Icy Awe
My nose is cold, as are my toes,
Layers reign, with robe over clothes.
When will the thaw come? No one knows.
Many saying, “My water froze.”
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I’ve tired quickly of TV shows,
When I turn it on, soon I doze,
Imagining , as the wind blows -
Dreaming of hums when neighbor mows.
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Reading…tiime well spent, I suppose.
Fun, suspense, villains and heroes.
Getting too hot, flinging the throws,
Then chilly, buried in burrows.
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Watching weather for highs and lows;
Drones confirm the river still flows.
Spring will bring a beautiful rose,
If after this, it lives and grows.
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A squirrel thrives on bounty he stows
In summer, and a tow truck tows
Then, too, and now for icy woes
Causing cold trials and sorrows.
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Keep eyes open, don’t let them close,
Or miss His gifts not wrapped in bows.
As you rest on warm soft pillows
Pray for all the souls without those.
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Lovely scores with harps and cellos
Don’t reach ears of all earth’s fellows.
In prayer and work bend your elbows,
Praising God for storms and rainbows.
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All of nature is in the throes -
Of icing, freezing, winds and snows.
Many plan their gardens in rows;
Mother Nature - she also sows.
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Time, in this frigid air, it slows.
Make quilts - machine sings as it sews.
Create - in poetry or prose -
Tales of intriguing friends and foes.
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Warming hearts are smiles and hellos.
Jack Frost cheers us as off he goes.
Ol’ Man Winter surely bellows
As the sun sets and the sky glows.
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My windows frame birds, bucks and does
As happ’ly these lines I compose.
One can’t price what he really owes
For the grace and love God bestows.
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