Debate Or Not To Debate

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Speak Out:

I do appreciate the many efforts, hard work and time that the Chamber of Commerce put into the Meet & Greet of our candidates. However, I do not feel that this was a very prosperous adventure. I personally feel that the candidates were actually slighted by not allowing each of them 10 minutes or so to stand before the crowd and express their own ideas and inform the people just why they were running for their selected office and what their intentions were to improve that office should they be elected. That is what the crowd was there to hear. Plus allowed the people to then ask the questions they would like to have answered and put the time limits there. As far as I am concerned, what took place did not inform me or lead me in any direction as to whom I feel would best qualify for the position they all have worked so hard to vie for, spent hours of time campaigning for not including the monies they have spent. I’m sorry but I feel as though we all sat there for 3-1/2 – 4 hours and went home empty handed. Good luck to all candidates.