May 14, 2019

Our restaurant here in Naylor, “Becca’s Restaurant”, closed May 3. The senior center and Naylor One Stop serve lunch but a restaurant in town is really needed and people to support it. Now, that’s my opinion! I really goofed in last week’s news. I changed Betty Abernathy’s son’s name from Roger to Robert. A big mistake. Probably won’t be my last. I only know of one person that was perfect - and He walked on water!!...

Our restaurant here in Naylor, “Becca’s Restaurant”, closed May 3. The senior center and Naylor One Stop serve lunch but a restaurant in town is really needed and people to support it. Now, that’s my opinion!

I really goofed in last week’s news. I changed Betty Abernathy’s son’s name from Roger to Robert. A big mistake. Probably won’t be my last. I only know of one person that was perfect - and He walked on water!!

Brenda Allen spent a few days in Columbia to attend her and Bernard’s grandson Brock’s band concert on Sunday afternoon. Then on Monday night she attended their granddaughter, Liza’s orchestra concert. A proud grandmother truly enjoyed both events. Bernard was unable to attend.

Mother’s Day has come and gone until next May. So very often since my mother went to be with Jesus whom she loved, there are many things I have wished I had asked her, I miss her loving smile and her patience with my dad after a stroke had disabled him. Although it has been many years since she’s been gone, I know I’ll see her again and she will welcome me home. If your mother is still here, love her while you can. We only have one.

A grade school teacher was asked by a student, “Why do we ignore some letters pronunciation like the letter H, in hour and honor?” The teacher said, “We are not ignoring them they are considered silent.” During the lunch hour, the teacher gave the student her packed lunch and asked if she would take it in the cafeteria and heat it for her. After heating it, the student then returned the empty container to the teacher. She looked at it and said, “I asked you to heat my lunch, not eat it.” The student replied, “I thought the H was silent.”
