Dwayne Wallace was in Ellsinore recently giving a helping hand to folks with septic tank problems. He had the exact tool to remedy the problem and made short work of the repairs. Seems things were not installed right to begin with. Later he and Freda dropped by with turnips and pears for me. I don’t cook much anymore but like turnips and appreciate getting some. Like pears too but, seldom cook or can them anymore.
The ladies of the Assembly Church were selling Krispy Kreme donuts at the four-way on Friday. It’s an annual event at the start of deer season. They have ham and beans/chicken and dumplings supper Saturday evening.
Seems like the sniffles and colds just keep hanging on. Feel better folks. Sympathy to those who lost loved ones and friends. Know I care.
The rest of the story ... 21 family and friends attended the birthday party and baptism of Annah Downs of Strafford, Mo. It was an enjoyable time for all and safe travels.
Having no city clerk is rather an inconvenience. Puzzles me the position is so hard to keep filled. Seems Ellsinore has a problem hiring local qualified people.
We had snow and cold move in and there was no music this month at 20 Nobel Street. This isn’t the earliest snow we’ve had. Had one in October one year. Sam and I had gone to the All Breeds Bull Sale at Farmington. We bid, but didn’t buy. It was the last Saturday of October. We came out, the ground was covered with snow and it snowed all the way home. Had enough for snow cream that time, not this time.
Travis Carter walked/talked me through the new addition of the Bank of Grandin at Ellsinore. Fixed me a cup of hot chocolate as we visited. I appreciated the personal touch. Liked seeing the end result of the interior.
Monday the 18th was my day to go to Dexter. I visit Marie Kester at Cypress Point. We ate dinner, this time it was ham and beans. Corn bread, fried potatoes and Jello cake. We watched the birds, they have a new one. We visited. I took her goodies. It’s fun to watch/hear her reveal her finds.
Seems like store/business and even some people are rushing things. The peeps were gone before Halloween even got here. I got some but, none were even there at Halloween. Some folks and businesses have Christmas trees up and Thanksgiving isn’t here yet. Christmas merchandise is always out early.
I visit Linda Varner, Judi Peck and Mary Ann while in Dexter we eat out and visit. They live in that area and are friends. I met them on my first trip with USA Tours and I visit Ann Glore and family. She was cooking deer meat. Both Michael Glore and Tristin Brown each got a doe. Ann worked at the Ellsinore Nutrition Center with me for school credit.