A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District #4 of Ripley County for Jan. 18, at 6 p.m. in the library.
Meeting was called to order by president R. Dickson.
Members Present: Justin Beckwith, Raymond Dickson, John Krumenacker, Travis Lowery, Dennis Meyers and Alan Wilson.
Members Absent: Kimber Thomas.
Staff Present: Carly Carter - administrator, Danete Johnston and Karen Johnson - board secretaries, Laverne Cote - Cook, Brenda Dickson - Fed Programs, Krystale Ray, Aline McGee, Megan Vickers and Brandy Cunningham - teachers.
Motion was made by director D. Meyers to approve the agenda, seconded by director J. Krumenacker, motion voted on and carried unanimous with a vote of 6 - 0.
Motion was made by director D. Meyers to approve the consent agenda, seconded by director A. Wilson, motion voted on and carried unanimous with a vote of 6- 0.
Consent Items: Approval of Dec. 11, 2021 open minutes.
Approval of financial reports.
Approval to pay bills for month of January.
The superintendent, Carly Carter, presented a report to the board regarding Jerry Kelly, board election filing, snow days, halfway through school year, MO Highlands Dental was here last week, rescheduling February board meeting to Feb. 15, special education valentine fundraiser.
Motion was made by director J. Krumenacker to add Jessica Halley and Robert Wilson to sub list, seconded by director T. Lowery, motion voted on and carried unanimous with a vote of6- 0.
Motion was made by director D. Meyers to go into closed session to discuss personnel, seconded by J. Krumenacker, a roll call vote was taken and is recorded as follows:
Aye: J. Beckwith, R. Dickson, J. Krumenacker, T. Lowery, D. Meyers. and A. Wilson.
Nay: None.
Motion carried unanimous with a vote of 6 - 0.
Motion was made by director D. Meyers to go out of closed session, seconded by director J. Krumenacker, a roll call vote was taken and is recorded as follows:
Aye: J. Beckwith, R. Dickson, J. Krumenacker, T. Lowery, D. Meyers, and A. Wilson.
Nay: None.
Motion carried unanimous with a vote of 6 - 0.
Meeting adjourned.