featuresFebruary 26, 2025

Public etiquette seems to be declining, with noticeable odors and disregard for smoking laws in public spaces. This article highlights the need for reintroducing common courtesy and respect.

There seems to be a lack of polite behavior or just good manners any more with public engagements; at least recently in the fact that “people stink.”

As I was out and about this week picking up more supplies after the snow storm I recognized a distinct musky and earthy fragrance that lingered from store to store.

It reminded me of the recent visit downtown by a family of skunks.

I am not weighing in against the legal use of cannabis, that is an individual’s choice. I am stating that consuming does leave lingering evidence of use that others may encounter. Tobacco or cannabis users may not comply with stipulations that smoking is prohibited in most public places, except in designated areas. (Education is the key to new habits.)

Not that a mature 21+ adult would consider driving a vehicle prior, during or after a puff, especially with minors, There are those few that lack the education of knowing the law before partaking in legal activities.

There may be some with an “I don’t care attitude about it,“ not an unfamiliar statement to parents of teenagers, compared with not changing into clean clothes and refusal to shower.

Etiquette was a subject taught in middle school home economics class. That has been replaced with a lack of common courtesy among some that needs to be reintroduced.

There are three principles that I recall on good manners (etiquette): be respectful, be considerate and be honest. Respect is acknowledging others’ qualities; boundaries that consider the understanding of rights, and honestly acting with sincerity and integrity.

With that said, consider suggesting a visit to one of our local businesses that may have aromatizing products that conceal, deodorize or neutralize the Pepe’ Le Pew cologne that you favor.

The Prospect-News
