
Teresa Lee

Close To Home

Not quite a native Ripley Countian - she attended only her last year of high school in Doniphan though she taught in the R-1 system for 32 years - Teresa (Pearson) Lee delights in surprising readers and herself with anecdotal observations of life in general. Maybe you can blame her St.Louis roots for a quirky humor and some slightly-askewed opinions, but never doubt she writes from the heart. For additional writings, check out her Close to Home Blog.

Close To Home - Respect To The PN

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The nineteenth of June’s for our Prospect,

One cannot dispute its effect.

To satisfy a need,

One just has to read.

Our weekly deserves much respect.

It has lived to one hundred and fifty,

Its impact is special and nifty.

In its pages you’ll find

Lots of treats for your mind.

It does much to uplift our dear city.

Did Donnettes win or lose? What’s the score?

You’ll see photos and stats and much more!

What’s the city up to?

They’ve so much to do!

And the county is never a bore.

The Dons drum up chatter galore,

We find out what else is in store -

From the jazziful band

In step ‘cross the land,

To tales of our colorful lore.

There’s much in its newsworthy pages

That brings joy to our folks through the ages.

We learn from the past,

Time surely flies fast!

The staff should be called tip-top sages.

From those who do acts so sublime

To those who commited a crime,

Have items to sell?

The classifieds will tell.

The Prospect is well worth your time.

Mother Nature creates lots of news,

She often decides to confuse.

The newsroom does share

And helps us show care.

Her storms, floods and winds don’t amuse.

Best wishes to the Prospect held dear

By readers very far and quite near.

Don’t fail to subscribe,

To join a grand tribe.

We’ll keep reading in print, never fear!

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