March 14, 2024

I can’t believe how fast the week has passed. I love to see all the white blooms on the pear trees. Things are starting to bloom everywhere. My yellow bush is beautiful, I am sure you know what I’m talking about. Just can’t spell the proper name of the plant. ...

I can’t believe how fast the week has passed. I love to see all the white blooms on the pear trees. Things are starting to bloom everywhere. My yellow bush is beautiful, I am sure you know what I’m talking about. Just can’t spell the proper name of the plant. LOL LOL. Daffodils are beautiful also. Even the grass is turning green. I so enjoy looking out my living room down at my pond. I am looking out and saw a hawk scoop down and get something out of the pond. I don’t think it was a fish because it hasn’t had fish in it for years. I hope to try and put some in it so I can go down and fish. I love to fish. I just don’t like fishing by myself.

Also, it is so nice to be able to open the door and enjoy the beautiful sunny day and the blessing that the Lord gives to us. We are so blessed and should be more thankful for all that the Lord gives to us every day.

Saturday, March 2, I had a birthday dinner for my twins Matt and Mark Hudson, in celebration of their 35th birthday. I need to say they sure came in like lions when they were born. Those who attended were Matt and his children Hunter, Adysyn, Aden, Harley, Mark and his wife Heather, Cooper and of course me. We enjoyed a nice visit, and it thrills my heart when my children and grandchildren come for a visit.

The month is now about half over and soon we will celebrate Easter. Easter is not about the Easter egg hunts or all the decorations or the Easter Bunny. It is about our Savior who was put to death and rose on the third day. It is about God giving his son up for us to have salvation, repent of our sins and accept Him as our savior. I hope if you do not attend church that you find one to attend this Easter. If you do not have a church to attend, I would like to invite you to come join us at Faith Life Christian Church located on 160E. Across from Wright Park east of Doniphan.

Bunco for March is on Thursday the 28th at Ponder Community Center on 142 West towards Gatewood School. Come out and join the fun and fellowship of friends playing Bunco. Bring a snack, finger food or a covered dish.

I enjoyed time with Candy Martin and Alexander Martin. Alexander calls me Grandma Nene, and that fills my heart with lots of love. Together we made a trap to catch the Leprechaun for St. Patrick’s Day. So I fixed up a cute little box trap with lots of gold to catch him with. Also, Lucky Charm cereal.

Lord’s blessing and Lord’s healing for those who need healing. Give strength to us all to handle the things that may have us down and we’re not able to deal with. Remember God loves you and so do I. Amen
