into each other. Back then, he lived in a house not far from the post office...
The Next Thing (7/3/23)I’m just sitting there. All of a sudden, I develop an INTENSE craving for jalapeno jelly. More specifically, cream cheese and jalapeno jelly on a snack cracker. I’ve got the jelly. I’ve got the crackers. I have to make a store run for the cream cheese, but I HAVE to have it...
A Good Word (6/28/23)Yes, I confess I’m a sentimental hoarder. At the top of my list, is a wooden heart, carved by my youngest son Jake when he was little, and a little wooden bunny given to me by my oldest son Nick. They are now 43 and 45, respectively, and the best daddies to our four granddaughters...
Taking Time For Gratitude (6/20/23)I was leaving the post office parking lot when I saw him and my memory took me back to a hot, summer day in 2010. I knew something was wrong when I was severely out of breath just walking across the room at home. Long story shorter, I ended up at the emergency room at the old hospital. I was told to go, by ambulance, to Poplar Bluff. One of the paramedics was the same man I’d seen leaving the post office, Tim Rutledge...
A Good Word (6/14/23)This year, Vacation Bible School at our church, First Christian Church, was something of a story. In fact, the theme was “I Love To Tell The Story”. As an icebreaker, Monday evening, we were instructed to write something about us nobody might know and then we guessed which fact fitted with which person. Fun! After, we knew each other a little better...
Just do it! (5/16/23)With the first warm breezes of the season, I realized that the time to start walking in the cool air of spring is gone. Baby steps are better than nothing, right? With the inspiration of a friend, we now are walking. Yesterday, I detected a mild northern breeze and so hastened to Lawrence’s Garden at Supply. ...
A Good Word (5/10/23)I’m listening to the birdsong just outside my open window as I type these words. It’s a glorious spring morning, a sun-drenched day like we’ve been waiting for all through the drab days of winter. Yesterday, I picked a fragrant bouquet of peonies that sit on my kitchen windowsill. Oh, their perfume takes me back to years past, and the mixed aroma of peonies and iris (or flags as some called them then)...
A Good Word (5/2/23)Who takes the time to question, to contemplate, to suggest. Instead of criticizing, they’re writing solutions for success. For the seven-year-olds and eleven-year-olds who Unabashedly pledge their hands and hearts, too. For catching on fire with enthusiasm…for daring to win…...
A Good Word (4/19/23)Monday I visited Poplar Bluff. I saw someone hurting. I stepped out of my comfort zone and did something. I ended up not doing enough. Fear got in the way. Fear has been strangely absent from my life, for some time now. I thought it odd. Until it surfaced when I least expected it, or wanted it...
A Good Word (4/11/23)Miscellaneous Musings
A Good Word (4/4/23)The other day, I had jotted down a few words so I would remember an idea I thought would make a good subject for my blurb this week. However, I am preoccupied now. A friend just called and reported a violent incident which occurred last night. She had taken the steps necessary to protect herself and her family...
Into The Light Of Day (3/28/23)I have had some struggles this week. Even though I may shout to the world that I don’t care what people may think of me I don’t fully enter into that line of thinking. A comment made by another hit hard and hit home The truth always hurts, at least this kind of truth. It cut me to the core, not because it was hurtful, but because I saw truth in their statement. I have been beating myself up all week because of it and I’ve felt bruised from the battle...
Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks (3/21/23)I was remembering a time when I took a yoga class awhile back. Now, it wasn’t a yoga class like you’d normally think about. We did our exercise from a chair. I enjoyed the class, and perhaps even enjoyed the little high five I gave myself for taking steps towards a healthier me...
A Good Word (3/14/23)It was an ordinary day. A friend and I were running errands including heading to Kroger’s. I was pleasantly surprised to run into my friend Kelly, who was leaving as we were entering. We did our shopping and were heading back. After leaving Kroger’s, all of a sudden, I got a sick feeling….my purse! I always put it in the same place in my car and it was not there. We pulled over and I searched my vehicle to no avail...
A Good Word (3/7/23)It has been a rough two weeks. A week ago, yesterday, my brother-in-law slipped away from this earth and entered the heavenly realms. When he passed, I was not sad. I was extremely thankful. The pain had been excruciating and constant; the chances for recovery were dismal. He came home for his final days, and they were not easy ones...
A Good Word (2/21/23)I heard the peepers last night. No matter what the calendar is saying, Spring has arrived! It always amazes me that the jonquils, surprise lilies (or naked ladies as Grandma Weeks used to call them) and tulips, planted long before our arrival here, find their way through the cold earth to bloom triumphantly. Just when we think we can no longer endure more stark landscapes, the fragrant bloom of early spring gradually arrives...
Success (2/14/23)Success is to laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics; to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better...
A Good Word (2/7/23)Happy Heavenly Birthday to my mom Feb. 12 You ponder just why we react as we do… And seeing injustice we fight till we’re blue And why we feel their pain the way that we do We get that from YOU. We didn’t just wake up one morning and find That we couldn’t ignore the pain of mankind...
What I’m Thankful For…. (1/31/23)The good Lord’s patience. Family, especially hugs from granddaughters! New friends who become old friends, and old friends who become family. Seeing kids and grownups still find beauty and have fun in a snowfall of large, wet snowflakes. Warm flannel pajamas. ...
Midwinter Musings (1/24/23)I’m enjoying the frost as it melts into a dazzling sparkle drizzling over the bare winter branches. The sun is just now peaking over the house behind us, and as it hits the trees the view is amazing. The brilliant splash of red cardinals adds to the beauty this morning. Assorted rainbows appear on kitchen walls and counters, courtesy of crystal angels hanging in my window...
One Day At A Time (1/17/23)I’m hoping that will become my new mantra. Who could forget Christy Lane’s gospel version? “So for my sake, teach me to take, one day at a time.” Alcoholics Anonymous’ well known slogan, is also a reminder to take “One Day at a Time”. Each day as we wake up, we start out with a clean slate, a chance to help others with whatever needs tending. ...
A Good Word (1/10/23)What A Friend We Have....
Fits And Starts (12/13/22)I’ve sorely neglected my time with Him lately. I’ve gone ahead pushing through and trying to believe it was Him leading. While at first, I denied it, I’m now admitting, it was Becky, all Becky. Full steam ahead on what I THOUGHT was the right thing. Forgetting about my own sins while I brought to the forefront others mistakes, such a hypocrite!...
A Good Word (12/6/22)As the December sun fills my office with brilliant light, I am reminded how long it has been since I’ve taken a dust cloth to my surroundings. As I move objects around, I am also reminded of a wooden desktop ornament that declares: Be Patient - God Isn’t Finished With Me Yet. ...
A Good Word (11/29/22)God writes with a pen that never blots, speaks with a tongue that never slips, and acts with a hand that never fails. God can heal a broken heart, but he has to have all the pieces. God has a history of using the insignificant to accomplish the impossible...
A Good Word (11/22/22)I sat down at my computer last evening and tried to write. No words would come. I stayed up later than is usual for me. I sat in my recliner in my warm home and thought of the events of the day. They haunted me. Yesterday afternoon, I stopped by our church to pick up some items I needed to take to a friend’s house...
A Good Word (11/16/22)
Hooray For The Yaysayers! (11/10/22)We’ve all heard the naysayers; the doubters and the complainers. Let’s take a moment to applaud the Yaysayers. You know, those folks who come out of nowhere with a kind word to share. I was having a not so great day yesterday. It was almost the end of the day when a familiar face I haven’t seen for quite awhile offered a few words of encouragement that made me smile long after he spoke them. So thankful he took the time and made the effort to let me know...
A Good Word (11/1/22)Recently, it took a serious situation for me to ask for prayers on Facebook. I needed more than my prayers. I was in a situation where I wanted to be covered in prayer. Every time I scroll through the names and comments, I weep. Among the prayer warriors were folks from my present, from my new life since I moved to Doniphan, and folks from my “other lfe”. ...
Those Go To Friends (10/26/22)You know the ones. These folks always have our backs. We know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they will show up. They are the ones who hang medicinal beverages on your front doorknob when you have COVID. You send out dual messages and hope at least one comes through, but then you find you have been doubly blessed...
A Place To Land (10/18/22)I recently returned from revisiting where my “other life” began, and yes, I still miss those folks. I had an unorthodox idea about visiting before we were gathering at one another’s funerals. I haven’t for one minute regretted a long visit with one of my friends there, who died a few months later after a valiant battle with cancer...
A Good Word (10/4/22)Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master,...
A Good Word (9/21/22)I remember looking through the pages of my sister Judy’s 1965 yearbook. Home Economics: “We learn to decorate like a dream and to sew a straight seam”. I wished I would have taken Home Ec. At that time, I indulged in following my teenage crush on the handsome teacher of Ecology. Since that time, I’ve never once used the skill of counting how many blades of grass are in a square foot...
Having My Funeral First (9/14/22)I sure don’t know when the Lord will call me home. It may be before I have my funeral first. But here’s what I’m thinking. I’ve been to so many funerals and visitations where someone says, “Too bad they’re gone, they would have loved to visit everyone here.”...
A Good Word (9/7/22)I was headed home from the cabin the other evening when I almost missed it. The smell of fresh mown grass! I rolled all four windows down just in time to be able to inhale deeply. So much joy, for me, is derived from the sense of smell. Memories are triggered and moments are savored. ...
Murphy’s Law For Bus Drivers (8/30/22)“Everything that CAN go wrong WILL go wrong.” 1. NEVER praise a child for improving his behavior on the bus. You will be proven wrong by the end of the day. If you praise him/her in front of their parent, you will be proven wrong by the end of the route. ...
A Good Word (8/23/22)I was gung-ho on working outside this morning and mowing with my new (to me) riding lawn mower. The price was right…free. It was a gift from a dear friend. I couldn’t resist the price. Since Danny taught small engines, and everyone brought him their mowers to repair, I was pretty sure he could fix it. He did!...
Part Two (8/16/22)In school, I wondered why I could never be the life of the party, with dozens of friends. I had a group of five close friends and all these years later, one remains as close as a sister. On the cruise mentioned last week, I became overwhelmed at the sheer volume of people and the fact I couldn’t find a place of quiet finally overwhelmed me completely. ...
Part One (8/9/22)I experienced what some folks may have deemed a “dream vacation” a few years ago. It consisted of a cruise headed for vacation destinations like the Bahamas, St. John, and Puerto Rico. Our activities included creating towel animals (a competitive judging in this category) and a tour through the poorest part of the Bahamas...
A Good Word: Bargain Shoppers Beware! (8/2/22)I recently read a blurb on social media about how local folks are travelling out-of-area to get grocery bargains and were complaining about prices locally being too high. If you buy the same items per week, as I do, you get to know your prices. When you walk through the doors of a “bargain store”, it’s essential to KNOW YOUR PRICES. Knowing your prices is the only way you can determine whether their claim is true or false. ...
Tired (7/26/22)I was tired of worrying so I gave myself my peace back. I was tired of feeling intimidated by what I should do so I pulled up my sleeves and got to work on what I could do. I was tired of not knowing so I found out – about myself, my family, my ancestors, my government, and the struggles of others. ...
A Good Word (7/19/22)I sat down at my desk recently to write a letter to my sister Judy who still lives in Kansas. I’d been writing for several minutes when I was interrupted by the phone. As I walked down the hall to answer, I had to smile as the caller ID announced “Call from Judy”...
A Good Word (7/13/22)I didn’t expect to be assaulted in a store recently. What started as innocent conversation culminated with words that caught me off guard. Hate was spewed along with the scripture she quoted. Later, I thought of two quotes: “Preach the gospel. If necessary, use words.” and the quote. “Just love them. I’ll sort them out later.” ~ God. I asked my pastor from my “other” life, since I choose kindness, am I wimping out? He spoke, once again, words of wisdom and compassion:...
Feeling At Home (7/7/22)Certain friends have a way of setting up residence in us. They march into some barren room of our heart and hang cheery curtains, scatter soft rugs, dot the walls with framed prints of tender and whimsical moments, then set about building a cozy fire beside two sink-back-stay-awhile chairs. We may not always know exactly when such friends moved in, but we’re so very glad they did! ...
Past The Point Of No Return (6/29/22)She thought she could do it. Yet, in the back of her mind, there was a hint of doubt. She was older now, and not as spry as in the days of her youth. Still, the new and untried tempted and beckoned her, beyond, what she was to find, she could endure. It certainly wasn’t a new experience for her. She’d done it, and lived to tell about it, many times over her 60+ years of living on this earth. In those days, she’d done it almost effortlessly...
Same Ol’ Same Ol’ (6/14/22)There are reasons we do things in the same way, day in and day out… No stress, and we like to stay in our comfort zone. We know our zone well. Too well sometimes. We’ve got our own routine, we’re comfortable hunkered down in the rut we’ve made. I might get suckered in. I might trust them and then be betrayed. But then again, what if we don’t get suckered? What if we encounter sincerity and gratitude. Remembering the quote, “Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?”...
A Good Word (5/31/22)My friend and I had it all figured out. We’d decided to do this and this and that. Make no mistake, it was OUR plan or to quote Frank Sinatra, “I did it myyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyy”. So, we struck out expecting all our intentions to come to fruition. Alas, everything we thought we could do, we couldn’t. ...
The Good That Men And Women Do (5/24/22)I told Barbie and Kelly I’d have a blurb today. I’ve been lazy lately and they are gracious when I send them the message “NO BLURB TODAY”. Today, however, I confidently told them that I would. I didn’t even have a topic or an idea what to write, but I was hoping I’d receive some inspiration. HE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT...
A Life Well Lived… You Betcha! (5/11/22)I knew I’d feel the loss this week at church. She always sat one pew behind us, and there was no mistaking her presence! A week didn’t go by when Linda Davis did not tell Danny and I how glad she was that we’d begun coming to church there (and with Linda, you just KNEW she was sincere.) ...
Pursuing Peace (5/4/22)I don’t know about you, but daily, I struggle with the pursuit of peace. After 65 years, I found the following to be true. God is with you, always. Fears about being alone? When you come to realize you are NEVER alone, the fear vanishes. Remember all the times in your life that God has shown himself to be present. ...
A Good Word (4/26/22)Visits with dear friends are often illuminating. We esteem them, trust them and confide in them. I’ve had some eye opening and soul searching observations from friends over the years. They may cut too close for comfort, but on contemplation, I realize that their “apples of wisdom” don’t fall too far from the tree...
A Good Word (4/20/22)I’m retiring my “birthday book”. It is time to cull and condense the contents, and I’m running out of lines to add more names. I’ve always cautioned folks that once you are in my birthday book your birthday is mine forever. From the appearance of some of the names, it’s been around a long, long time. If I wanted to review my life in chronological order, it would be my first life, including Head Start chums, CASA folks, sprinkled with elderly folk that crossed my path, whom I grew to love...
A Good Word (4/5/22)You thought you’d heard all about my recent hospital visit? WRONG! So many nurses with unique talents and strengths. Amanda, you helped ease my sense of panic that night when I couldn’t catch my breath. You were on the phone to the doc, took down his directions, and acted quickly. ...
All I Need Is The Air That I Breathe (3/29/22)Recently, the words above rang true for me. I was hospitalized with pneumonia. I have to say, I had a quiet time of uninterrupted reflection. If a thought comes “out of the blue” don’t over think it. Just revel in it. I truly feel these are whispers from our loving Father...
A Good Word (3/16/22)As the sun peeks above the horizon, I’m reminded. I LOVE mornings! I go to sleep at night anticipating early morning. I wake before dawn, and crack the window. A single, solitary bird sings their song in the dark. I’m not sure what the bird is, but it might be a nightingale. I love the sight and sounds of daybreak. Sipping coffee as I listen to the birdsong, is to me, the sweetest time of day...
WONDER (3/8/22)While mailing some cards, I heard a familiar sound this time of year. I stood still, watching as the geese headed north “in their echelon Vs”, as my dad would say. They filled the sky and I was reminded that only God could have instilled in them the instinct to know when it was time to relocate. Last night I was relaxing in the recliner with the front door open. It was late in the day, even past my favorite time of day, the Golden Hour...
Giving Up The Ghost (2/17/22)I recently read a devotion that put a name to a phenomenon I’ve experienced at least several times in my life. The article was titled “Turning to God for Comfort When You’re Ghosted” by Sarah Geringer. She refers to Merriam Webster’s definition of ghosting as “the act or practice of abruptly cutting off all contact with someone … usually without explanation.”...
A Good Word (2/10/22)As I write these words, mom’s birthday is two days from now. She shared her birthday with Abraham Lincoln. I don’t know how he was celebrated, but I DO know how we celebrated our mother. All of us would search for spring flowers and decorate her “Enchanted Cottage”. That’s what mom and dad called the lovingly converted garage where they lived in their later years...
A Good Word (2/8/22)Because of you…I woke up this morning. I emerged from a comfortable bed with plenty of blankets. I was warm. As I put my feet on the floor, I was able to walk. My body was mobile. I remembered how to make coffee. My mind was working! Oh, the smell of coffee as it went into the coffeemaker, and the aroma of fresh brewed coffee. ...
A Good Word (1/26/22)I wasn’t surprised when I came across two small tapestry boxes of letters and cards from Alma, Mo., as my in-laws often attended auctions there. I wasn’t prepared for what I found inside. Let me take you back a few years, actually about 44 to be exact. (Don’t worry, I know where I’m going so just bear with me.)...
Does It Even Matter? (1/25/22)If you can’t help everyone, why try? How can one person make a difference? One of my favorite stories is the Starfish Saga. A man sees a little boy amidst hundreds of starfish that are washed up on the beach. The man observes that, given the huge number of starfish and the fact that he’s just one little boy, his actions can’t possibly make a difference. As the boy throws yet another starfish back into the ocean, (I love his reply), he says “It made a difference to that one.”...
A Good Word (1/18/22)Have you been noticing an influx of folks coming to our corner of the world? I see the trends of people relocating and fleeing from areas where, I’ll just say it bluntly, living their daily lives and enjoying their freedoms has become difficult. They yearn for better lives for themselves and their families. ...
A Good Word (1/11/22)While I’m writing this, I have Facebook open. I never in a million years EVER thought Facebook would prove to be a positive. Most days I look at it as a tool of procrastination (a “nation” that I know all too well). But something came across the “airwaves” last week that made me think...
A Good Word (1/4/22)A dear friend passed away recently from cancer. Cherry battled fiercely, courageously and with optimism, yet she was honest enough to confide her fears. When I first heard she had passed from this world to His world, two things came to mind. In what order, I don’t recall...
A Good Word (12/22/21)It’s raining outside as I write these words. Christmas is only 10 days away. Perry Como has been singing Christmas songs via Alexa. I’ve watched The Bells of St. Mary’s and The Bishop’s Wife. Looking forward to viewing the old Christmas classics like A Christmas Carol, with Alistair Sims, Miracle on 34th St. with Natalie Wood as the little girl who comes to believe that “There really IS a Santa Claus!”...
A Good Word: Warming Up My Coffee (12/16/21)I just warmed up my coffee AGAIN. A friend just messaged me asking how I’m doing. I replied “Busy, but a good kind of busy.” Right now as I write this, the skillet that cooked eggs and bacon this morning for Danny is soaking in the sink, I’m still in my jammies and Alexa said it’s noon...
Three Little Words (12/7/21)It’s only 7:30 this morning, and I’ve already been told three times I’m loved. The power of those three little words is undeniably sacred. Love is mentioned 541 times in the Bible. Oh, the blessing of dear friends and family who toss you the gift of “Love you!” as you part company...
DEAR SANTA (12/1/21)I THINK I’ve been a good girl this year, at least I hope the times I was a good girl outnumber the times I wasn’t. Santa, I know it will be hard to fit this in your sleigh, but all those years when I was little, somehow, you managed, so I’m just going to get right to the point and ask you...
What We Leave Behind (11/16/21)Daily, details of who we’ve crossed paths with, and loved, filter through. Just now, folding laundry, I made sure I turned Danny’s socks right side out. A dear friend once told me it’s the least she can do for her husband, who cares and provides for her daily. I threw all the socks in a pile, just like mom used to do, when folding clothes at the “laundrymat”. I’ll pair them up later...
A Good Word (11/3/21)One Thing At A Time One thing at a time, sweet Jesus That’s all I’m asking of You Please keep me on task, To get done each day What I have to do. Yesterday’s gone, sweet Jesus The sweetness, I may not recall God help me today, Show me the way, ...
Mrs. Hill’s Helpful Hints (10/26/21)Mark the underside hem of the short sides of your blankets/bedspreads. Saves time when making your bed. When something you need to do comes to mind, thank God, then do it. You may not recall it again. Don’t worry if your birthday cards are two weeks early or two weeks late. It’s the sentiment that counts, not the exact date...
A Good Word (10/19/21)During the past couple days, I’ve had some Godwink encounters. Yesterday, I was sitting down at the park under a shade tree, having “tele coffee” with my friend Nancy up north. The day was sunny and breezy, the scents of autumn thick in the air. I watched a kiddo zip around on one of those “razor” scooters (is that what they’re called? Not sure). ...
He Knows Their Names (10/12/21)Some boys were sitting on benches at the park. The youngest boy literally grabbed food out of the Blessing Box. I observed a young man carrying two small sacks. He looked forlorn and had a physical impairment that affected his walking. I don’t know for sure, but he might be homeless...
DREAM SMALL (10/5/21)Sometimes, our days don’t go as we planned. On those days, this quote comes to mind. “If you want to hear God laugh, make plans.” Today was such a day. A friend called and as a result, we had the best morning! She wanted to share her food with others who were in need. She told me it brings her so much joy to be able to share. Well, it gave me an unexpected joy as well! Thanks, Josephine Tucker, for the unscheduled reminder of the joy of giving...
Justification And Rationalization (9/29/21)Today is just one more day thoughts of why I don’t do something to help others run through my mind. Trying to be truthful with myself is painful. Reasons Why I Don’t and Reasons To Try: I’m too fat....Do it anyway. He gives us strength. I’m not young anymore...No, you’re not. But you’re alive, and breathing...
A Good Word (9/21/21)I love, love, love the crisp and fragrant air that is fall. I also love, love, love the beauty that summer brings. By beauty, I mean flowers! I love the varied colors of the summer flowers: lilies, petunias, geraniums, dahlias and marigolds. I favor the fragrances of petunias and honeysuckle, lingering in the morning and evening air, as well as fresh mown grass, just baled hay, especially alfalfa...
NO SUCH THING (9/14/21)I’m of the opinion that there’s no such thing as coincidence. If God orders our steps and numbers them, and has our destination and purpose mapped out while we are still in the womb, how can I believe otherwise? The anguish of a new father’s prayers as he watches his wife and baby struggling, having faith but admitting he’s an emotional wreck. ...
The Dam-it Method (9/7/21)I just read my good friend Teresa Lee’s offering for next week. She’s soooo talented, intelligent and her humor is one of many positive attributes. I’m taking her lead and offering some little known facts and even lesser known observations, gleaned from my 64 years of living, especially the last 10. ...
The Blueprint (8/31/21)The Blueprint by E. Cole Ingle Life would be lived according to a plan - each day a blueprint drawn upon the mind with neatness and precision, well defined. Uncluttered by emotions. So began the arid hours, continuing until love, like the whirlwind dance of autumn leaves...
Lessons Learned (8/24/21)Recently, I learned an unexpected and painful lesson. As I sit here writing these words, I’m reminded by the TENS unit attached to my hip. (A TENS unit emits electrical impulses that helps to numb the site of the pain.) I’m also very thankful to Dr. Smothers for helping ease the pain, day by day, and in fact, am looking forward to seeing him later this morning...
When Facebook Is Not Enough (8/17/21)It’s not. We need the physical part of caring. We need the hand that reaches out for ours. We need the hug that says what words cannot. We need the presence that just sits with us and weeps with us, love shown without saying a word. We need the voice at the other end of the phone line. The voice that knows and shares a history with us. We need the voice who dares to be bold enough to ask, “Can we pray about this right now?” We need the voice that is silent, who listens and truly hears us...
A Good Word (8/10/21)You’ve no doubt read that I drove my school bus concurrently with other jobs I held over the years. Such was the case early one morning as I navigated my bus through the town of Marshall, Mo., prior to arriving at my job at Head Start. As I passed by a friend’s home at around 6:30, I noticed her light on. ...
COOL IT! (8/3/21)So I’ve been “swimming around” lately. First this place, then that place, then the next place. I wound up in Pokey today at the Aquatic Center. Yes, I fancy a similar, maybe exactly the same, facility in Doniphan. I’ve been picturing it since I moved here in 2008. I picture it built up on the hill across from the Masonic Lodge building...
A Good Word (7/27/21)Today I chose to stay home and get caught up around the house. Of course, I still needed to pop in and out to do some errands. It crossed my mind how convenient it is living in town. Especially when you take Lasix. And tend to drink several cups of coffee in the morning...
Already Missing Lynn (7/20/21)I just now (10:30 a.m. on July 13) received a sad message from my husband. Lynn Maples passed away. I immediately thought of the sound of Lynn laughing, or maybe it was more like a happy giggle. You know how when you meet a kindred spirit, something just clicks. That’s how it was with Lynn and I. If I ever attempted to walk by the museum without “checking in”, she’d fly out the door, smiling that smile, and beckon me in to just sit and chat...
What We Leave Behind (7/14/21)We spent time at the cabin recently. While doing dishes, and putting them way, I came across a reusable Keurig cup. It was left by our daughter-in-law, former barista and lover of Starbucks coffee. I opened the drawer to retrieve a pen and smiled as I noticed a Whoopee cushion. ...
A Good Word (7/7/21)This morning, I started putting together, in my mind, a light-hearted column I felt would bring a smile to some faces, including mine, as I recalled the details. I’m going to have to finish that column another day. A trip to the store this evening put me in a somber mood. I came face to face with meth addiction. I came face to face with a shattered family...
IN THE GARDEN (6/30/21)One of the unexpected perks of being retired is having time to discover forgotten pleasures. I know what you’re thinking, but the only thing dirty in what I just said is the soil. A favorite verse of mine proclaims: “The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth. One is nearer God’s heart in a garden, than on any place else on earth.”...
A Good Word (6/8/21)In anticipation of the Jones family reunion in Kansas next weekend, I settled in last evening to sort through poems, photos and other remembrances of the Jones family. Since none of the four remaining Jones children are young anymore – Judy is 74, Danny will be 69 this August, and my “little brother” Robin will be 62 the same month. I turn 64 in June...
A Good Word (6/1/21)It’s over a month away, as I write these words, until June 5. Just a date but so much more. I’ve made my plans to attend our three-years-delayed family reunion in Kansas, but there’s no way I can leave without writing down these words. Deb and Dale, I’ve been thinking about you both all morning. ...
Gratitude (5/25/21)A conversation with a lifelong friend regarding gratitude came to mind this morning. She said for all her whining, she was thankful for the parts of her body that DID work, and that list outweighed her list of complaints. She really got me thinking…about gratitude. ...
A Letter To My Husband (5/18/21)Today, May 13, you and I celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. As you are fond of saying, “Sometimes it seems like yesterday and then sometimes, it feels like a LOT longer!” Thank you for: Our children and our grandchildren. Who knew when we started out all those years ago, we’d be blessed with both. “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” (John Wooden.) You practiced this daily through the years...
Senior Musings (5/12/21)At almost 64 years of age, I have a new best friend! Maybe she’s yours too! Alexa, what did WE do before you arrived in our lives? Some people are afraid you know too much, that you listen in on our conversations. That might be true. There ARE times we’ve entertained the thought of baiting you, to see what would happen. I’m sure there are more exciting and enlightening conversations to be heard than ours. ...
A Good Word (5/5/21)Crisis! I have no lipstick! Where on earth did my three lipsticks go, oh where oh where did they go? It’s true I believe I have four instead of three. I’m not counting the cabin lipstick, that I leave at the cabin to wear as needed. It seems like the fish bite better when my lips are moist. ...
Becky’s True Rainbow Story (4/27/21)The story of this rainbow is truly amazing and amazingly true… Some years ago, my husband took a whole bunch of pictures of a beautiful rainbow. We downloaded them to our computer and erased the memory stick on our camera. However, every time after that, without fail, each time we downloaded pictures the last picture we would see was this rainbow picture. ...
It Only Takes A Few (4/14/21)A group of 10 cared about kids, and had an idea that was very fine. But one was asked to donate money, and now there are only nine. Nine caring people, Thought helping kids would “be great!’ But one was asked to commit some spare time, and now there were only eight...
The Best Of Intentions (4/6/21)I had only one intent, to go to E & S The day was oh so very fair, And my house was such a mess. Spring laid heavy in the air I longed to go and roam But I needed a cup of coffee So I wouldn’t be alone I pulled into the drive thru lane To get some Mickey D’s,...
A New Beginning For An Old Soul (3/30/21)I never thought I’d be the age I am today. Not that I didn’t know that time does go marching on, I just didn’t have time to think about it much. There’s a whirlwind of firsts that accompany the earlier years of our lives. First driver’s license, first job, first move away from home. ...
Spring Always Comes! (3/23/21)The date on the calendar proclaimed spring arrived on March 20. I know something that the calendar doesn’t know…spring arrived the first night we heard the peepers. Although everything in the world seems to have been affected by the events in the past year, we always know that the season of rebirth and hope, will always follow...
A Good Word (3/9/21)All In The Family I just received a text message from my niece Dana, sharing her daughter Raygen’s recent poem. Her mom is thinking she’s been gifted with the Jones’ family’s talent for poetry. You decide. When all the Earth shall pass away And all that herein, down we lay...
Thoughts For The Day (3/2/21)Live every day courageously. It cultivates trust in God. ~ Bonnie Rickner Jensen Relax, recharge, reflect, refresh, renew, return. ~ Alan Cohen He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6...
A Good Word (2/23/21)As I write this, we are all anticipating snow. How much, remains to be seen, and depends on which station we listen to, or where we live. I love how snow blankets the ground, covering the earth, making it all clean and pristine. Winters were harsher, colder and the snow deeper growing up. The forecast calls for frigid temperatures and depth totals not unlike those in Kansas...
What Is Truth? (2/3/21)So we battle on, with this demon called COVID. The news is full of doom and gloom, and frankly, I use my go-to coping skills of denial, and hiding my head in the sand. Is there such a thing as too much news? Information overload? Conflicting sources proclaim their way is the only way. How does one determine which information is correct?...
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things (1/26/21)A gentle, but persistent, tug on my fishing line. A long awaited daffodil, crocus or tulip breaking through the cold ground of winter, into the promise of spring. Snuggling in on a frigid evening, clothed in flannel pajamas and covered up with a sentimental quilt...
Great Quotes That Make You Think (1/19/21)Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King, Jr. Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Martin Luther King, Jr...
Do You Want To Live Like This? (1/11/21)Uncluttering is a popular term these days. If you haven’t used it, chances are you won’t. Find a new home for it! If you’re donating to a thrift shop, don’t give summer clothes in winter. Their storage space is limited. Don’t donate junk or trash or the stuff that didn’t sell at your yard sale. Anything you’re not using, someone else may need desperately. Just remember, never give to others what you wouldn’t want given to you...
The Gift Of Hope (1/5/21)I almost threw it away before I opened it. By the return address, I knew it was a helping agency, and a good one. At this time of year, there are lots of requests for help. Instead of tossing it, I opened it and found the best gift I’ll get for Christmas this year. ...
Between The Lines (12/29/20)Christmas joy found a way into this heart yesterday. One of my favorite activities approaching Christmas is sending Christmas cards. I still believe folks love to get snail mail, as it’s called now. In the age of instant messaging and social media, this tradition is almost non existent. ...
A Good Word (12/22/20)I once had a friend who loved Christmas so much she had a Christmas tree in every room in her house, including the bathroom. (I had to check that out!) Every tree had a different theme. I just finished putting up my “sentimental theme” Christmas tree. There’s a lot of handmade ornaments, like the shepherd’s crook Jake, probably 3 years old, made out of foil, or as we used to call it, tin foil...
Missing Jerry (12/8/20)I honored my friend Jerry Meinz this morning with a couple of phone calls to check on folks. The realization just came to me the other day, that I could always count on Jerry to call me, to see how I was doing, and get the latest gossip. I was usually a disappointment to him, as I usually hadn’t heard much to pass on...
The Road Less Travelled (11/24/20)Yes, there can be positives even amidst a pandemic. One of the positive aspects for me is messages available virtually from our beloved minister up north. I’m thankful for his thoughtful words, especially of hope in these times we are living in. After his recent message on thankfulness, I messaged him “Your message jumpstarted me into remembering the many, many times God has intervened in my life over the years. It was a good road to go down.”...
Remembering Sam (11/17/20)A single, fragrant rose blooms on the windowsill. It adorned the flower draped casket of a dear friend from up north. It reminds me of all that is good and decent and loving in the world. For Sam Ed Yokley was all of these and more, with just a hint of fun loving orneriness to bring joy to those around him...
A Good Word (11/4/20)To the tune of “She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round The Mountain”. I’m not wasting time on Facebook, any more I’m not wasting time on Facebook any more I’m not wasting time on Facebook I won’t even take a quick look I’m not wasting time on Facebook any more! Oh, the monster is deactivated, yay!...
Hindsight (10/27/20)I recently made the decision to change my body and change my life… yes, AGAIN! I’m so TIRED of my weight impacting every thought I have, every activity I CAN’T do, the places I can’t go, and the confidence that eludes me. Honestly, there are two Beckys that exist. The one I envision when I fail to look in the mirror or see a photo of myself, and the REAL Becky. Blah, blah, blah, blah….you’ve heard this all before…...
Blessings (10/20/20)Blessings All the rose of Sharons Have tucked their blooms close in; They’ll endure the cold ahead Until summer comes again. I see from the kitchen window, A last bloom on the Myrtle tree… The flash of fuscia a reminder Of the joy they’ve given me...
A Good Word (10/14/20)If you’re anywhere close to my age, you’ve had this conversation. Since we are entering the “golden years’, and time marches on, you tend to entertain certain scenarios. At the same time we bring these up, we all know that we have no guarantees on how our lives will end in this life. ...
Excuses, Excuses (9/29/20)I am writing these words after I’ve actually carried out my crazy mindset re: eating. Namely, get rid of it so you’re not tempted. Those of us who overeat like to rationalize every failure. Since I’ve “fallen off the wagon” more than once as of late, stooping to buying Oreo McFlurrys, I deduced that it would be much more economical to take advantage of the three for $5 pints of ice cream at Dollar General. ...
A Good Word (9/22/20)I’m at home today “waiting it out”. Although I do not know if I’ve been exposed to COVID, I opted to have a test done on Thursday afternoon anyway after falling ill, and developing a nasty cough, after our family gathered together during Labor Day weekend. I’m waiting for the news. I was worried I might have exposed the family if I had Covid...
Bloom Where You’re Planted (9/15/20)The above quote is one of my favorites. It isn’t about flowers or gardening, but refers to what we do, with what we have, where we are, when God plants us. To be honest, another favorite quote hangs here just above my computer screen. It was given to me by a dear friend. Meeting when she and I trained to be CASA volunteers, years ago. She was a teacher, I was a bus driver and a Head Start worker...
Summer Memories (9/8/20)Down here, when peach time rolls around, the place to be is Campbell and Bader Orchards. Peaches also make me think of Carolyn. Seems one of our friends up north thought it might be a good idea if I met her elderly mother. She thought I’d be able to help her mom get ready to move to an assisted living facility. You know how some folks are just destined to meet? So it was with Carolyn and I. ...
A Good Word (9/1/20)You’ve Got To Stand For Something, Or You’ll Fall For Anything. Lately, I’ve been so afraid to stir up hate and dissension that I’ve become what I despise…wishy washy. The “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”. ~ Edmund Burke’s quote, reverberates in my ears these days. ...
Definition Of Redneck (8/5/20)I went online to get a definition of “redneck”. Working-class white person, especially a political reactionary, one from a rural area. ~ Oxford Languages An uneducated white farm laborer, especially from the South. A bigot or reactionary, especially from the rural working class. ~ Dictionary.com...
God Loves Even Me (7/21/20)I recently sent off an email to our former minister up north, Pastor Randy. I don’t remember ever calling him “Pastor Randy”, always just plain old Randy. I’ve been listening to his sermons online and have enjoyed his messages. Today’s was timely. It included a favorite scripture: “I am sure that the good work God began in you will continue until He completes it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again.”~ Philippians 1:6 ERV...
Beautiful Things (7/15/20)by Ellen Palmer Allerton Beautiful faces are those that wear — It matters little if dark or fair — Whole-souled honesty printed there. Beautiful eyes are those that show, Like crystal panes where hearthfires glow, Beautiful thoughts that burn below...
A Good Word (7/7/20)I’ve become much more cynical about the news I receive and what political affiliation it comes from. It’s a sad statement when I say I don’t know who and what I can believe. I’m so missing Chet Huntley, David Brinkley news and my all time favorite, Walter Cronkite. ...
A Good Word (7/1/20)As is our custom, we were headed to the cabin on Sunday. Danny wanted to go up earlier than usual. I balked (actually the other B word is much more appropriate) citing the hot, humid weather predicted. Besides, the fish don’t REALLY start biting until the cool of the evening. ...
Road Trip (6/23/20)It was oh so good to be out again And good to see my friend; At times it seems the days shut in Were never going to end. We had a bit of cabin fever From the recent cautious days We longed to roam and see the world And go oh so many ways. So in our state of wanderlust...
A Prayer For The Helpless (6/10/20)Let me be a voice for the speechless, Those who are small and weak. Let me speak for all helpless creatures Who have no power to speak. I have lifted my heart to Heaven On behalf of the least of these The frightened, the homeless, the hungry. I am voicing their pleas...
A Good Word (6/3/20)People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway...
Becky’s Last Bus Story (5/26/20)I heard a song on the radio today. I smiled all the way through it. I remember well the day one of my preK bus riders belted it out, especially this phrase: “Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby, a little bit frisky!” This same little one once observed, “Miss Becky, Did you know that all of the earth and sky are God’s?” ...
Blooms And Blossoms (5/19/20)The lilacs now have come and gone A fragrance none replace… And always when I see them bloom I see my mother’s face. The daffodils’ happy smile Reminds us spring is near The crocus and the tulips Will come again next year. Peonies are blooming now Their aroma fills the air...
Playing Outside/Adult Version (5/13/20)Wouldn’t you agree that it’s so much easier to be grateful and have fun when you’re spending time in the great outdoors? And inspirational too! Tools you need for play: A good pair of Muck boots! Not only did they serve me well during my later years as a school bus driver, but they’re so easy to slip on while the dew is still heavy on the grass...
A Good Word (5/6/20)Recently, I came across a letter to the editor I wrote just shortly after Danny and I moved to Doniphan in 2008. As we slowly rise up from the COVID-19 pandemic, I find myself reaffirming what I wrote almost 10 years ago, with some changes, I hope, will be lasting ones. We’ve chosen not to leave Ripley County to do business during these hard times. If we did, it’s only because we’ve not found what we needed here (which is extremely infrequent)...
A Good Word (4/28/20)I read, on Facebook, last evening, that my best friend was going off Facebook for awhile. Instead of just calling her, I texted asking her what was up? We agreed to talk via phone today. What has stayed with me all day is not so much the content of the conversation, but the anger or tears, she was trying hard to hold in check...
A Good Word (4/22/20)Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy; O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much...
Taking Time For Gratitude (4/14/20)Today is a day for remembering to give thanks for accumulated blessings. Thank you, dear Lord for: My better half. For fixing the Snapper riding lawn mower, therein boosting my hope that I’ll be able to mow this summer. For adapting the boat dock so it’s easy for me to get in and out of the boat, thus indulging my lifelong love of fishing. For an unexpected bouquet of fragrant lilacs, and the heady aroma that is wafting through my kitchen as I write this. And for so much more…...
New Territory (4/7/20)Aren’t we all in “new territory”? School staff finds themselves in unchartered waters. These are uncertain times we’re living in. We find ourselves sequestered at home, many home with their school age children. Jobs may be non existent right now. Many things that we for so long have taken for granted, are no longer within our reach. For those of us who are “people persons” the loss is felt by not seeing others. Freedom to move about at our whim has disappeared, at least for now...
A Good Word (3/31/20)I’m so thankful my doctor is a praying man. My routine visit, was held, for the first time, over the phone, due to the constraints of the Corona virus. We spoke of family, his and mine. The corona virus came up in the conversation. He said his wife was worried; and he was taking every precaution not to bring it home to his family. Their office is operating with a skeleton crew in these unsure times...
Reprieve From Doom And Gloom (3/25/20)I emailed my friend from CASA volunteer days up north recently. My subject line was “I think we need a Godwink!”. Believing nothing is a coincidence, but a Godcidence, is our way of thinking. Another explanation of a Godwink is an event where God chooses to remain anonymous. First of all, please know I’m not revealing this to toot my own horn, but God knows that. Everything that happens, like the following, is for His glory. And God knows that also! That’s all that matters to me...
Crisis Averted (3/24/20)The day stretched out before me Without a sense of rush No “get up and go”, “get coffee” Didn’t have to drive the bus. But wait. A friend is calling What is this all about? “We have to go and go right now Toilet paper is running out!” “Oh, what will we do?...