July 26, 2022

There was a lot of excitement on Highway 142 West last week with all the little fires that arose from an 18-wheeler flat. Instead of pulling over he allowed sparks to shoot out and this started the fires. The volunteer fire departments are in need of volunteers to help with fighting fires. Many of the departments do not have up to date addresses since the addresses changed. Please take the time to notify your area fire department. Please make sure you send in your fire dues...

There was a lot of excitement on Highway 142 West last week with all the little fires that arose from an 18-wheeler flat. Instead of pulling over he allowed sparks to shoot out and this started the fires. The volunteer fire departments are in need of volunteers to help with fighting fires. Many of the departments do not have up to date addresses since the addresses changed. Please take the time to notify your area fire department. Please make sure you send in your fire dues.

We got just enough rain to settle the dust. We really need a lot more. The rain would help with all the hot temperatures. I told someone, I wonder if the reason for our temps and no rain is because the government is messing with the weather. They sure are messing with everything else like gas and food prices.

I enjoyed lunch with Gloria Schleh on Wednesday before going to physical therapy. We met at Patsy’s. While there I got to see many people I haven’t seen in a long time. The food was so good and nice having someone else cook. It is hard to really want to cook just for one person and not end up throwing a lot of food away because leftovers get old before you eat them all. I enjoyed our visit and look forward to it again one day.

Prayers and love to Kay Adams and family. Our deepest sympathy for the loss of her husband Pat. We send all our prayers to his family and many friends. May the Lord be with you and give you strength.

Just one more week and July will be over and hello August. Lord, we pray for more rain soon. Give strength to those in need and healing for those who need your touch. Remember God loves you and so do I. Amen.

If you are in need of finding a home church, come join us for service at Faith Life Christian Church, Highway 160E.
