December 6, 2022

Judy Russell of Grandin called. She enjoys my column, she sends the paper to her brother in Chicago who enjoys it too. I enjoy writing and GLAD to hear she enjoys reading it. She remembers Sam and I coming to Pinewoods Truck Stop. As well as us using Russell’s Butcher Shop and the sow’s nose touched the floor and her feet touched their high ceiling. She was hanging, not standing. We had big hogs. One weighed 750 pounds and brought 53 cents a pound...

Judy Russell of Grandin called. She enjoys my column, she sends the paper to her brother in Chicago who enjoys it too. I enjoy writing and GLAD to hear she enjoys reading it.

She remembers Sam and I coming to Pinewoods Truck Stop. As well as us using Russell’s Butcher Shop and the sow’s nose touched the floor and her feet touched their high ceiling. She was hanging, not standing. We had big hogs. One weighed 750 pounds and brought 53 cents a pound.

Some folks traveled to have Thanksgiving with family. Several folks had family enjoying the day with them. Bill had brought food on Wednesday and I had good leftovers.

Marty brought a plate over from the FEMA Community Meal. The plate was loaded and very GOOD leftovers.

Viola Crites and I had our chat on Sunday evening too. I had asked her how Livitucis applies to us today? I also asked the preacher. He had a lesson Sunday. Said the book is written TO the Livical Priests and was fulfilled when Christ came but, it is a form of government set in motion by God himself to be used today.

Allen had scripture to show how it DOES apply today just not the sacrifices, offerings, and isolation of the ill. Lepers are still isolated AND sick. Folks are in the hospital for care. I passed that information on to Viola. Course, we chatted in general. She was just saying goodbye to a visitor. She didn’t leave home on the rainy ole day. It turned quite cool in the evening, breezy too.

Had help from a customer at The Store. She pumped my gas, took money, got my milk brought my change AND milk to me. APPRECIATE that. Had help carrying the groceries. We hugged too. I LIKE the help AND the hugs.

Bill and Andrea visited after we’d all been to church. They both did chores. One was more involved than I realized it would be but, I REALLY LIKE the results. Tall helpers seem to forget I’m a shorty.

APPRECIATE the rain. KNOW colder weather is coming and I got some propane delivered and I’ve had heat on and off this week. KNOW the farmers appreciate the rain too.

Still sickness. Two surgeries went successful. Both were eye surgeries. One teen doesn’t need glasses anymore. Think that is good. Have one sister that needed glasses in grade school.

HOPE its a GOOD week for ALL.
