May 18, 2021

Today, May 13, you and I celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. As you are fond of saying, “Sometimes it seems like yesterday and then sometimes, it feels like a LOT longer!”  Thank you for:  Our children and our grandchildren. Who knew when we started out all those years ago, we’d be blessed with both. “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” (John Wooden.) You practiced this daily through the years...

Today, May 13, you and I celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. As you are fond of saying, “Sometimes it seems like yesterday and then sometimes, it feels like a LOT longer!” 

Thank you for: 

Our children and our grandchildren. Who knew when we started out all those years ago, we’d be blessed with both. “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” (John Wooden.) You practiced this daily through the years.

Sticking with me, through thick and thin (mostly thick)  all these years. 

Letting me lean on your faith,  when I had no faith of my own. Encouragement through despair. Reminding me that God and you had my back no matter what. 

Knowing me better than anyone, except God. 

Helping me with reality orientation. “This is Thursday, right?” “Can you remind me to not forget?” 

Recognizing that I’m not able to do things as quickly or even at all, like I used to, and loving me anyway. 

Making my present life handicap accessible, so I can still do all the things I love to do.  

Seeing me through your eyes, when the mirror tells quite another story. 

For all this and so much more, thank you Danny. Happy Anniversary. With all my love, always. Becky
