August 21, 2019

Wedenesday, Aug. 21 is a national holiday, one with a presidential proclamation issued in 1988 and all that. I am not thrilled about celebrating it myself, because I don’t think I fit the target group. Baby boomers out there...what about you? It is National Senior Citizens Day. For several reasons based solely on my view of the elderly when I was a youngster, I am not a senior yet because:...

Wedenesday, Aug. 21 is a national holiday, one with a presidential proclamation issued in 1988 and all that. I am not thrilled about celebrating it myself, because I don’t think I fit the target group. Baby boomers out there...what about you?

It is National Senior Citizens Day. For several reasons based solely on my view of the elderly when I was a youngster, I am not a senior yet because:

*I still have real teeth. A few are missing, but I have enough and they are mine. (There are valid reasons for having false teeth at any age... but still).

*My closet holds trendy clothes. (Well, several eras of them in different sizes, but that’s another issue).

*I do not own a housecoat or duster. (That’s the purpose my oversized tees serve till I do.... WHEN I’m 100 and IF they come in tie-dye).

*It is never my intention to have my earrings match my necklace and have my purse match shoes and belt. (Though I would ADORE wearing hats, I don’t so that’s that).

*I do not tat or crochet items that anyone in my family would cherish as an heirloom. ( I can knit functional/durable stuff that is nowhere near ‘ooh and aah’ worthy).

*I don’t stay home long enough to learn to crochet or tat magnificent creations. I have a gasoline-fueled lifestyle.

*My garden... that’s a term used loosely... has greenery in it I can’t name or make tea and cure ills with.

*Canning? Can’t do it and don’t want to learn. That pressure cooker gizmo is scary.

There ARE signs that senior citizenhood is sneaking up. I do love a rocking chair though I always have. It’s even better with a cat in my lap. I safeguard special family recipes and I can bake a pretty yummy chocolate chip cookie and brownie. I have started drinking coffee and liking it. Perhaps the most startling difference is a nenewed reverence for all breathing creatures, even the critters I am afraid of or find disgusting. It is hard to swat a fly or smoosh a spider. I will give a snake its space and hope it gives me mine. Mosquitoes are pesky for sure but they are on the food chain to feed others so my strategy is now based on preventing them getting close rather than waiting for them to so I can end my aggravation. Sounds a bit far out, but it surprises me, too.

In his Presidential Proclamation in 1988 President Ronald Reagan said “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older.”

No one owes me any thanks nor do I expect to be saluted, but I do want Doniphan to be a good place for all of us to feel safe and connected as we age.

Happy Senior Citizens Day to my elders!
