Doniphan Police Report

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

An officer was dispatched June 25 to Hadley Blvd., in reference to a call that someone appeared to be breaking into a vehicle.

Upon arrival, it was determined that a towing service had been contacted and was attempting to unlock a vehicle for a customer.


An officer took a complaint June 25 from an individual who stated that his son and his son’s girlfriend ended a relationship and he permitted her to use his vehicle to move her belongings back to her mother’s house.

He stated that she has failed to return the vehicle, a 2013 Hyundai.

Reports state that the man produced a title for the vehicle that it appeared had been signed over to him; however, the woman refused to let him take possession of it.

The man was advised to go to court and get a judgment awarded to him for the vehicle, and he agreed to do so.


An officer took a report June 26 from a woman who stated that on the previous day she made a purchase of approximately $40 in goods at the Dollar Tree.

The items fit into two shopping bags, which she stated she sat down on the floor next to the cashier while she continued to shop.

The woman stated she exited the store, and when she got out to her vehicle she remembered the bags and went inside to retrieve them.

The bags were gone, and the manager and cashier stated they had not seen the bags and were unaware that the shopper had set them down.

The shopper stated she contacted the corporate office and was told that the complaint is a civil issue. The store manager said that the surveillance camera was down, and she was unable to confirm the woman’s story. She was advised to contact the DPD if anyone should return the merchandise.


An officer was dispatched June 26 to Kegler Street in reference to a complaint of harassment.

The caller asked for police assistance in evicting an unwanted individual from her home.

The individual agreed to leave.


An officer was dispatched June 27 to Jackson Street in reference to a report of a female subject who was seen trespassing on property where a home had burned.

The homeowner reported the trespasser was crouching in an area hidden by a short knee wall. She was advised to leave and not return.

The homeowner was advised to post the property with “no trespassing” signs. She requested more patrol in the area.


An officer was dispatched to Hadley Blvd., in reference to a report of a domestic argument.

A woman alleged that she asked her boyfriend to leave and not come back, and he got mad and started punching holes in the interior doors.

The woman stated the subject had been drinking.

She told the officer the man left when she told him she was calling the police; however, she expressed concerned that the man did not take all of his belongings, and she did not want him to have that as an excuse to return to the home.

The officer advised her to pack up the man’s things and call and make an arrangement for him to pick up his possessions at an alternative location, or contact the DPD and an officer will come to the home to keep the peace while he collected his belongings.

The woman was further advised to contact the DPD if the man returned.