There is an interesting statement that Jesus makes when the boys awaken him during a storm at sea. In Mark 4:35-41 we read of the incident. To summarize; Jesus had been teaching and preaching all day and he was exhausted. He and the 12 got into a fishing boat and headed across Lake Galilee. Jesus fell asleep in the front of the boat. At about the same time a storm rose up. The fishing boat had a shallow draft, (think oversized John Boat) and the waves were getting higher. The experienced sailors on the boat were even getting into a panic. Finally, they wake Jesus up and He says, “BE SILENT, BE STILL”. The storm stops, right there. The boys are in awe and then Jesus says, “Why were you afraid?”
It is that statement that I find so interesting. He didn’t say there was nothing to fear. He didn’t say, “I’ve got this”. He looked at the disciples and asked them why they were afraid.
The reason this is so interesting is many of the disciples recognized Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. Did they really think that a storm would drown Jesus? They knew and often heard of his love for them, did they really think Jesus would let them drown in his presence? Why were they afraid?
This profound question often permeates my own mind. Why am I afraid? My faith is in Christ, but still, I do things out of fear, or I don’t do things out of fear. I imagine you also have these moments. At our denominations' annual meetings, I have so often listened to fear, rather than faith. In our churches, we often make decisions based on fear rather than faith. In our own lives we often let fear run amok, while our faith sits in the background. I’m not accusing anyone of anything, this is human nature. Honestly, if the guys who had been with Jesus were still afraid, why should we be so special?
The fact is, there is much to be afraid of in the world. We live in a world that is broken. Nature, Technology and Humanity seem to all conspire at times to harm us. If we stand against the sinful tide, people start to look for ways to stop us, and that is harmful too.
Jesus after asking that question asked another, “Have you still no faith?” I’m sure the guys in the boat were wondering of whom to be afraid. Do you fear the storm, or the guy who stops the storm? Their faith was found wanting, as is for us at various times and circumstances.
But the one thing Jesus did not do. He did not reject them. He loved them and helped them to continue their faith journey.
I think the point is, that when our faith wanes and our resolve fails, Jesus is always there to calm the storm. We don’t need to be afraid.
Just a thought.
Shalom my friends. See you in church.