Not only was it a pleasurable relief, but it was downright exciting, for the Handy Church congregation to have Bob and Jeanetta Featherston with us in the morning church service last Sunday, Jan. 3. Since our regular pastor, Bro. Robert Brown, had obligations that hindered him from being present that day, some of us wondered if Bro. Bob would be available to “fill in” as speaker for us. Thankfully, when contacted, he readily agreed, even though it was short notice. Of course, he did an excellent job, just as he always did when he previously pastored full-time here.
Words cannot express the appreciation we feel toward both Bro. and Sister Featherston, both of whom we all love dearly.
We missed Vicky Elliott, Gary and Shooki Hilton and John and Janet Hoskins on Sunday morning, but were greatly pleased that Johnny Davis was present, as his piano accompaniment is vitally needed, and it is greatly missed when he is unable to be here. We were also thrilled that Polly Sisco managed to be there after a few weeks absence due to various hindrances.
Of course we will be thrilled to have our regular pastors, Bro. Robert Brown and his wife Kristy, back next Sunday after their two week absence.
We send condolences to the family of Laverne Cothren in the loss of her sister, Shirley. May God comfort each one as only He can. Also, we send thoughts and prayers out to the family of Kathleen Armour who recently passed away. Kathleen was well-known and respected throughout the area.