Greetings from Dixie Ridge. I am back from my cruise and had some good food and entertainment. I went to most of the trivia activities on the ship and two of the comedy routines. I saw the Mayan Ruins at Mayapan in Merida, Mexico which was fascinating. We traveled by air conditioned Mercedes bus about 40 miles south of Merida.
Mayapan is about two square miles and has over 5000 structures, most of them residences, packed into a compound within the city walls. The city wall was about 5 ½ miles long. We learned that about 10,000 to 12,000 people lived within this walled city. I saw several iguanas running wild and was able to get several close shot pictures.
I found a little rock shaped like a heart inside a fossilized rock and took a picture of it, after smoothing away the dirt. God meant for only me to find it and I could go straight to it again today. It made me feel special. The Mexican people are so nice and friendly and respectful. Too bad, Americans can’t be more like them.
The last cruise I took, I didn’t get to do any excursions because my girlfriend wanted to text her boyfriend. This time, it was me that was wanting near the wifi to text my boyfriend… is funny.
I wanted to attend the “Pickin’ on the Square” last weekend, but after driving 10 hours from New Orleans, La. I just didn’t have it in me. I hear they are having a great time!
Thought of the week…They’re judging because you keep starting over. I’m clapping because you never gave up.
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