The other day, I had jotted down a few words so I would remember an idea I thought would make a good subject for my blurb this week. However, I am preoccupied now. A friend just called and reported a violent incident which occurred last night. She had taken the steps necessary to protect herself and her family.
Sometimes one of the most powerful interventions we can have with a person who is hurting, is just to listen. I have the phrase “Let go and let God” plastered in a couple places in my kitchen to remind me of just that. Sometimes we all want to fix a situation so badly that we “play God” and do what we THINK is the right thing to do. We complicate situations by not getting out of God’s way and letting Him do His job. One of the hardest lessons I have learned, am still learning, and have not fully learned yet, is to GET OUT OF HIS WAY AND LET GOD BE GOD.
I am learning boundaries which is a new concept for me. Tough love is a new concept for me. If I am to believe Him and have faith, I must come to a point where I realize every step I take during the day, He has ordered. He knew the call from my friend was coming. So, we listen. We offer assurance. We listen. We give affirmation. We listen. We let them know we are available. We listen. We listen. We pray. We let God be God.