Ripley County Health Department November Board Meeting Minutes (1/9/25)The Ripley County Public Health Center Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Nov. 26. Members present: Sheila Featherston, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson, Janet Arnold, Sherrie Newman and Tammy Cosgrove. Old Business COVID 19 update: There were two cases in November. There have been 293 cases this year...
Naylor R-II Shares October Regular Business Highlights (11/25/24)The Oct. 14 Naylor R-II board meeting was called to order by President Jerry Cullison at 7 p.m., with a motion made and carried to approve the agenda. The board then approved the minutes of the September regular meeting held on Sept. 9, and the listing of October bills as presented to the board...
Ripley County Public Health Center October Board Meeting (11/25/24)The Ripley County Public Health Center Board of Trustees met Wednesday, Oct. 23. Members present: Sheila Featherston, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson, Janet Arnold and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Sherrie Newman. There was not a September meeting due to lack of quorum. The minutes from the August meeting were approved as read...
Naylor School Board Met July 11 (9/10/24)The meeting was called to order by Acting President Will Spargo at 7:05 p.m. Absent: Jerry Cullison, Jeff Sullivan Motion made and carried to amend the agenda for the current meeting to include addressing home school students and their rights to take part in district sports...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Met Aug. 27 (9/4/24)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Mark Thompson, Janet Arnold, and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Dorothy Walker The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Naylor School Board Met July 11 (8/7/24)The meeting was called to order by Acting President Will Spargo at 7:05 p.m. Absent: Jerry Cullison, Jeff Sullivan Motion made and carried to amend the agenda for the current meeting to include addressing home school students and their rights to take part in district sports...
City Of Grandin Alderman Met May 17 (7/24/24)A of the Grandin board of aldermen was called to order by Mayor Diana Brower at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Mayor Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman Jim Tucker, Alderman Steven Drwenski Absent: Alderman John Kirby Visitors: Matt Marshall with MRWA, Ryan Wolf, Kellie Collins, Joey Powers, Sondra Shephard, Tina Whittom, Meagan Barron, Matthew Gladden and Chris George...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met March 8 (7/24/24)City of Grandin Board of Alderman met March 8. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Laura Smith at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith and Alderman Jim Tucker. Absent: John Kirby Visitors: Chris George, Harvey Stiver and Ryan Wolf...
R-IV Board Of Education Met May 20 (7/19/24)A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District #4 of Ripley County for May 20 at 6 p.m. in the Ripley County R-IV School Library. The meeting was called to order by president R. Dickson. Members Present: Raymond Dickson, Vera Dickson, John Krumenacker (was sworn in during meeting), Travis Lowery, Dennis Meyers and Kimber Thomas...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met June 25 (7/10/24)Members present: Dorothy Walker, Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Mark Thompson and Tammy Cosgrove. Members absent: Rick Lane. 4:30 p.m. Resignation of board member: Rick Lane emailed his resignation due to health reasons. Dorothy made a motion to accept the resignation. Sherrie Newman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met May 28 (6/22/24)Ripley County Health Center's board of trustees met on Tuesday, May 28. Members present: Dorothy Walker, Sherrie Newman, Mark Thompson and Tammy Cosgrove. Members absent: Rick Lane and Sheila Featherston. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met March 26 (5/29/24)Ripley County Public Health Center board of trustees met Tuesday, March 26. Members Present: Rick Lane, Dorothy Walker, Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Mark Thompson and Tammy Cosgrove. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Dec. 19 (4/11/24)Call To Order - A regular board meeting of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District was held on Dec. 19 at the Doniphan Library. It began at 4 p.m. and was presided over by Jon Grim, board president, with Megan Michel as board secretary. Attendees - Voting members in attendance: Allison Ficke, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson and Susan Wilfong...
City Of Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met Jan.12 (4/11/24)Meeting called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Laura Smith 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman John Kirby and Alderman Jim Tucker. Visitors: Chris George and Johnathan Troutt. Minutes from Dec. 15, regular alderman meeting reviewed. ...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met March 14 (4/10/24)The Ripley County R-III School Board of Directors met in regular session on March 14 at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, president; Bryan Murdock, vice president; Troy Ayers; Keith Whiteside; Michael Thornton and Violet Meadors...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Feb. 27 (3/6/24)The Ripley County Public Health Center board of trustees met Tuesday, Feb. 27. Members Present: Rick Lane, Dorothy Walker, Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Mark Thompson The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Jan. 9 (2/6/24)Members present: Mark Thompson, Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman and Tammy Cosgrove. Members absent: Rick Lane and Dorothy Walker. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Dec. 19 (12/26/23)Call To Order A regular board meeting of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District was held on Dec. 19 at the Doniphan Library. It began at 4 p.m. and was presided over by John Grim, Board President, with Megan Michel as Board Secretary. Attendees...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board Met Sept. 19 (11/29/23)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. Sept. 19, at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, Allison Ficke, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Beth McComb, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth and Mark Thompson. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary...
Ripley County Health Center Board Of Trustees Met Aug. 24 (11/29/23)Setting Of Tax Levy - The current rate is 0.1393 the state recommends 0.1321. Dorothy Walker made a motion to accept the state’s recommendation. The motion seconded by Sherrie Newman. The motion carried unanimously. The tax rate will be 0.1321. Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met Aug. 11 (11/29/23)City of Grandin Alderman held their regular board meeting Aug. 11. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Laura Smith at 6:34 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith, Alderman John Kirby and Alderman Jim Tucker...
Health Center Board Met June 27 (11/29/23)The Ripley County Health Center Board of Directors met Tuesday, June 27. Members Present: Rick Lane, Mark Thompson, Shelia Featherson, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker, and Tammy Cosgrove. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given...
Grandin Residents To See Trash Fee Increase (11/29/23)Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Laura Smith at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman John Kirby and Alderman Jim Tucker. Visitors: Clifford Ferrell, Brian Rosener (OFRPC), Tobias Heselton (Heartland Engineering), Dominic Thompson (Smith & Co.), Shannon Todd (Horner Shifrin), and Dan Reynolds (Fast Trash)...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Sept. 26 (11/21/23)At 4:30 p.m. First Missouri State Bank Matthew O’Neal met with the board to discuss interest rates and options for investing money. Members present: Rick Lane, Mark Thompson, Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. Guest: Matthew O’Neal...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Oct. 24 (11/8/23)Minutes of the regular board meeting of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library district from the Oct. 24. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President John Grim at 4 p.m. Oct. 24 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, Allison Ficke, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Beth McComb, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson, and Susan Wilfong. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Legal Counsel, Chris Miller...
City of Grandin Alderman Board Met July 14 (8/9/23)The City of Grandin Alderman Board met Friday, July 14. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Laura Smith 6:30 p.m. Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman John Kirby, and Alderman Jim Tucker. Absent: None Visitors: Clifford Ferrell, Norman Whittom, Chris George, and James Smith...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met July 18 (8/2/23)The Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board met Tuesday, July 18, at 4 p.m. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, Allison Ficke, John Grim, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Susan Wilfong, Mark Thompson, and Beth McComb. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met In April (5/31/23)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. April 18 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Keshia Russell, Mark Thompson and Susan Wilfong, also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and legal counsel, Chris Miller...
Ripley County R-IV Board Of Education Met March 27 (4/25/23)A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District #4 of Ripley County for March 27 at 6 p.m. in the library. Meeting was called to order by president R. Dickson. Members Present: Justin Beckwith, Raymond Dickson, Vera Dickson, Travis Lowery, Dennis Meyers, Kimber Thomas or Alan Wilson...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met March 21 (4/19/23)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President John Grim, at 4 p.m. March 21 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Beth McComb, Chris Miller, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson and Susan Wilfong, also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and legal counsel, Chris Miller...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met March 28 (4/18/23)Members Present: Rick Lane, Shelia Featherston, Mark Thompson, and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Dorothy Walker and Sherrie Newman. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Grandin Alderman Met March 10 (4/18/23)The city of Grandin alderman meeting was called to order by Mayor Rick Julius 6:30 p.m. Roll Call - Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith, Alderman John Kirby, Alderman Jim Tucker and Mayor Rick Julius. Visitors: Clifford Ferrell, Norman Whittom, Ryan Wolf, Zach Reddish and Tom Wilder...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met March 9 (4/18/23)The Ripley County R-III School Board of Directors met in regular session on March 9 at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Tiffany Smith, Treasurer; Troy Ayers; Keith Whiteside; Michael Thornton and Violet Meadors...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Met Feb. 28 (4/18/23)Members present: Rick Lane, Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. Members absent: Mark Thompson. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Feb. 21 (4/18/23)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. Feb. 21 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Beth McComb, Chris Miller, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson, and Susan Wilfong, also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and legal counsel, Chris Miller...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met Jan. 13 (4/5/23)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith, Alderman John Kirby, Alderman Jim Tucker and Mayor Rick Julius. Visitors: Patricia Oakley, Clifford Ferrell, Amber Kern, Jered Green, Frank Curry, Joseph Gates, Tina Whittom, Ryan Wolf, Norman Whittom...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met Feb. 10 (4/5/23)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius 6:30 p.m. Feb. 10 Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman John Kirby, Alderman Jim Tucker, Mayor Rick Julius, Visitors: Clifford Ferrell, Norman Whittom, Ryan Wolf. Minutes from Jan. 13 regular alderman meeting reviewed. Alderwoman Smith made motion to accept, seconded by Alderman Kirby. All in favor...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Jan. 10 (4/5/23)Members present: Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Rick Lane. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Naylor Board Of Aldermen Met Jan. 4 (3/7/23)Mayor Dale Day called to order a meeting of the board of aldermen at 4 p.m. Jan. 4 at city hall in Naylor. In attendance were, Alderman Allen Miller; Alderman Ronald Rupp, Alderwoman Linda Jo Lunsford, Alderman Joe Davis as well as city clerk Teresa Cline; water/wastewater supervisor Don Young, street supervisor Ronnie Young and city attorney Chris Miller...
Ripley County R-IV Board Met Dec. 17 (2/22/23)A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District IV of Ripley County for Dec. 17 at 5:30 p.m. at Redbeard’s in Van Buren, Mo. Meeting was called to order by president Raymond Dickson. Members Present: Justin Beckwith, Raymond Dickson, Vera Dickson, Dennis Meyers, Kimber Thomas and Alan Wilson...
Naylor Board Of Aldermen Met Dec. 7 (2/22/23)Mayor Dale Day called to order a meeting of the board of aldermen at 4 p.m. at city hall in Naylor. In attendance were, Alderman Allen Miller, Alderman Joe Davis, Alderman Ronald Rupp and Alderwoman Linda Jo Lunsford as well as city clerk Teresa Cline; water/wastewater supervisor Don Young. Street supervisor Ronnie Young and city attorney, Chris Miller was absent...
Grandin Board Of Alderman Met Dec. 9 (2/22/23)The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rick Julius at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman John Kirby, Mayor Rick Julius, Absent: Alderman Jim Tucker. Visitors: Ryan Wolf and Norman Whittom. Minutes from Nov. 11 regular alderman meeting was reviewed. Alderwoman Smith made motion to accept, seconded by Alderman Kirby. All in favor...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Nov. 22 (2/22/23)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Rick Lane, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Sherrie Newman. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Nov. 15 (2/22/23)The Doniphan-Ripley County Library District met Nov. 15. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Mark Thompson, at 4 p.m. Nov. 15, at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, Carmen Jackson, Beth McComb, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson, and Susan Wilfong, also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met Nov. 11 (2/22/23)City of Grandin Alderman met Nov. 11. Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius 6:30 p.m. It was immediately opened into a closed session. Discussion was held regarding workman’s comp on volunteer fire department. Motion to leave closed session by Alderman Kirby and seconded by Alderwoman Smith. All in favor...
The Ripley County R-III School Board Met Nov. 10 (2/22/23)The Ripley County R-III School Board of Directors met in regular session on Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Tiffany Smith, Treasurer; Keith Whiteside and Troy Ayers...
Naylor Board Of Aldermen Met Nov. 2 (2/22/23)Mayor Dale Day called to order a meeting of the board of aldermen at 4 p.m. at city hall in Naylor. In attendance were Alderwoman Linda Jo Lunsford, Alderman Ronald Rupp, Alderman Joe Davis, Alderman Allen Miller as well as city clerk Teresa Cline; water/wastewater supervisor Don Young and street supervisor Ronnie Young and city attorney Chris Miller...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met Feb. 9 (2/21/23)The Ripley County R-III School Board of Directors met in regular session on Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Tiffany Smith, Treasurer; Troy Ayers; Michael Thornton; Violet Meadors and Keith Whiteside...
The Ripley County R-Ill School Board Met Jan. 12 (2/1/23)The Ripley County R-Ill School board of directors met in regular session on Jan. 12, at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Tiffany Smith, Treasurer; Troy Ayers; Keith Whiteside; Michael Thornton and Violet Meadors...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Jan. 17 (2/1/23)The Doniphan - Ripley County Library Board met Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 4 p.m. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. Jan. 17 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Beth McComb, Chris Miller, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson, and Susan Wilfong, also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and legal counsel, Chris Miller...
Doniphan-Ripley Co. Library Board Met Dec. 20 (2/1/23)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. Dec. 20 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson, and Susan Wilfong, also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary...
City Of Grandin Aldermen Met Oct. 20 (12/7/22)The aldermen of the city of Grandin met Oct. 20. Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith, Alderman John Kirby, Mayor Rick Julius and Alderman Jim Tucker. Visitors: Joseph Gates, Ryan Wolf, Norman Whittom and Clifford Ferrell...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Oct. 18 (12/7/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. Oct. 18 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Keshia Russell, Mark Thompson, and also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary...
Ripley County R-Iv Board Of Education Met Sept. 26 (12/7/22)A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District #4 of Ripley County for Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. in the Ripley County R-IV School Library. Meeting was called to order by president R. Dickson. Members Present: Justin Beckwith, Raymond Dickson, Vera Dickson, Travis Lowery (in at 6:53), Dennis Meyers, Kimber Thomas and Alan Wilson...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Met Sept. 27 (12/7/22)Members present: Sheila Featherston, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Rick Lane and Mark Thompson. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
City Of Naylor Board Of Aldermen Met Sept. 7 (12/7/22)Mayor Dale Day called to order a meeting of the board of aldermen at 4 pm. at city hall in Naylor. In attendance were Alderwoman Linda Jo Lunsford; Alderman Ronald Rupp; Alderman Allen Miller, as well as city clerk Teresa Cline; water/wastewater supervisor, Don Young and street supervisor Ronnie Young, alderman Joe Davis and city attorney Chris Miller were absent...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Oct. 25 (11/10/22)Members present: Sheila Featherston, Rick Lane, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson and Tammy Cosgrove. Members absent: Sherrie Newman. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met Sept. 8 (11/10/22)The Ripley County R-III School Board of directors met in regular session on Sept. 8, at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Tiffany Smith, Treasurer, Keith Whiteside, Michael Thornton and Violet Meadors...
Ripley County R-IV School Board Met Aug. 15 (11/3/22)A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District #4 of Ripley County for Aug. 15 at 6 p.m. in the Ripley County R-IV School Library. Meeting was called to order by president R. Dickson. Members Present: Justin Beckwith, Raymond Dickson, Vera Dickson, Travis Lowery, Dennis Meyers, Kimber Thomas and Alan Wilson...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Thursday, Aug. 25 (11/3/22)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Rick Lane, Dorothy Walker, Sherrie Newman, Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Mark Thompson Setting of the Tax Levy – 4:30 p.m. Prior ceiling 0.1393. That is the current recommendation. Dorothy Walker made a motion to accept the recommended rate of 0.1393. Sherrie Newman second the motion. The motion passed unanimously...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Aug. 16 (11/3/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President John Grim, at 4 p.m. Aug. 16, at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Mark Thompson. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
City of Grandin Alderman Board Met Aug. 12 (11/3/22)The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rick Julius 6:35 p.m. Roll call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith, Alderman John Kirby, Mayor Rick Julius and Alderman Jim Tucker. Absent: None Visitors: Chris George Minutes from July 8, regular Alderman meeting reviewed. Alderwoman Smith made motion to accept, second by Alderman Tucker. All in favor...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Met June 28 (11/3/22)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Rick Lane and Sherrie Newman. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business:...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met June 9 (11/3/22)The Ripley County R-III School Board of directors met in regular session on June 9, at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Troy Ayers; Violet Meadors and Keith Whiteside. Members Absent: Tiffany Smith, Treasurer and Michael Thornton...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met May 24 (11/3/22)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson, Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. Members Absent: Rick Lane. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business: COVID 19 Update - There have been six cases in May, 542 for this year...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board Met May 17 (11/3/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. May 17 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
The Ripley County R-III School Board Met May 12 (11/3/22)The Ripley County R-III School board of directors met in regular session on May 12, at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Tiffany Smith, Treasurer; Troy Ayers; Michael Thornton; Violet Meadors and Keith Whiteside ...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Met April 26 (11/3/22)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson, Sherrie Newman and Tammy Cosgrove. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business: LED Sign - Anderson Signs Jason Jaco - Electrician Dustin Simonson - Jason Jaco made a presentation to the board conceming the possibility of the purchase of an LED Sign. Mark Thompson made a motion to purchase the LED Sign presented, to be paid with grant monies...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met Oct. 13 (11/2/22)The Ripley County R-III School board of directors met in regular session on Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. Members Present: William McNece, president; Bryan Murdock, vice president; Troy Ayers; Keith Whiteside; Michael Thornton; Violet Meadors. Members Absent: Tiffany Smith...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met Sept. 9 (10/5/22)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Alderman John Kirby, Mayor Rick Julius, Alderman Jim Tucker. Visitors: Joseph Gates, Ryan Wolf, Norman Whittom and Tina Whittom...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board Met June 21 (8/16/22)The meeting was called to order by Megan Michel, director/secretary of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4:10 p.m., on June 21 at the Doniphan Library. President John Grim came shortly after the meeting started to continue business as usual...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met July 26 (8/16/22)Ripley County Health Center board met Tuesday, July 26. Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson Sherrie Newman, Dorothy Walker, Tammy Cosgrove and Rick Lane via telephone. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met July 19 (8/10/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President, John Grim, at 4 p.m. July 19 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
City of Grandin Alderman Board Meet March 11 (8/2/22)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Mayor Rick Julius, Alderman Jim Tucker, Alderwoman Laura Smith and Alderman John Kirby. Visitors: Gerald Tucker and Richard White. Minutes from Feb. 11 regular Alderman meeting reviewed. Alderman Tucker made motion to accept, second by Alderwoman Brower. All in favor...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met March 15 (8/2/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. March 15, at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Keshia Russell, Genie Smith, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Ripley County Public Health Center Board Of Trustees Met March 22 (8/2/22)Members Present: Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson, Dorothy Walker and Tammy Cosgrove. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business: New DHSS Acting Director - Paula Nickelson, has been hired as acting director...
Grandin Board Of Aldermen Met April 8 (8/2/22)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Mayor Rick Julius, Alderman Jim Tucker, Alderwoman Laura Smith. Absent: Alderman John Kirby. Minutes from March 11 regular alderman meeting reviewed. Alderwoman Smith made motion to accept, second by Alderwoman Brower. All in favor...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met April 19 (8/2/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. April 19, at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Keshia Russell, Sarah Stallsworth, Mark Thompson, and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Ripley County R·lll School Board Met April 12 (8/2/22)The Ripley County R-Ill School Board of Directors met in regular session on April 12, at 7 p.m. in the School Media Center. Members Present: William McNece, president; Bryan Murdock, vice president; Tiffany Smith, treasurer; Troy Ayers; Michael Thornton; Violet Meadors and Keith Whiteside...
Ripley County R-Iv Board Of Education Met Jan. 18 (8/2/22)A meeting was called for the Reorganized School District #4 of Ripley County for Jan. 18, at 6 p.m. in the library. Meeting was called to order by president R. Dickson. Members Present: Justin Beckwith, Raymond Dickson, John Krumenacker, Travis Lowery, Dennis Meyers and Alan Wilson...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Jan. 25 (8/2/22)A meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. Jan. 25 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Genie Smith, Sarah Stallsworth and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Ripley County R-III Board Met Feb. 10 (8/2/22)The Ripley County R-Ill School Board of Directors met in regular session on Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, president; Bryan Murdock, vice president; Tiffany Smith, treasurer; Troy Ayers, Michael Thornton, Violet Meadors...
City of Grandin Board Of Alderman Met Feb. 11 (8/2/22)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Mayor Rick Julius, Alderman Jim Tucker, and Alderwoman Laura Smith. Absent: Alderman John Kirby. Visitors: None Minutes from Jan. 14 regular alderman meeting reviewed. Alderwoman Smith made motion to accept, second by Alderwoman Brower. All in favor...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Feb. 22 (8/2/22)Members Present: Rick Lane, Sheila Featherston, Mark Thompson, Sherrie Newman and Tammy Cosgrove. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business: Budget FY 2022 - All paperwork has been completed and sent to the county and state...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Feb. 15 (8/2/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. Feb. 15 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Mark Thompson, and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Naylor Board of Aldermen Met Jan. 5 (8/2/22)Mayor Dale Day called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 5 at Naylor city hall. Attending were council members Allen Miller, Ronald Rupp and Linda Jo Lunsford along with city attorney Chris Miller, clerk Teresa Cline, water and waste water supervisor Don Young and street supervisor Ronnie Young...
Naylor Board Of Aldermen Met Feb. 8 (8/2/22)Mayor Dale Day called to order a meeting of the board of aldermen at 4 p.m. at city hall in Naylor. In attendance were, Alderman Allen Miller; Alderman Ronald Rupp, Alderman Joe Davis; city attorney Chris Miller as well as city clerk, Teresa Cline; water/wastewater supervisor, Don Young and street supervisor, Ronnie Young. Alderwoman Linda Jo Lunsford was absent...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Nov. 16 (8/2/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Genie Smith, Sarah Stallsworth and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Nov. 23 (8/2/22)Members Present: Tammy Cosgrove, Rick Lane, Sheila Featherston, Dorothy Walker and Mark Thompson. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as read. The warrants were signed and work report was given. Old Business: Board Members: Rick Lane was elected chairman last meeting. ...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Dec. 6 (8/2/22)Ripley County Public Health Center Board Of Trustees met Monday, Dec. 6. Members Present: Rick Lane, Sheila Featherston, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson, and Tammy Cosgrove. New Business: Budget Amendment: Due to all of the overtime paid out during COVID the salary section of the budget and operations expenses are over budget by about $25,000. ...
Ripley County R-III Board Met Dec. 9 (8/2/22)The Ripley County R-Ill School board of directors met in regular session on Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. in the School Media Center. Members of the board present: William McNece, president; Bryan Murdock, vice president; Tiffany Smith, treasurer; members, Michael Thornton, Violet Meadors, Troy Ayers and Keith Whiteside...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Met Dec. 21 (8/2/22)The Board of Trustees of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library held a regular meeting at 4 p.m. on Dec. 21. Members present were President John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Genie Smith, Sarah Stallsworth and Beth Walter. Also present were Megan Michel - director and secretary - and Chris Miller - legal counsel...
Grandin Aldermen Met Dec. 11 (8/2/22)The aldermen of the City of Grandin met Dec. 11. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rick Julius at 6:30 p.m. Present: Alderwoman Laura Smith, Mayor Rick Julius, Alderman Jim Tucker, Alderwoman Diana Brower. Absent: Alderman Brian Jessop. There were no visitors...
Ripley County R-III School Board Met July 15 (8/2/22)The Ripley County R-III School Board of Directors met in regular session on July 15 at 7 p.m. in the School Media Center. Members Present: William McNece, President; Bryan Murdock, Vice President; Michael Thornton; Violet Meadors and Keith Whiteside...
City of Grandin Board Of Alderman Met Feb. 11 (2/18/22)Meeting called to order by Mayor Rick Julius at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: Present: Alderwoman Diana Brower, Mayor Rick Julius, Alderman Jim Tucker, and Alderwoman Laura Smith. Absent: Alderman John Kirby. Visitors: None Minutes from Jan. 14 regular alderman meeting reviewed. Alderwoman Smith made motion to accept, second by Alderwoman Brower. All in favor...
Doniphan-Ripley County Library Board Met Feb. 15 (2/17/22)Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by John Grim, President of the Doniphan-Ripley County Library District Board of Trustees at 4 p.m. Feb. 15 at the Doniphan Library. Present: Cindy Bergstedt, John Grim, Carmen Jackson, Marsha Molloy, Mark Thompson, and Beth Walter. Also present was Megan Michel, Library Director/Secretary and Chris Miller, Legal Counsel...
Ripley County R-III Board Met Feb. 10 (2/17/22)The Ripley County R-Ill School Board of Directors met in regular session on Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. in the school media center. Members Present: William McNece, president; Bryan Murdock, vice president; Tiffany Smith, treasurer; Troy Ayers, Michael Thornton, Violet Meadors...
Naylor Board Of Aldermen Met Feb. 8 (2/17/22)Mayor Dale Day called to order a meeting of the board of aldermen at 4 p.m. at city hall in Naylor. In attendance were, Alderman Allen Miller; Alderman Ronald Rupp, Alderman Joe Davis; city attorney Chris Miller as well as city clerk, Teresa Cline; water/wastewater supervisor, Don Young and street supervisor, Ronnie Young. Alderwoman Linda Jo Lunsford was absent...
Ripley County Health Center Board Met Oct. 26 (2/2/22)Members Present: Rick Lane, Sheila Featherston, Dorothy Walker, Mark Thompson, Sherrie Newman and Tammy Cosgrove. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as read. Reorganize Board: Dorothy Walker made a motion to appoint Rick Lane as Chairman. Sherrie Newman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously...