I try to make choices sublime.
I research and fuss all the time.
The lines get so blurred
From ‘fact’ to ‘I heard’
That surely I could lose my mind.
Eat catfish deep-fried or not so.
I search for the experts, you know,
But chef or a doc,
My tastebuds or clock?
My brain flip-flops long to and fro.
Take shots or just skip the vaccine?
No matter which way, folks are mean.
The ‘facts’ both ways sway
And change day by day!
My patience with ‘experts’ grows lean.
The river is calling to float,
By tube or by kayak or boat?
I may do all three,
Each time with KC’s.
I’m thrilled river’s not a dark moat.
Does Facebook provide all you need?
The newspaper surely you read.
The PN is great,
It will set folks straight.
So read it for facts, you won’t bleed.
This poem is for fun, hope you see,
For Limerick Day and for me,
I hope you do smile,
Don’t think I’m senile,
For sharing some rhyme glee with thee.