Oh, the places a child’s outstretched hand can take us…to baby bunnies, newly hatched chicks, newborn “kids” and their nanny. To water’s edge and beyond; to tadpoles, crawdads, fish and frogs.
A child’s hands bring us…beautiful bouquets of dandelions, weeds, goldenrod, daffodils or zinnias, leaves, and a few brightly colored bird feathers. A crayoned picture they’ve worked fervently on, just for us. Through a child’s eye we see more clearly; more purely. They don’t question how a loving Father paints the sunrises and sunsets with a magic paintbrush. They want to make sure you know, that heavenly bowling masquerades as a thunderstorm, and they know that’s true because their grandpa told them so.
A child brings kisses and hugs when we don’t think we need them, but do; I love yous that don’t come with any conditions or stipulations; naturally bubbling forth from a pure and joyful heart. Their voices sing spontaneously about itsy bitsy spiders, wheels on the bus, how Jesus loves the little children and how Jesus loves me.
We are reminded of all that is good, all that is sacred, all that is beautiful and magnificent about the world we live in. When a child is born, hope is reborn. We will never forget what is important, what is real, and what is true, if we always gauge and measure this journey on earth through the eyes, hands and hearts of children.
“Children are the hands by which we take hold of Heaven.”
~ Henry Ward Beecher