Circuit Thoughts – Simple
Is it that simple? I mean really, is it that simple? John 3:16 tells us that, “God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life.” Honestly, shouldn’t it be a bit more complicated than that?
We live in a very complicated world. Our houses now have information hubs wired in. Our phones have more computing power than the entire Apollo Space program. Our cars talk to us and now we are looking at Artificial Intelligence. You can’t just get a simple cup of coffee, it must be blonde, or dark and have all sorts of funky stuff in it. Even our milk is getting a bit too complicated. So why is God’s gift of salvation so simple?
Because God doesn’t want anyone to be lost. Yes, it is that simple. God has provided a way for humanity to be saved from their sins. Sin is a death penalty. There is no future in sin. From the very beginning of humanity, when Adam and Eve decided to disobey, we have been dying. Sin means no life. We’ve separated ourselves from God and have tried to go it alone. And we have failed miserably.
Yet, God sent his son to fix all of that. Christ came to earth, lived among us, and then took our sins to the tree. He died, so that we may live. He did this out of love for us.
You see, while we have spent the last few thousand years trying to be gods, God has been working for us just being with him. The sin of Adam and Eve was the fact they wanted to be gods and not be with God. God has just laid the groundwork for getting us back into a relationship with him. So, he kept it simple. Believe in Christ, it’s that simple. Paul tells us in Romans 10:9, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” See, it doesn’t get complicated.
We no longer have to offer burnt sacrifices or libations. We don’t have to promise to give him our firstborn child or our fortunes. All we have to do is believe. Now what is so hard about that?
We should be sharing this message. We don’t have to teach any secret words or phrases. There is no secret high sign or handshake. There is only the simple belief in Christ as our savior. What boggles the mind is why aren’t there more believers?
Look, if you are a believer, then you know everything you need to know the share the Good News. You don’t need a seminary degree; you just need to do it. Simple. God made a way, and all we have to do is believe. See, Simple.
Just a thought.
Shalom my friends. See you in church.