Several years ago, I had a brain tumor. In the month leading up to the surgery I was terrified. I’d wake in the middle of the night thinking I was going to die. I was sure I wouldn’t survive the surgery. I did a lot of praying, yet I couldn’t overcome my fear.
One day I turned the radio on, and the Beatles happened to be playing. The song was “Here Comes the Sun.” My anxiety melted away. For the remaining days pre-surgery, I listened to the Boys from Liverpool every day, I was able to sleep at night and knew I would be okay. At the time, I wasn’t sure why it changed my mindset; I was just happy it did.
There is now scientific proof that music affects your mind, but it also affects your blood pressure, heart rate, can reduce anxiety, and can even help with digestion and pain relief.
Music is sound, sound is vibration, and is measured in frequency. Hertz(Hz) is the measurement used for frequencies, and is defined as the number of vibrations that pass through a particular point within a second.
The concept that certain sounds or frequencies can heal, is rooted in the idea that all matter vibrates at specific frequencies, including the human body.
Sound or frequency therapy may sound like some new age mumbo-jumbo, but it’s nothing new. It has been used in ancient cultures across the world. Indigenous tribes have chanting rituals, shamans use jaw harps to transcend, African and Native American cultures use drums, and Australian aborigines blow the didgeridoo. Vibrational healing has been practiced for thousands of years.
When we are healthy, the cells in our body operate at an optimal frequency. When we’re sick or stressed our vibrations may be altered which causes us to feel unwell or unbalanced. Healing frequencies may restore the body’s natural vibrations.
The earth behaves like a giant electrical circuit with a natural frequency pulse of 7.83 hertz. Interestingly, 7.83 hertz is also the human brain’s average alpha frequency during an EEG.
Being out in nature makes your body more easily tune into the earth’s frequency and can restore, revitalize, and heal itself more effectively.
There have been several studies on plants responding to sound, and scientists have proven that plants actually emit sounds at very low frequencies, undetectable to the naked ear.
Bees are wonderful creatures. In addition to their vital roles of pollination and honey making, bees possess the power to emit a healing vibrational frequency through their harmonious buzzing. The energy emitted by bees has been linked to lowering cortisol levels, thereby reducing stress and anxiety. I have a video saved to my phone of bees working. I listen to it when I can’t sleep and it knocks me right out.
I have just begun researching and using frequencies to enrich my health and life. Improving memory, reducing pain and inflammation, alleviating trauma, and repairing DNA are just a few of the benefits. It’s definitely worth more research.