It seems most are excited at the possibility of lots of snow. I guess the younger generation is more excited than us older generation. A lot of the older generation fear falling and no one there to help us up if we do. I have put my order in for spring to come early. I guess with Ground Hog Day in just a few days he will tell us if spring is here or not. The weatherman sure is telling us a different story that is for sure.
I want to say a big “thank you,” to my daughter-in-law, Heather Hudson’s, dad Roy Marsh for taking me to the doctor on Friday. I felt so bad and didn’t feel like driving for sure. My doctor told me that I was real close to having pneumonia again. It seems like every winter anymore I end up with pneumonia and feel horrible for about 4 to 5 weeks. Just keep me in your prayers, thankful each day I’m a little better.
Time for February birthdays and anniversaries: (1st) Joyce Redus, Dylan Murdock, (2nd) Gracelyn Brandon (3rd) Billy Raderstorf, Aden Hudson, (4th) Colton Cochran, (5th) Marlene Westenberger, (6th) Abby Cannon (11th) Sam Leroux, (13th) Opal Phillips, Fred Moore, Ronnie Hubbard, (15th) Jennifer Mandry, (17th) Wendell Murdock, (18th) Ethan McNece, Audie Holland, (19th) Carolyn Dunkin, (20th) Linda Orick, (21st) Janice Reeves, (1st) Leigh Ann and Tim Collins, (17th) Patty and Billy Broyles, (20th) Gloria and David Foster. May the Lord bless your special day with great memories, much love for a special day. Thank you Lord for those who are celebrating a special time. Amen
As you know it will soon be Valentine’s Day. So, what special things will you do for your special person in your life. Candy, flowers, or both. Maybe a night out, especially if you have children, a date night would be good. Do something special for each other, not because it is expected of you, but because you love them enough to do it. It doesn’t just have to be the love of your life; it also doing something nice for a friend.
Bunco for February will be on the 23rd at the Ponder Community Center on Highway 142 West toward Gatewood. Bring a snack, covered dish or finger food. Come on out and join the fun and fellowship of playing Bunco. If you don’t know, what Bunco is it is a dice game.
When I first started writing this week, there was the thought of snow coming our way. As you know it really unloaded on us in so many ways. I am hoping that mother nature now has it out of her system and we are ready to look forward to spring. Many lost electric, phone, and internet. I was so glad when they got the phone and internet especially going. To all of the lineman at Ozark Border and Windstream you are our heros and thank you for leaving your families to take care of all of us. Lord’s blessing on all of you.
Lord, we pray for the safety of so many and watch over them. We pray that the worst is over and soon this will all be just a memory. Lord, praise for all you do for us. Healing those who are in need of your touch and strength for those who cannot do it alone. In thy name we pray, Amen