August 31, 2021

I haven’t been to a large Walmart in a long while, since way before COVID germs were a deterrent. Visits to a mini version are sporadic. I’m sure Halloween infiltrated an aisle or two weeks ago, judging by online ads and quick sashays into area Dollar General establishments. We are not taking seriously the reminders to be mindful of our moments - our PRESENT moments!...

I haven’t been to a large Walmart in a long while, since way before COVID germs were a deterrent. Visits to a mini version are sporadic. I’m sure Halloween infiltrated an aisle or two weeks ago, judging by online ads and quick sashays into area Dollar General establishments. We are not taking seriously the reminders to be mindful of our moments - our PRESENT moments!

Days, weekends, weeks speed past us while we are in the midst of planning for ways to fill their hours. Time hides unless we seek to enjoy the NOW it gives us. The globe has not expanded, but our access to it has, in a variety of venues. Who doesn’t feel the tug to cram as much as possible into - you’ve heard it - the time we have left. That haunting phrase is a thief - stealing from us precious moments that bond us more deeply to our earth and each other.

Autumn arrives in 21 days. Till then summer wants to sit with us to enjoy: the scents of late blooms, cut grass, warm rains; to listen to morning birds, muffled laughter of floaters up river, music from a neighbor’s radio, late crickets, the rhythmical creak of the porch swing; to see swirling clouds in colorful sunsets, silent dragonfly ripples on the river’s surface, surprising pops of color along the roadways, strangers’ smiles in comings and goings; to savor sweet late-season watermelons, sips of iced tea and lemonade to cool off; to cherish the touch of a child or grandchild’s hand, hugs too long between, pet snuggles, cool sheets.

Cramming is a short-term tactic in school studies AND life. That stuff fades quickly. It’s the slow, steady, deliberately focused actions that stick with us, smiles in the moments to be lovingly recalled in memories. Seize summer!
