Chaos Never Dies Day - 11/9
I’d be the first to admit I’m not farmer material; however, my eight years owning one rank right up there as a highlight of my time on this planet, one with adventure, learning, awesome beauty in the unexpected and yes, a bit of chaos for good measure.
One day a weird, wild summer storm moved through as I waited on the road shoulder a few miles from my driveway. Hail whitened the landscape and the car danced with the gusty winds. It was an eerie sight driving the lane to the house. Limbs down, which meant fences down, and calves everywhere but where they were supposed to be. Moving those animals to a secure field was a major feat.
Another time the whole herd decided to saunter down the middle of the highway just before dark. When communicating with animals, panic is a major distraction, so I waited until they were all back down the lane behind the chained gate before I fell apart at the ‘what-could-have-happeneds’ that swarmed through my brain. Multiple times several cows enjoyed stomping and munching through my flowerbeds. As funny as it sounds, Jake the chihuahua could get them back through the gate better than I could. All I had to do was stand still and be quiet.
I’m a slow learner. It’s futile to chase one lone piglet that appears lost and frightened. Zig-zagging through the brush in hose and dress shoes put me at a distinct disadvantage, but I was determined to save the poor helpless baby, anticipating the relief of its momma when I returned the prodigal pig to its pen. I’m glad no one was around to see that crazy commotion. When I finally had it cornered, no doubt the only source of any fear it might have felt, I had the light bulb moment that it was all for naught. Was I actually going to grab that critter? Nope. So I traipsed my tattered self through the briars toward the house. I guess it let itself back in the way it got out, because a headcount later indicated all was well.
November 9 is Chaos Never Dies Day. Let’s hope not. It’s a catalyst of change and keeps life interesting.
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